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Gure artean kondaira diren munduko 20 pertsonaia handi


Leah Nguyen 05 September, 2023 8 irakurri min

Today, we'll explore some of the most magnetic personalities to ever walk this big blue orb of ours.

Jenio-ekintzen bidez historia aldatzen edo, besterik gabe, ozen eta harro bizi izan, pertsona hauek edozein gela argitzen zuten beren izpiritu biziarekin.

So pour yourself a cuppa, kick up your feet and get cosy - we're about to hop around the globe on a playful peek at the munduko pertsonaia handiak.


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#1. Albert Einstein

munduko pertsonaia handiak
Munduko pertsonaia handiak

Grab your thinking caps folks, cause we're diving into the life of arguably the world's most famous brainiac - Albert Einstein!

14ko martxoaren 1879an Alemanian jaioa, fisikari hau benetako iraultzailea izan zen, zeinaren teoriek unibertso osoa nola ulertzen dugun iraultzea baino ez zuten egin.

Bere hasierako lanetatik efektu fotoelektrikoa eta erlatibitate berezia garatzen zituen bere ekuazio ospetsuenera arte E=mc^2 energiaren eta masaren arteko erlazioa erakusten zuena, Einsteinek guztiz eraldatu zituen zientziaren eta fisika modernoaren arloak.

Bere aurkikuntza distiratsuen eta bere umorearen zentzu bihurriaren bidez, Einsteinek nazioarteko jarraipen izugarria garatu zuen bai akademian bai publiko orokorraren aldetik.

Not too shabby for a guy who struggled in school as a kid! While the details of general and special relativity may soar over most of our heads, one thing is clear - we simply wouldn't understand the world, space and time itself in the same way without this eccentric genius.

#2. Alexandro Handia

Munduko pertsonaia handiak
Munduko pertsonaia handiak

One of the greatest military masterminds - Alexander the Great would go on to conquer territory that spanned all the way from Greece clear across to India before his untimely death at age 32.

K.a. 336an tronua hartu zuenerako, bere hedapenerako planak zabaltzeko irrikaz zegoen.

And boy did he ever - within a few short years, he had built an empire that stunned the known world at the time. From crushing kings left and right to never losing a single pitched battle, Alex raced across continents like none before him.

Bere gudu-zelaiko taktika berritzaileen bidez, lidergo ausartaren eta karismazko bultzada hutsaren bidez, Alexanderk mundu-ordena berri bat sortu zuen eta greziar kultura hedatzeko bidea zabaldu zuen Asiaraino.

#3. Abraham Lincoln

Munduko pertsonaia handiak
Munduko pertsonaia handiak

12ko otsailaren 1809an jaio zen Kentuckyko txabola batean, Abraham Lincoln hastapen xumeetatik nazioa gidatzen joan zen bere epaiketan 16. presidente gisa.

Batasuna Gerra Zibil suntsitzailean zehar, Lincolnek lidergo irmoa erakutsi zuen Estatu Batuak zaintzeko borrokan.

Baina gerra garaiko buruzagi bat baino gehiago, funtsezko eginkizuna izan zuen esklabotza deuseztatzeko Emantzipazio Aldarrikapenarekin eta lurralde osoan esklabotza debekatzeko 13. zuzenketa bultzatzeko.

Oposizio izugarria izan arren, Lincolnek irmo eutsi zion berdintasunari buruzko bere uste moraletan.

#4. APJ Abdul Kalam

Munduko pertsonaia handiak
Munduko pertsonaia handiak

15ko urriaren 1931ean Tamil Nadu-n jaio zen, Kalam apal hazi zen baina zientziarekiko zaletasunak bultzatuta.

Through hard work and intelligence, he would rise to assist in developing key technologies for India's defence programs in the 20th century.

As a scientist, Kalam made invaluable contributions to the development of ballistic missiles and launch vehicle technology - earning him the title "Missile Man".

