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L'evoluzione è u significatu storicu di Natale



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Esplora l'evuluzione di Natale: e so urighjini storichi, figure chjave cum'è San Nicolau, è avvenimenti significati, mentre esaminendu e tradizioni è e so influenze nantu à e celebrazioni muderni.

diapositive (12)

1 -

2 -

Which Roman festival is considered a predecessor to modern Christmas celebrations?

3 -

What is St. Nicholas the patron saint of?

4 -

Match historical events to their significance in Christmas history.

5 -

Match the historical figure to their contribution in the evolution of Christmas

6 -


7 -

Arrange these events in the correct chronological order of their association with Christmas history.

8 -

Why was Christmas banned in England during the 17th century?

9 -

Match the traditions with their historical origins.

10 -


11 -

Which historical event do you think had the biggest influence on modern Christmas traditions?

12 -

What words come to mind when you think about the history of Christmas?

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