We are Not Really Strangers is a game of reconnection to ring up an emotional game night or play with your loved ones to deepen your relationship, and we've got the full list for you to use for FREE below!
This is a well-crafted three-level game that covers all aspects of dating, couples, self-love, friendship, and family. Enjoy the journey of deepening your connections!

- The "We're Not Really Strangers" (WNRS) game is not just a deck of questions; it creates meaningful experiences for deeper conversations and strong bonds.
- The brainchild of WNRS is Koreen Odiney, a Los Angeles-based model and artist who desires to create authentic and genuine connections.
- The game structure with 3-level questions, including Perception, Connection, and Reflection. There are many additional editions or expansion packs to cater to specific relationships, such as couples, family, or friends.
- The science behind WNRS questions is related to making the right questions and psychological principles like Emotional Intelligence (EQ), social anxiety, and mental health.
- Access the WNRS questions free version or physical deck cards on the brand's official website, other 3rd party sellers or online marketplaces.
Taula de contingut
What is "We're Not Really Strangers"?
In the world of various light conversations, the We're Not Really Strangers game stands out as a journey into deep connections. It doesn't reshape how we play games, but redefines fine how we connect with others and ourselves.
So, what is its origin and concept?
The creator of WNRS is Koreen Odiney, a model and artist in Los Angeles. The phrase "We're Not Really Strangers" came from a stranger encountered during her photography sessions. The card game then was born out of her passion for breaking down barriers and sparking meaningful connections.
The game includes various thought-provoking questions at 3 progressive levels: Perception, Connection, and Reflection. There are some special editions or expansion packs such as couples, family, and friendship for a greater experience of intimacy.
Why is WNRS more than just a Card Game?
Instead of focusing on competition, the game creates meaningful space and experience. With various thoughtful we're not really strangers questions, you gradually step into the world of self-discovery and authentic connections.
The brand also designs the last card for players to write messages to each other, adding a lasting impact.
How It Became a Global Sensation
Thanks to a unique approach of genuine connection, the game gained viral momentum. It deeply resonates with audiences seeking authenticity in a digital world with less social interaction.
Moreover, the power of Word-of-Mouth and social media content further makes it viral quickly as a global phenomenon. The brand also offers various editions or theme packs to cater to multiple types of relationships for a satisfying experience.
How to Play "We're Not Really Strangers"
Ready to break the barriers and immerse in genuine ties? Let's explore simple steps to play "We're Not Really Strangers"!
1. Game Setup and Required Materials
You will need below materials to set up the games:
- "We're Not Really Strangers" card decks with all 3-question levels. You might utilize expansion packs to tailor to your suitable target audiences.
- Pencil and notepad for the final activity of reflection or writing messages to each other.
- A suitable and quiet space for all participants to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts
After having must-have materials, shuffle each of the card decks and place them down in separate piles. Don't forget to put the final card aside for use at the end of the game.
Regarding participants, you can easily kick off the game with two players. Who will start first? Decide by staring at each other; the first person to blink starts! You can play with friends, family, or even strangers. Please kindly note that the players are encouraged to share openly and honestly.
2. Understanding the Levels & Question Types
Now it's time to understand the game levels! There are typically 3 levels of questions to deepen the game progressively:
- Level 1: Perception - Focus on breaking the ice, making assumptions, and exploring first impressions
- Level 2: Connection - Encourage personal sharing, life perspectives and emotions
- Level 3: Reflection - Promote deep reflection on the player's own experience and others through the game.
3. How to Make the Game More Engaging
Move on to exploring useful tips to level up your WNRS experience. Why don't you consider some of the following suggestions?
Be mindful of creating a cozy and safe space. A judgment-free atmosphere with candles, snacks, and music makes players feel comfortable to open up.
Don't rush! Let the conversation flow naturally. Take your time with each question and listen actively with genuine interest.
You might use WildCards with several creative challenges to add a dynamic touch to the game.
