مشاركة العرض التقديمي

ما هي المعادلة الجبرية التي تمثل العبارة التالية: "أنا أكبر من ضعف عمري بست سنوات"؟



ريجين أبوتون

تغطي الشرائح التعبيرات والمعادلات الجبرية، بما في ذلك التطبيقات الواقعية للميزانية الخاصة بالممتلكات والتكاليف العامة والعلاقات العمرية، مع تسليط الضوء على كيفية إعداد المعادلات وحلها.


الشرائح (36)

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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In a store, a shirt costs $25 and a pair of pants costs $40. If Jamie buys 3 shirts and 2 pairs of pants, how much will he spend in total?

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In a store, a shirt costs $25 and a pair of pants costs $40. If Jamie buys 3 shirts and 2 pairs of pants, how much will he spend in total?

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Arvin has a clothing allowance of P15,000. If the PPE he wishes to buy costs P3,000 each, how many PPE can he buy?

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If Arvin has a clothing allowance of P15,000 and each PPE costs P3,000, how many PPE can he buy?

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In the following equation, if x represents the cost of one Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and you have a clothing allowance of P15,000. How many PPE can you buy if each PPE costs P2,500? Write the equation and determine the maximum number of PPE you can purchase.

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What is the algebraic equation representing the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister. If I were 66 years old.'?

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What is an algebraic expression?

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What is an algebraic equation?

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زر ال قالب القسم على AhaSlides الموقع الإلكتروني، ثم اختر أي قالب ترغب في استخدامه. ثم انقر فوق زر الحصول على نموذج لاستخدام هذا النموذج على الفور. يمكنك التعديل والعرض على الفور دون الحاجة إلى التسجيل. إنشاء ملف AhaSlides حساب إذا كنت تريد رؤية عملك لاحقًا.

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