ከማህበረሰቡ የመጡ አብነቶች

የእኛ ድንቅ ተጠቃሚዎች ከፍተኛ ጥራት ያላቸውን አብነቶች ይሠራሉ። ሌሎች እንዴት እንደሚጠቀሙ ይመልከቱ AhaSlides እና ፈጠራዎቻቸውን ከአድማጮችዎ ጋር ይጠቀሙ!

ከባዶ ጀምር
የሚቀጥለው የሩብ ዓመት እቅድ - ለስኬት ዝግጅት
28 ስላይዶች

የሚቀጥለው የሩብ ዓመት እቅድ - ለስኬት ዝግጅት

ይህ መመሪያ ለቀጣዩ ሩብ አመት አሳታፊ የእቅድ ክፍለ ጊዜ ሂደትን ይዘረዝራል፣ ግልጽ አቅጣጫ እና ስኬትን ለማረጋገጥ በማሰላሰል፣ ቃል ኪዳኖች፣ ቅድሚያ የሚሰጣቸው ጉዳዮች እና የቡድን ስራ ላይ ያተኩራል።

አሃ-ኦፊሴላዊ-avt.svg AhaSlides ባለሥልጣን ደራሲ-ተፈተሸ.svg

ማውረድ.svg 112

Hà Lê.DP02.L4
41 ስላይዶች

Hà Lê.DP02.L4

Sự phát triển tâm lý của giai đoạn mẫu giáo 2-6T


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10 ስላይዶች

You’re at the cafeteria, and everyone lines up quietly to grab food

Mohammad Jahanaray

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17 ስላይዶች


The presentation explores the alignment of styles, identifies key vocabulary in scientific style, categorizes style types, and examines the characteristics of functional style.

Karine Miqayelyan

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Cell References
12 ስላይዶች

Cell References

Carlos Miguel Renderos Hernandez

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10 ስላይዶች


ችግር እና መፍትሄ

Chona O. Castor

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Shakespeare or Taylor Swift?
15 ስላይዶች

Shakespeare or Taylor Swift?

Exploring human emotion, vengeance, and artistic longing, both Shakespeare and Swift evoke the pain of existence and the search for truth in a world of illusions and dreams.

Yana Chyzhyk

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code sprint 2025
9 ስላይዶች

code sprint 2025

This presentation covers Java program outputs, time calculations, number sequences, strategic game plays, profit/loss analysis, and tank filling problems involving pipes.

ሳቲሽ ኩማር

ማውረድ.svg 1

choose the areas you would like our team to focus on as an area of improvement for 2025
3 ስላይዶች

choose the areas you would like our team to focus on as an area of improvement for 2025

Explore potential activities to enhance team performance, focusing on identifying areas that could yield the most valuable improvements for our overall effectiveness.

People Group

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Você já tinha ouvido falar da sindrome
3 ስላይዶች

Você já tinha ouvido falar da sindrome

The presentation explores the "Salomão Syndrome," encouraging self-reflection on its impact, previous awareness, and ways to overcome it through shared positive words.

Mike Carrol

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Joc de Numerotaie: 1-10
11 ስላይዶች

Joc de Numerotaie: 1-10

Explorați numerotarea de la 1 la 10 prin întrebări despre imagini, ordine corectă, asocieri cantitative și aplicații zilnice. Jocuri și activități interactive în matematică!

ሮክሳና ራዱ

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10 ስላይዶች

How Engineering Businesses Can Avoid Financial Losses with Industrial All Risk, Erection All Risk, a

The high-risk operational environment for engineering businesses puts them at risk for financial losses from equipment breakdowns, natural calamities and unpredictable incidents.

የመጀመሪያ ፖሊሲ

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🔹 Қазіргі мектептің басты мақсаты не?
1 ስላይዶች

🔹 Қазіргі мектептің басты мақсаты не?

Bolat Munbaev

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reporting verbs revision
8 ስላይዶች

reporting verbs revision


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8 ስላይዶች

Combien de programmes de nurturing existent ?

Marine Moinard

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AI-ronic Quiz: Test Your Knowledge with a Side of Laughter!
7 ስላይዶች

AI-ronic Quiz: Test Your Knowledge with a Side of Laughter!

Welcome to the AI-ronic Quiz! Get ready to tickle your brain and your funny bone as you dive into a series of hilarious questions about AI, GenAI, and the world of data analytics. Whether you're a tec

Cătălina Țăruș

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20 ስላይዶች

Project Management Stakeholder Analysis

Project Management Stakeholder Analysis

Juan Carlos Díaz Toledo

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¿Cuál es la dieta de cada dinosaurio?
3 ስላይዶች

¿Cuál es la dieta de cada dinosaurio?

