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Video: Hoe om 'n meervoudige keuringsopname te maak op interaktiewe AhaSlides-aanbiedings


Mark Barnes 16 Augustus, 2022 2 min lees

Polls are a simple way to learn about the audience, to gather their thoughts and express them in a meaningful visualization. Once you set up a multiple choice poll on AhaSlides, participants can cast their votes through their devices and the results are updated in real-time.

Tutoriaal video

Die video-tutoriaal hieronder wys hoe 'n meervoudigekeuse-peiling werk:

In this tutorial, you will learn how to locate and choose the slide type and add a question with options and view it live. You’ll also see the audience’s point of view and see how they interact with your presentation. Finally you’ll see how the presentation updates live as results are entered into your slide by your audience with their mobile phones.

Dit is so maklik soos dit!

At AhaSlides we have loads of ways to spruce up your presentation and raak u gehoor betrokke en interaksie. Van Q & A-skyfies tot Woordwolke and of course the ability to poll your audience. There are plenty of possibilities awaiting you.

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Further Reads:

More interactive tips with AhaSlides