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Chloe Carey

Resum: els conceptes clau de TI inclouen gestió de sistemes, serveis al núvol com IaaS, bases de dades (SQL i codi obert), gestió d'incidències, rols àgils, marcs de ciberseguretat i transmissió de dades segura.


Diapositives (36)

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This phase of the SDLC involves gathering requiremetns from stakeholders to ensure the final product meets their needs

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In microservices architecture, this pattern is used to manage communication between services

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In Agile, this role is responsible for maximizing the value of the product and managing the product backlog

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What is common method for securing data during transmissions over the internet

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These devices monitor and control incoming and outgoing traffic based on predetermined security rules

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This type of application secruity testing involves analyzing the source code for vulnerabilites

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Institute of Standards and Technology framework that provides guidelines for managing and reducing cybersecurity risks 

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Process of creating a virtual version of something allowing multiple virtual systems to run a single physical system

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This type of cloud service provides virtualized computing resources over the internet and is often abbeviated as IaaS

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This Cloud service model provides hardware and software tools over the internet & is often used for developing applications

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Storage servies, offered by AWS, is designed to store & retrieve any amont of data from anywhere on the web

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What is the solution when an issue occurs because a user forgot their password and cannot access their account

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This type of software is used by support teams to manage and track customer support request

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This ITIL process is responsible for managing all incidents to ensure that normal service operation is restored as soon as possible

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This type of database uses tables to store data and is queried using SQL 

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This popular open-source database management system is know for it's reliability and is often used in web applications

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What does the acronym "IP" stand for in networking 

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Who is responsible for managing, maintaing, and configuring computer systems and networks within and organization

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