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Was ist der erste Schritt, wenn man einen Mitarbeiter auf einen Verstoß gegen die Kleiderordnung anspricht?



Melvina Tucker


Folien (55)

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Was ist der erste Schritt, wenn man einen Mitarbeiter auf einen Verstoß gegen die Kleiderordnung anspricht?

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 Which of the following is the best approach when discussing dress code violations with a team member?

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If an employee refuses to do their assigned task, what should be your first action?

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You have asked the associate are they refusing to do the task that was asked, and they say yes. What is your next step? 

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It is best to address dress code violations in front of the entire team to ensure everyone knows the policy.

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Associates are allowed to wear false nails as long as they wear gloves? 

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Associates are allowed to wear false lashes?

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How should you respond if a team member is triggered and begins to act out?

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What’s a key strategy when dealing with your own emotional triggers in a workplace?

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What are the minimum amount of  test trays to be completed every month? 

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There are now 9 allergens, what is the newest one?

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If you are having an issue with an associate who is 1st in your chain of command?

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10. An associate has a ten minute window to clock in?

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Badges are to be work on your shirt collar at all times?

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Associate and associate family members are entitled to 3 free virtual calls through the employee EAP program

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What two patient identifiers should the PDAs ask for and verify when entering a room?

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Being consistent with all employees helps maintain fairness and trust within the team.

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Employees must clock in and out for breaks?

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Associates are allowed to eat food from the line if they wash their hands first

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PDA’s should be washing their hands when they arrive on unit and gel in and gel out between rooms. They must wash their hands again after how many deliveries?

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When is the best time to recognize associates for good deeds?

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Employees should be reminded regularly about safety procedures to ensure they follow them.

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All accidents should be reported immediately to your manager

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Associates may bring personal belongings in to work in a canvas backpack

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What are Morrisons 6 keys to Success?

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