4. Playing Virtually vs. In-Person
Wondering how to play the WNRS games in different settings? Don't skip this part! Indeed, you can play in person or virtually without compromise.
- Joc en persona: Physical decks are ideal for leveling up the experience. More direct people interaction like body language and eye contact triggers more emotional impact. Gather players around a table and start the game as standard rules!
- Virtual play: Play WNRS online works well via video calls like Zoom or Facetime for long-distance friends or remote members. Each player takes turns to share for each online card.
But what if you need a platform or WNRS apps to make the game enjoyable and engaging? Let's consider AhaSlides - the most effective interactive presentation platform that allows you to create interactive and fun quizzes or other features. Here is a template for AhaSlides for We’re Not Really Strangers Online Questions:

- #1: Feu clic al botó de dalt per unir-vos al joc. Podeu navegar per cada diapositiva i enviar-hi idees amb els amics.
- #2: To save the slides or play with acquaintances privately, click on 'My Account,' then sign up for a free AhaSlides account. You can customize them further and play them online/offline with people as you want!

Full List of "We're Not Really Strangers" Questions (Updated 2025)
Let's get started with the superficial to deep We're not really strangers questions. You and your acquaintances will experience three distinctive rounds serving different purposes: perception, connection, and reflection.
Nivell 1: Percepció
This level focuses on self-reflection and understanding one's own thoughts and feelings. By sharing perceptions, participants gain insight into how others see them. They are aware of snap judgments and more empathetic via understanding other lenses.
Here are some of the best icebreaker questions for your reference:
1/ Què creus que és la meva carrera?
2/ Creus que m'he enamorat mai?
3/ Creus que mai m'han trencat el cor?
4/ Creus que m'han acomiadat mai?
5/ Creus que era popular a l'institut?
6/ Què creus que preferiré? Cheetos calents o aros de ceba?
7/ Creus que m'agrada ser un sofà?
8/ Creus que sóc extrovertit?
9/ Creus que tinc un germà? Més gran o més jove?
10/ On creus que vaig créixer?
11/ Creus que principalment estic cuinant o fent menjar per emportar?
12/ Què creieu que he estat mirant amb atraccions últimament?
13/ Creus que odio despertar-me d'hora?
14/ Què és el més bonic que recordes haver fet per un amic?
15/ Quin tipus de situació social et fa sentir més incòmode?
16/ Qui creus que és el meu ídol preferit?
17/ Quan acostumo a sopar?
18/ Creus que m'agrada vestir de vermell?
19/ Quin creus que és el meu plat preferit?
20/ Creus que estic a la vida grega?
21/ Saps quina és la meva carrera de somni?
22/ Saps on són les meves vacances de somni?
23/ Creus que abans em van assetjar a l'escola?
24/ Creus que sóc una persona parlant?
25/ Creus que sóc un peix fred?
26/ Quina creus que és la meva beguda preferida de Starbucks?
27/ Creus que m'encanta llegir llibres?
28/ Quan creus que m'agrada més quedar-me sol?
29/ Quina part d'una casa creus que és el meu lloc preferit?
30/ Creus que m'agrada jugar als videojocs?
Nivell 2: Connexió
En aquest nivell, els jugadors es fan preguntes interessants entre ells, fomentant una connexió i empatia més profundes.
Vulnerability is key here. A sense of trust and intimacy often comes from open-up and genuine sharing of personal experiences. Vulnerability then breaks surface-level conversation and strengthens relationships. And here are must-ask questions for deeper bonds:
31/ Quina probabilitat creus que canviaré de carrera?
32/ Quina va ser la teva primera impressió de mi?
33/ Què és l'últim que vas mentir?
34/ Què has estat amagant tots aquests anys?
35/ Quin és el teu pensament més estrany?
36/ Què és l'últim que vas mentir a la teva mare?
37/ Quin és l'error més gran que has comès?