Explore dinosaurs by habitat, their diets, and match pairs of dinosaur types with their dietary needs in this engaging overview of prehistoric life.

Maria Jose Cano

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11 ስላይዶች

Numără stelele

Marioara Gaia

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L'ascesa del Nazismo
26 ስላይዶች

L'ascesa del Nazismo

The slides cover key events in Nazi Germany, including the Munich Conference, the Reichstag Fire, the rise of Hitler, the 1923 hyperinflation, and the impact of the Great Depression on the NSDAP.

ሲልቪያ ታንክሬዲ

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Подсказки в ABA-терапии
14 ስላይዶች

Подсказки в ABA-терапии

Ксения Пожидаева

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Wat is groepbegeleide lees?
5 ስላይዶች

Wat is groepbegeleide lees?

This slide discusses the correct sequencing of GBL steps, its implementation in GF classes, and explains what group-guided reading entails for effective learning.

Carike Kriel

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10 ስላይዶች


Astronauts can manage CIMON's annoyance, categorize tasks, learn CIMON's intended functions, and understand that CIMON stands for "Crew Interactive Mobile Companion."

John Edward Padilla

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Training Solutions Webinar
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Training Solutions Webinar

Quisha Umemba

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6 ስላይዶች


Sara Sposato

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Весёлые уроки финансовой грамотности
12 ስላይዶች

Весёлые уроки финансовой грамотности

Эта през


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9 ስላይዶች


አንቶኒ ስዩማል

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4 ስላይዶች

Which non-parametric test compares medians between two groups?

Jenie Pescadero

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11 ስላይዶች

Hire an App Localization Expert Expand Your Global Reach with Pape...

Hire a skilled app localization expert on Paperub to adapt your app for global markets, ensuring cultural accuracy and linguistic precision effortlessly.

Andrew Crow

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12 ስላይዶች


The slide reflects on how the speaker’s character and habits are inherited from their mother, expressing deep sorrow over her sacrifices and hardships, emphasizing her vital role in their life.

ፋም ሆንግ ኑንግ

ማውረድ.svg 2

4 ስላይዶች


Analyze definitions in Column A and match them with corresponding items in Column B. A lucky winner will provide the correct answers.

Helen Mabuang

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Click to add จับคู่คำศัพท์ทางคอมพิวเตอร์ในคอลัมน์ A กับคำอธิบายที่ถูกต้องในคอลัมน์ Bquestion
3 ስላይዶች

Click to add จับคู่คำศัพท์ทางคอมพิวเตอร์ในคอลัมน์ A กับคำอธิบายที่ถูกต้องในคอลัมน์ Bquestion

ประภัสสร เมี่ยงบัว

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15 ስላይዶች

Razones por las cuales las personas trabajan

The presentation explores various reasons why people work, discussing motivations, tools associated with different professions, and the significance of work in their lives.

Yesica Cardoso

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Mastering Teaching Frameworks: Bloom, Marzano, & Webb
35 ስላይዶች

Mastering Teaching Frameworks: Bloom, Marzano, & Webb

Students design a business model, exploring pricing, while analyzing Bloom's and Marzano's frameworks for teaching. They tackle varying DOK levels to promote deep thinking in lessons.

Rhonda Murphy Johnson

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የዓረፍተ ነገር መዋቅር
8 ስላይዶች

የዓረፍተ ነገር መዋቅር

Explore sentence organization, classify conjunctions, and link sentence types to descriptions, using the example "I no longer wish to see him." on the leaderboard.

Claudia Melissa Toribio Cruz

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Instrumentele digitale utilizate în activitatea didactică
4 ስላይዶች

Instrumentele digitale utilizate în activitatea didactică

This presentation covers multimedia resources, applications, platforms, and digital tools used in educational activities to enhance learning and teaching effectiveness.

Ioana Costea

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Молодіжна рада
5 ስላይዶች

Молодіжна рада

Youth councils, like Kharkiv's, serve as advisory bodies in local governance, empowering young voices to influence youth policy and shape the future of the community and country.

Поліна Юдіна

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ኩይዝ ቀፋማን አያት ሱረቱ አል-አስር
5 ስላይዶች

ኩይዝ ቀፋማን አያት ሱረቱ አል-አስር

በሪኩት ሜሩፓካን ኩይዝ ቀፋሃማን አያት ሱረቱ አል-አስር። Selamat menjawab.

