عرض الخلفية
مشاركة العرض التقديمي

معلومات عامة: السنوات القمرية في الأبراج



فريق المشاركة

اكتشف دورة الأبراج الصينية التي تستمر 12 عامًا، والسمات الرئيسية لحيوانات الأبراج، وأهميتها في احتفالات رأس السنة القمرية، بما في ذلك عام الثعبان. معلومات عامة تنتظرك!

الشرائح (31)

1 -

2 -

3 -

What do the Zodiac signs represent in the Lunar New Year?

4 -

5 -

Which animal represents the first year in the Chinese zodiac cycle?

6 -

Which of these animals represents the end of the 12-year zodiac cycle?

7 -

حيوانات البروج الاثني عشر

8 -

Arrange the first four Zodiac animals in the correct order.

9 -

Match the Zodiac animal to its personality trait.

10 -

The Personality Traits of Each Zodiac Animal

11 -

The Personality Traits of Each Zodiac Animal (pt.2)

12 -

Which of the following animals is known for being brave and adventurous?

13 -

Which of the following Zodiac signs is known for being loyal and protective of their family?

14 -

Which animal is said to bring harmony to relationships and be an excellent communicator?

15 -

Which Zodiac sign is known for being strategic and cautious, making them excel in leadership roles?

16 -

What animal will the upcoming Lunar New Year be?

17 -

What are some of the characteristics associated with this animal?

18 -

عام الثعبان

19 -

Match the Snake’s traits to their meanings.

20 -

Year of the Snake Key Traits

21 -

Characteristics of people born in the Year of the Snake

22 -

This Year's Outlook

23 -

What do people often do during Lunar New Year to align with the Zodiac sign of the year?

24 -

Zodiac Signs in Lunar New Year Celebrations

25 -

Match the Zodiac year to its focus during Lunar New Year celebrations.

26 -

What is the main focus during the Year of the Rabbit in Lunar New Year celebrations?

27 -


28 -

Do you know what the Zodiac Year you were born in?

29 -

How do you feel about the upcoming year - the Year of the Snake?

30 -

Is this session interesting to you?

31 -

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