38/ Quin és el pitjor dolor que has patit mai?
39/ Què encara estàs intentant demostrar-te a tu mateix?
40/ Quina és la teva personalitat més definitòria?
41/ Quina és la part més difícil de sortir amb tu?
42/ Què és el millor del teu pare o mare?
43/ Quina és la lletra preferida en la qual no pots deixar de pensar al cap?
44/ Et menteixes sobre alguna cosa?
45/ Quin animal vols criar?
46/ Què et semblaria millor acceptar plenament en aquest estat actual?
47/ Quan va ser l'última vegada que et vas sentir afortunat de ser tu?
48/ Quin és l'adjectiu que millor et descriu en el passat i ara?
49/ Què no creuria el teu jo més jove de la teva vida actual?
50/ Quina part de la teva família vols mantenir o deixar anar?
51/ Quin és el teu record preferit de la teva infantesa?
52/ Quant de temps trigues a ser amic amb tu?
53/ Què porta algú d'un amic a un millor amic per a tu?
54/ Quina pregunta intentes respondre a la teva vida ara mateix?
55/ Què li diries al teu jo més jove?
56/ Quina és la teva acció més lamentable?
57/ Quan va ser l'última vegada que vas plorar?
58/ En què ets millor que la majoria de la gent que coneixes?
59/ Amb qui vols parlar quan et sents sol?
60/ Quina és la part més difícil d'estar a l'estranger?
Nivell 3: Reflexió
The final level encourages players to reflect on the experience and insights gained during the game. It's about understanding yourself and others better, like how they feel or interact with others. In other words, these questions tap into emotional intelligence regarding empathy and self-awareness. Moreover, your reflection process will leave a sense of closure and clarity.
Now, check out some WNRS self-reflection questions following:
61/ Què vols canviar en la teva personalitat ara mateix?
62/ A qui vols dir perdó o agrair més?
63/ Si em fessis una llista de reproducció, quines 5 cançons hi hauria?
64/ Què em va sorprendre?
65/ Quin creus que és el meu superpoder?
66/ Creus que tenim algunes semblances o diferències?
67/ Qui creus que pot ser la meva parella adequada?
68/ Què he de llegir tan bon punt tinc temps?
69/ On estic més qualificat per donar consells?
70/ Què has après de tu mateix jugant a aquest joc?
71/ Quina pregunta vas tenir més por de respondre?
72/ Per què la "sororitat" encara és important per a la vida universitària
73/ Quin seria el regal perfecte per a mi?
74/ Quina part de tu veus en mi?
75/ D'acord amb el que has après sobre mi, què em recomanaries que llegeixi?
76/ Què recordaríeu de mi quan ja no estiguem en contacte?
77/ Pel que he sentit de mi, quina pel·lícula de Netflix em recomanes que vegi?
78/ En què et puc ajudar?
79/ Com continua afectant Sigma Kappa a la teva vida?
80/ Pots tolerar algú que et feia mal)?
81/ Què necessito escoltar ara mateix?
82/ T'atreviries a fer alguna cosa fora de la teva zona de confort la setmana vinent?
83/ Creus que la gent entra a la teva vida per algun motiu?
84/ Per què creus que ens vam conèixer?
85/ Què creus que tinc més por?
86/ Quina és una lliçó que trauràs del teu xat?
87/ Què suggereixes que deixi anar?
88/ Admetre alguna cosa
89/ I jo que amb prou feines entens?
90/ Com em descriuries a un desconegut?
Diversió extra: comodins
Aquesta part pretén fer que el joc de preguntes sigui més emocionant i atractiu. En lloc de fer preguntes, és una mena d'instrucció d'acció que els jugadors que el dibuixen han de completar. Aquí en teniu 10:
91/ Dibuixa una imatge junts (60 segons)
92/ Explicar una història junts (1 minut)
93/ Escriviu-vos un missatge i doneu-se'l. Obriu-lo un cop hagueu marxat.
