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compartició de presentacions

Trivia infantil



Adam Horn

Els temes de preguntes inclouen mamífers voladors, princeses de Disney, personatges de pel·lícules i esports. Les respostes correctes més ràpides guanyen més punts.

Diapositives (55)

1 -

2 -

Com jugar:

3 -

4 -

What is the only mammal capable of sustained flight?

5 -

Which animal is known as the 'king of the jungle'?

6 -

Quin és el mamífer més gran de la Terra?

7 -

What is the term for a group of crows?

8 -

What is the term for a group of wolves?

9 -

Com es diu un grup de lleons?

10 -

11 -

12 -

Quina és la capital d'Austràlia?

13 -

Quin és l'esport nacional del Japó?

14 -

Quina és la muntanya més alta del món?

15 -

What is the capital of the United States of America?

16 -

What is the name of the galaxy that contains our Solar System?

17 -

Quin és el riu més llarg del món?

18 -

Quants continents hi ha a la Terra?

19 -

Quin és el planeta més gran del nostre sistema solar?

20 -

What is the name of the river that flows through Egypt?

21 -

22 -

23 -

What is the process called when a liquid turns into a gas?

24 -

Which famous playwright wrote the tragedy 'Romeo and Juliet'?

25 -

What is the place in a school where you can borrow books to read?

26 -

Which part of a plant helps to absorb water and nutrients from the soil?

27 -

What is the process by which plants make their food called?

28 -

What is the term for a person who is in charge of a school?

29 -

Which type of storm looks like a funnel and touches the ground?

30 -

Quantes setmanes hi ha a l'any?

31 -

32 -

33 -

In what sport can you score a touchdown?

34 -

Which country invented the sport of badminton?

35 -

What material were golf balls made of in the 19th century?

36 -

Which country invented the modern sport of basketball?

37 -

38 -

39 -

Which of the following characters is not a Disney princess?

40 -

Which popular movie features a family with superpowers fighting crime together?

41 -

In the movie 'Finding Nemo,' what is the name of Nemo's forgetful fish friend?

42 -

In the movie 'The Lion King,' what is the name of Simba's wise and trusted advisor?

43 -

Which Disney princess is known for her long blonde hair and magical healing powers?

44 -

In the movie 'Moana,' what is the name of the demigod who accompanies Moana on her journey?

45 -

In the movie 'Finding Nemo,' what type of fish is Nemo?

46 -

In this animated film, a young boy befriends a giant robot created by his late brother.

47 -

In the movie Frozen, what is the name of Elsa's sister?

48 -

Which superhero has the ability to shrink in size to fight crime?

49 -

Which Disney movie features a young Chinese woman who disguises herself as a man to take her father's place in the army?

50 -

Which Disney character owns a magic carpet?

51 -

What is the name of Harry Potter's pet owl?

52 -

Which character is known for living in a pineapple under the sea?

53 -

Which Disney princess lives under the sea?

54 -

What is the name of the princess who cleans the floor for her stepmother and stepsisters?

55 -

And the official winner is...

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