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Quiz de la reunió de distribuïdors ESTRO24.pptx



José Luis Roldán de Llano


Diapositives (46)

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Page 1 - ESTRO24 Distributor Meeting Quiz.pptx

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In which countries does IBA have offices? (select 6 countries)

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Which 3D Patient QA solution is IBA Dosimetry offering?

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What is the distance between myQA SRS points of measurement?

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What is the maximum field size myQA SRS can cover? (on a single delivery)

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Which is the most reliable way to see if the subjective risk evaluation made by a team during a risk analysis is correct?​

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How many ionization chambers does the MatriXX Resolution have?

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What is the latest QUASAR product release?

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Which phantom does motion management and is MR compatible?

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Which device can be used for Machine QA and Patient QA?

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Which myQA SW can be issued as a site license?

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Which algorithm does myQA iON use?

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In case no time for Water Phantom measurements small field beam specifications can be checked with:

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myQA iON can support calculations for:

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myQA SRS E2E inserts includes following:

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Profile measurements with myQA SRS can be done in following resolution

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What are the benefits of using log files combined with MC Dose engine in a clinical PQA program

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What do the plan complexity scores provided by myQA iON provide to the clinician?

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How many machines can a user have in the myQA Daily Software?

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The myQA Daily in one measurement can perform all relevant daily dosimetry tests utilizing the following number of chambers for robust analysis?

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Which of the following daily tests would require me to change the setup (adding build up, change position, etc) of the myQA Daily Device?

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When commissioning a new machine what open field data sets would I need to consider comparing (select all that apply)?

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Is there any myQA Accept feature that allows to compare multiple machines to a single reference simultaneously?

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The SmartScan tank can be quickly leveled with precision without the need of beam or software via the following tool?

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