94/ Fes-te una selfie junts
95/ Crea la teva pròpia pregunta sobre qualsevol cosa. Fes que valgui la pena!
96/ Mireu-vos als ulls durant 30 segons. Què us heu fixat?
97/ Mostra la teva foto quan siguis nen (nu)
98/ Canta una cançó preferida
99/ Digues a l'altra persona que tanqui els ulls i que els mantingui tancats (espera 15 segons i fes-li un petó)
100/ Escriu una nota als teus joves. Després d'1 minut, obriu i compareu.

Special Edition & Expansion Packs
Need more We are not really strangers questions? Here are some extra questions that you can ask in different relationships, from dating, self-love, friendship, and family to the workplace.
10 We're Not Really Strangers Questions - Couples edition
101/ Què creus que serà perfecte per al teu casament?
102/ Què et faria sentir més a prop meu?
103/ Hi ha algun moment que vulguis deixar-me?
104/Quants fills vols?
105/ Què podem crear junts?
106/ Creus que encara sóc verge?
107/ Quina és la qualitat més atractiva de mi que no sigui física?
108/ Quina és la teva història que no em puc perdre?
109/ Quina creus que seria la meva nit de cita perfecta?
110/ Creus que no he tingut mai una relació?
10 We're Not Really Strangers Questions - Friendship edition
111/ Quina creus que és la meva debilitat?
112/ Quina creus que és la meva força?
113/ Què creus que hauria de saber de mi mateix que potser conec?
114/ Com es complementen les nostres personalitats?
115/ Què és el que més admires de mi?
116/ En una paraula, descriu com et sents ara mateix!
117/ Quina resposta meva et va fer il·luminar?
118/ Puc confiar que digueu alguna cosa privada?
119/ Què estàs pensant en excés ara mateix?
120/ Creus que sóc un bon petó?
10 We're Not Really Strangers Questions - Workplace edition
121/ Quin és un assoliment professional del qual estàs més orgullós i per què?
122/ Comparteix un moment en què t'has enfrontat a un repte important a la feina i com l'has superat.
123/ Quina és una habilitat o força que posseeixes que creus que està infrautilitzada en el teu rol actual?
124/ Reflexionant sobre la teva carrera, quina ha estat la lliçó més valuosa que has après fins ara?
125/ Descriu un objectiu o aspiració laboral que tinguis per al futur.
126/ Comparteix un mentor o company que hagi tingut un impacte significatiu en el teu creixement professional i per què.
127/ Com gestiones la conciliació de la vida laboral i familiar i mantens el benestar en un entorn laboral exigent?
128/ Què creus que els teus companys o companys no saben de tu?
129/ Descriu un moment en què vas sentir un fort sentiment de treball en equip o col·laboració al teu lloc de treball.
130/ Reflexionant sobre la teva feina actual, quin és l'aspecte més gratificant de la teva feina?
10 We're Not Really Strangers Questions - Family edition
131/ Què és el que més il·lusiona avui?
132/ Què és el més divertit que t'has passat mai?
133/ Quina és la història més trista que has sentit mai?
134/ Què fa temps que em volies dir?
135/ Què trigues tant a dir-me la veritat?
136/ Creus que sóc la persona amb qui pots parlar?
137/ Quines activitats vols fer amb mi?
138/ Quina és la cosa més inexplicable que t'ha passat mai?
139/ Quin és el teu dia?
140/ Quan creus que és el millor moment per parlar del que t'ha passat?
Science Behind the Game: Why does WNRS Works
Just a deck of questions, what is the success of We’re Not Really Strangers questions behind? Via intentional design, psychological principles, or others? Let's scroll down for a closer look at the science behind the game!
El poder de fer les preguntes adequades
Instead of focusing on getting answers only, the WNRS game designed thought-provoking questions for self-discovery, mutual understanding, and life-changing moments. From icebreaker questions to introspective questions, the game delivers a safe feeling for players to gradually open up and engage with others.
