pozadinska prezentacija
dijeljenje prezentacije




Afif Trigui



Slajdovi (31)

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1. Fintech has shifted from being a disruptor to being a key enabler for banks. 

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2. Fintech innovations today are largely focused on improving customer engagement and experience. 

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3. Fintech innovations are now primarily focused on back-office operational efficiency. 

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4. Digital payments have reduced transaction times globally, making real-time payments possible. 

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5. Fintech disruption is primarily due to a lack of traditional banking resilience. 

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6. Fintech startups often succeed by offering niche services that traditional banks overlook. 

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7. The rapid scaling of fintech startups is driven by their ability to innovate quickly. 

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8. The core advantage of fintech companies lies in their ability to operate with fewer regulatory constraints. 

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1. Digital banking is closing the innovation gap with neobanks through legacy system upgrades. 

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2. Legacy systems hinder traditional banks from fully adopting a digital-first approach. 

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3. A fully digitally transformed bank does not need to partner with fintechs. 

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4. Banks now rely heavily on fintech partnerships for innovation and new product offerings. 

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5. The most successful banks are those that can innovate without external fintech partnerships. 

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6. AI and cloud computing are the two most important technologies driving digital transformation. 

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1. AI and machine learning models are used for enhancing fraud detection and prevention. 

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2. AI helps digital banks offer hyper-personalized customer experiences based on behavioral data. 

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3. AI chatbots now resolve 99% of customer service inquiries without human intervention. 

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4. AI models help predict market downturns with higher accuracy than traditional risk management tools. 

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1. The financial industry will be more focused on partnerships between fintechs and legacy banks. 

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2. As digital-only banks grow, the importance of physical branches will diminish. 

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3. Blockchain and AI will be the most disruptive technologies in the future of financial services. 

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4. Banks and fintechs will need to focus on creating integrated ecosystems to stay competitive. 

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1. Traditional banks will eventually absorb fintechs, eliminating the need for partnerships.

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2. Will AI and blockchain completely redefine the customer experience, or will traditional models still have a place?

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