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Engage & Inspire: Una sessione di check-in per a morale di a squadra



Squadra di Engagement

Questa piattaforma di diapositive copre check-in efficaci di a squadra, favurendu a cunnessione, u migliuramentu, u benessere è l'impostazione di l'ubbiettivi, cù dumande azzione è cunsiglii per rinfurzà a morale è l'ingaghjamentu.

diapositive (32)

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Why Check-Ins Are Essential

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Well-being Focused Questions

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In one word, how are you feeling today?

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What’s one thing that made you feel energized this week?

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In una scala da 1 à 5:

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Work Progress Focused Questions

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What’s one accomplishment from this week that you’re proud of?

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Match each statement with whether it reflects personal progress or a team win

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Is there anything you need help with to move forward?

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Team Connection Questions

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Sparte cun Noi!

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I will share more about this topic!

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What’s one word you’d use to describe your team?

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Goal-Oriented Questions

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Which of the following do you think is the biggest challenge in reaching our team goal?

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What’s one challenge you foresee in reaching our team goal?

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What’s one goal you want to achieve before the next check-in?

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Reflection and Improvement Focused Questions

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What’s something you learned this week that you can apply in the future?

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Match the improvement idea with its category.

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In una scala da 1 à 5:

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