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Llistes enllaçades CSC 1310



April Crockett

Un node de llista enllaçada pot ser un node individual o doble. L'afegit afegeix un node i el recorregut es produeix a les dades de cerca. El cap apunta al primer node; NULL indica una llista buida.

Diapositives (32)

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A _____ list contains pointers ot the nodes before it and after it.

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While traversing a list, a node pointer knows when it has reached the end of the list if _____.

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A linked list class must take care of removing the dynamically allocated nodes by _____.

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Each entry or item in a List Data Structure is commonly called a _____.

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A linked list node can be implemented in C++ as either a _____ or a ______.

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The getLength operation in a List Data Structure should be implemented as a void function.

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A _____ is used to travel through a linked list data structure to search for data.

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Which common List Data Structure operation checks if there are any nodes in the list?

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The last node in a singly linked list points to _____.

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If new data needs to be added to a linked list, the program _____ and inserts it into the list.

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Appending a node means _____.

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A doubly-linked list keeps track of the next node in the list as well as _____.

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If the head pointer points to NULL, this indicates _____.

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The process of moving through a linked list is referred to as _____ the list.

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The _____ of a linked list points to the first node in the list.

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What header file must you include to use the List STL class?

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