presentació de fons
compartició de presentacions

Capítol 2.1 Comprovació de conceptes



TA Ferdie


Diapositives (20)

1 -

An atom is composed of subatomic particles proton, electron, and neutrons. What is the charge of an electron?

2 -

3 -

What do you call the variant forms of the same element that differ in the number of neutrons?

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5 -

What happens when chemical bonding occurs?

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What type of chemical bonding occurs between non-metal elements, such as the bonding between carbon and hydrogen, where electrons are shared rather than donated or received?

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9 -

What do you call the molecules or compounds that enters or starts a chemical reaction?

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11 -

What type of chemical reaction is illustrated in the chemical equation below?

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What do you call the substances that increase the rate of a reaction without being consumed in the process?

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15 -

Fats and oils are compounds that repel water. What term is used to describe substances like these?

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17 -

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of carbon as a fundamental element of life?

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19 -

Which of the following is INCORRECT paring?

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