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CSC 1310 Array LL Warteschlangenstapel



April Crockett

Welche Datenstruktur wäre in einem vorgeblichen Szenario für die Person im Szenario am besten geeignet?


Folien (10)

1 -

Makenzie is creating a ride-share app like Uber that will maintain a record of ride requests, assigning ride request to drivers in the order they were placed. What data structure should she use to store the ride requests?

2 -

Everett is building the back button on a web browser and needs to ensure the back button goes back to the most recent (last) page visited, and if hit again, goes to the page visited just before the last page, and so forth. What data structure would be best for him to use?

3 -

Lydia is creating a fixed-size leaderboard for a video game and wants to store scores of players from highest to lowest. This leaderboard requires random access and efficient searching. What data structure should she use?

4 -

Maximus is building a network switch and wants incoming packets to be stored before processing and forwarding to their destination. The packets should be processed in the order they arrived to the router. What data structure should he use to store the packets?

5 -

Brenya is implementing a lightweight, to-do list app where users can dynamically add tasks at the beginning or middle, remove completed tasks quickly, and traverse the tasks from beginning to end. Her manager asked her to minimize memory usage. What data structure should she use?

6 -

Rachel needs to write a print spooler where multiple print jobs are sent to a printer and need to be processed in the order they arrive. What data structure should she use to store the print jobs?

7 -

Brianna is building a music player where users can add songs at any position in the playlist, remove songs easily, and skip to the next or previous song. Which data structure would be best to store her songs?

8 -

Vincent is building a customer call system for his IT department’s help desk. Incoming support tickets should be stored in the system and processed in the order they are received. What data structure should he store the support tickets in?

9 -

Carrie is programming a maze game that requires backtracking, what data structure should she use to store the last move so that if an incorrect path is taken, it can be undone step by step?

10 -

Parker needs to store color values in an image (2-D grid of pixels) where each pixel’s color needs to be accessed instantly. What data structure should Parker use to store the color values for each pixel?

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