How Emotional Vulnerability Builds Stronger Connections
Vulnerability is the core of emotional intimacy. Joining the WNRS game allows players to share, learn with others, and relearn themselves. In this way, they signal trust, normalize emotion, and nurture empathy for building stronger connections.
Psychological Benefits of Playing the Game
Besides fostering strong bonds, WNRS has many mental health and psychological benefits, such as improving Emotional Intelligence (EQ), releasing social barriers, stress relief, and personal growth.
Thanks to reflective questions, you can enhance self-awareness and empathy, which are important elements in EQ. Moreover, authenticity, a safe zone, and good connections play as a psychological anchor to reduce stress and social anxiety.
Besides, introspective prompts might be life-changing moments to explore yourself better for deep self-understanding and personal growth.
Holt-Lunstad J. Social connection as a critical factor for mental and physical health: evidence, trends, challenges, and future implications. World Psychiatry. 2024 Oct;23(3):312-332. doi: 10.1002/wps.21224. PMID: 39279411; PMCID: PMC11403199.
Customizing "We're Not Really Strangers" for Your Needs
Here is how to make a WNRS game truly your own!
Creating Your Own Questions
Before tailoring the questions, ask yourself, "What kind of connections do I want to foster?". Based on specific relationships or events, you will craft suitable questions accordingly.
Moreover, take reference from additional editions and themes for more ideas to make the right questions. Don't forget to utilize Wildcard and prompts or quotes to make the game engaging and meaningful.
Alternative Games with Similar Concepts
Love the We’re Not Really Stranger questions but desire to explore more; below are some great alternatives with similar concepts:
- TableTopics: A game of conversation starters with various questions for icebreakers to deep reflections. Ideas for family dinners or general gatherings.
- Big Talk: This game skips questions for small talk and drives straight into deep and meaningful conversation.
- Let's Get Deep: Originally for couples to play with 3-level questions: Icebreaker, Deep, and Deeper. However, it can be adaptable for other participants to play.
Mixing It With Other Conversation Starters
For a more dynamic and engaging experience, you can blend We’re Not Really Strangers questions with other conversion starters.
You might combine prompts from other games to diversify a range of questions. Otherwise, pair the WNRS game with activities like drawing, journaling, or movie nights to get everyone on the same theme. Notably, you can integrate the We’re Not Really Stranger app or digital edition with physical cards for more interactive features and new prompts.
Printable & PDF Versions of WNRS Questions (Free Download)
We're Not Really Strangers (WNRS) offers free downloadable PDFs of their digital-only editions on their official website. There are various editions to cater to your unique needs, like Self-Exploration Pack, Back to School Edition, Introspective Journal, and more.
Download the We’re Not Really Stranger free questions in PDF version aquí!
To make your own DIY WNRS cards, you can print these free PDFs and cut them into individual cards. Alternatively, you could create questions inspired by the WNRS format and print them on cardstock.
Preguntes freqüents
Quina és l'última carta de No som realment estranys?
La carta final del joc de cartes We're Not Really Strangers requereix que escriviu una nota a la vostra parella i l'obriu només un cop us hàgiu separat.
Quina és l'alternativa si no som realment desconeguts?
Pots jugar a jocs de preguntes com Mai no he tingut, 2 veritats i 1 mentida, prefereixes, això o allò, qui sóc jo...
- Holt-Lunstad J. Social connection as a critical factor for mental and physical health: evidence, trends, challenges, and future implications. World Psychiatry. 2024 Oct;23(3):312-332. doi: 10.1002/wps.21224. PMID: 39279411; PMCID: PMC11403199. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK64939/
- IU News. Stronger social networks key to addressing mental health in young adults, research finds. https://news.iu.edu/live/news/33803-stronger-social-networks-key-to-addressing-mental.