ሙሀመድ ሰያፊቅ

ማውረድ.svg 0

ኩይዝ ፔንጌናላን ሱራህ አል-አሥር
4 ስላይዶች

ኩይዝ ፔንጌናላን ሱራህ አል-አሥር

በሪኩት ሜሩፓካን ሶአላን ኬፋሃማን ባጊ ፔንጋናላን ሱራ አል-አስር። Selamat menjawab.

ሙሀመድ ሰያፊቅ

ማውረድ.svg 0

KG-O3- አይስ ሰበር ሚዲያ Pembelajaran
15 ስላይዶች

KG-O3- አይስ ሰበር ሚዲያ Pembelajaran

የጨዋታ ጥያቄዎች KG-03

ሳምሱል ሉጥፊ

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3 ስላይዶች

ሰዋሰው፣ ቋንቋ እና መጻፍ.pdf

ጂግሜ ዶርጂ

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11 ስላይዶች


Explore the seasons: correct month order, preferences for winter vs. summer, favorite activities, and associated words. Winter brings snow, joy, and celebrations, while summer offers warmth and fun.

Medina Nedelcu

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ማጋለጥ፡ didaqtiques
17 ስላይዶች

ማጋለጥ፡ didaqtiques

approche et méthodes didaqtiques

ሳልማ ቡዛይዲ

ማውረድ.svg 0

ቡድን 1
8 ስላይዶች

ቡድን 1

The presentation covers the father of the national language, interactive educational tools like Baamboozle, AhaSlide, Nearpod, Edpuzzle, and Wordwall for engaging learning.

Rhea Mariano

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አዳብ ፔንጁዋል & PEMBELI
1 ስላይዶች

አዳብ ፔንጁዋል & PEMBELI

ፓንዱዋን ኢኒ መንጉላስ ፔንቲንያ ኢቲካ ዳላም ቤርጁላን ዳን መምበሊ፣ ተርማሱክ አዳብ ያንግ ሃሩስ ዲጁንጁንግ ቲንጊ ኦሌህ ፔንጁዋል ዳን ፔምበሊ ደሚ ሁቡንጋን ያንግ ሃርሞኒ።

Nur Hidaya Mohd Ariff

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የባህርይ ፈጣሪ
32 ስላይዶች

የባህርይ ፈጣሪ

ሚካ ስሚተርስ

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CC Case Study pg141
29 ስላይዶች

CC Case Study pg141

Professor Johanna Ramirez

ማውረድ.svg 0

በሳፕታማና ቨርዴ ውስጥ ዶሪ ሱስን ያካትታል? ጥያቄ ጨምር
4 ስላይዶች

በሳፕታማና ቨርዴ ውስጥ ዶሪ ሱስን ያካትታል? ጥያቄ ጨምር

በከተማዎ ውስጥ ዋና ዋና የአካባቢ ጉዳዮችን ያስሱ፣ አረንጓዴ ሳምንትን የበለጠ ማራኪ ለማድረግ ሀሳቦችን ይጠቁሙ፣ አሳታፊ ተግባራትን ያቅርቡ እና የስነ-ምህዳር ትምህርትን አስፈላጊነት ያጎላሉ።

ሚያራ ዳን

ማውረድ.svg 0

ግሊ ስትሩሜንቲ ሙዚቃሊ
6 ስላይዶች

ግሊ ስትሩሜንቲ ሙዚቃሊ

Esplora le famiglie degli strumenti musicali: corda, fiato, percussione, e tastiera. Scopri leloro caratteristiche e impara a riconoscere chitarra, flauto, batteria e pianoforte.

ዳንኤል ኮስታንዛ

ማውረድ.svg 1

9 ስላይዶች

የምርት ስም ምስልዎን ከፍ ለማድረግ ምርጥ የድርጅት ስጦታዎች።pptx

እነዚህ ምልክቶች የሰራተኛውን እና የደንበኛን እና የንግድ አጋርን ትስስር ስለሚያሳድጉ ዘመናዊ የንግድ ግንኙነቶች ከተመረጡት የድርጅት ስጦታ አቀራረቦች በእጅጉ ይጠቀማሉ። https://growthigo.com/

Growthigo ድር

ማውረድ.svg 0

AhaSlides ታዋቂ የማህበረሰብ አብነቶች

በማህበረሰብ የተበረከቱ አዳዲስ አብነቶችን መሞከር እና የዚ አካል ለመሆን ከፈለጉ AhaSlides ቡድን ፣ ና AhaSlides ታዋቂ የማህበረሰብ አብነት።

በማህበረሰቡ በተሰጡ አብነቶች፣ በአብነት ላይ የተተገበሩትን የተለያዩ ገጽታዎች፣ አይነቶች እና አላማዎች በፍጥነት ያያሉ። እያንዳንዱ አብነት በጣም ጥሩ መሣሪያዎች እና ስብስብ አለው። ዋና መለያ ጸባያትጨምሮ የአእምሮ ማጎልመሻ መሳሪያዎች፣ የቀጥታ ምርጫዎች ፣ የቀጥታ ጥያቄዎች, የማሽከርከሪያ መንኮራኩርእና ብዙ ተጨማሪ የእርስዎን አብነቶች በጥቂት ደቂቃዎች ውስጥ መፍጠር ቀላል ያደርጉታል።

እና፣ ሊበጁ የሚችሉ በመሆናቸው፣ እንደ ትምህርታዊ መድረክ፣ የስፖርት ክለብ፣ የስነ-ልቦና ክፍሎች ወይም ቴክኖሎጂ፣ ወይም የፋሽን ኢንደስትሪ ካሉ ወደፈለጉት ቦታ ማስማማት ይችላሉ። ወደ ቤተ-መጽሐፍት ይሂዱ የማህበረሰብ አብነት እና 100% ነፃ በህብረተሰብ ውስጥ ዳንግ ለማድረግ የመጀመሪያ እርምጃዎን ይውሰዱ።

ተደጋግሞ የሚነሱ ጥያቄዎች

እንዴት መጠቀም እንደሚቻል AhaSlides አብነቶች?

ጎብኝ አብነት በ AhaSlides ድህረ ገጽ፣ ከዚያ ለመጠቀም የሚፈልጉትን ማንኛውንም አብነት ይምረጡ። ከዚያ በ ላይ ጠቅ ያድርጉ የአብነት አዝራር አግኝ ያንን አብነት ወዲያውኑ ለመጠቀም። መመዝገብ ሳያስፈልግዎት አርትዕ ማድረግ እና ወዲያውኑ ማቅረብ ይችላሉ። ነፃ ይፍጠሩ AhaSlides ሒሳብ ስራዎን በኋላ ማየት ከፈለጉ.

ለመመዝገብ መክፈል አለብኝ?

በጭራሽ! AhaSlides አካውንት 100% ከክፍያ ነፃ ነው ለአብዛኛዎቹ ያልተገደበ መዳረሻ AhaSlidesበነጻ እቅድ ውስጥ ቢበዛ 50 ተሳታፊዎች ያሉት ባህሪያት።

ዝግጅቶችን ከብዙ ተሳታፊዎች ጋር ማስተናገድ ከፈለጉ መለያዎን ወደ ተስማሚ እቅድ ማሻሻል ይችላሉ (እባክዎ እቅዶቻችንን እዚህ ይመልከቱ፡- የዋጋ አሰጣጥ - AhaSlides) ወይም ለተጨማሪ ድጋፍ የCS ቡድናችንን ያነጋግሩ።

ለመጠቀም መክፈል አለብኝ? AhaSlides አብነቶች?

በጭራሽ! AhaSlides አብነቶች 100% ከክፍያ ነፃ ናቸው፣ ሊደርሱባቸው የሚችሉት ገደብ የለሽ የአብነት ብዛት። አንዴ በአቅራቢው መተግበሪያ ውስጥ ከገቡ በኋላ የእኛን መጎብኘት ይችላሉ። አብነቶች የእርስዎን ፍላጎቶች የሚያሟሉ አቀራረቦችን ለማግኘት ክፍል።

ናቸው AhaSlides ከ ጋር ተኳሃኝ የሆኑ አብነቶች Google Slides እና Powerpoint?

በአሁኑ ጊዜ ተጠቃሚዎች የPowerPoint ፋይሎችን ማስመጣት ይችላሉ። Google Slides ወደ AhaSlides. ለበለጠ መረጃ እባክዎን እነዚህን ጽሑፎች ይመልከቱ፡-

ማውረድ እችላለሁ AhaSlides አብነቶች?

አዎ፣ በእርግጠኝነት ይቻላል! በአሁኑ ጊዜ, ማውረድ ይችላሉ AhaSlides አብነቶችን እንደ ፒዲኤፍ ፋይል ወደ ውጭ በመላክ.