Kalam didn't stop there though. Ever the inspiration, he went on to serve as the 11th President of India from 2002 to 2007.

Bere karrera maitea azpikontinente osoan aurrerapen zientifikoa eta garapen nazionalaren ahaleginak bultzatzea izan zen.

#5. Tim Berners-Lee

Munduko pertsonaia handiak
Munduko pertsonaia handiak

Gather around tech fans, it's time to learn about the gifted mind behind one of humanity's most impactful innovations - Sir Tim Berners-Lee!

8eko ekainaren 1955an Londresen jaioa, Tim gure mundua betiko aldatuko zuen World Wide Web garatzen duen lan garrantzitsuarekin.

1989an CERNen kontratista gisa lanean ari zela, hipertestua transferitzeko protokoloa (HTTP) eta dokumentuak ordenagailuen artean lotzeko aukera ematen zuen baliabideen bilatzaile uniformeak (URL) barne hartzen zituen sistema berri bat asmatu zuen.

And just like that, with the birth of HTML, URIs and HTTP, the revolutionary framework for sharing information globally was born. But Tim's vision didn't stop there - he strived to ensure his creation remained open and available to all.

Bere lorpen apurtzailea a baino ez da

Mundu osoan egunero milaka milioi ahalduntzen dituen sorginkeria.

#6. Ada Lovelace

Munduko pertsonaia handiak
Munduko pertsonaia handiak

Now here's a brilliant lass who truly was ahead of her time - Ada Lovelace!

10eko abenduaren 1815ean Londresen jaio zen, eta matematika prodigio honek oso txikitatik erakutsi zuen zenbakiekiko jakin-min aseezina.

Lord Byron poeta ospetsuaren seme-alaba legitimo bakarra zenez, Adak emakume jaun egokiei egindako presioei aurre egin zien, baina zientziak sakon ulertzea nahi zuen.

It was through her fortunate friendship with Charles Babbage, who was designing his analytical engine, that Ada's unique gift for computational logic would blossom.

By analysing Babbage's plans, she published the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine - essentially envisioning modern computer programming decades before its time!

Her analytical writings proved her to be a true pioneer - one who saw technology's potential for both mathematics and beyond.

Munduko Pertsonaia Handi gehiago

  1. Mahatma Gandhi - Led non-violent movements for Indian independence and later civil rights through civil disobedience and peaceful protests. Inspired leaders globally.
  2. Marie Curie - Against the constraints on women in her era, she achieved unprecedented advances in radioactivity research and was the sole female Nobel laureate until 1959.
  3. Nelson Mandela - His dignity and magnanimity in reconciling South Africa after apartheid won global admiration and demonstrated the power of forgiveness over vengeance.
  4. Frida Kahlo - Mexican artist whose brilliantly vivid and symbolic self-portraits captured her indomitable spirit amid chronic pain from accident injuries early in life.
  5. Martin Luther King Jr. - Visionary civil rights leader who championed equality and justice through nonviolence, mobilizing millions across America with his soaring speeches and vision.
Munduko pertsonaia handiak
Munduko pertsonaia handiak
  1. Sally Ride - The first American woman in space, she achieved milestones that also inspired millions of girls toward careers in STEM fields historically dominated by men.
  2. Malala Yousafzai - Brave Pakistani activist who survived a Taliban assassination attempt at age 15 and remains a powerful global advocate for girls' education rights.
  3. Jackie Chan - Movie star and martial artist who performed his own daring stunts, becoming a global pop culture icon known for his comedic films and gymnastic fighting skills.
  4. Pablo Picasso - The revolutionary artist who shattered traditional modes of representation through Cubism, instead depicting subjects from multiple perspectives at once. His novel approach confounded art institutions and inspired debate over what constituted art.
Munduko pertsonaia handiak
Munduko pertsonaia handiak
  1. Vincent van Gogh - A prolific Post-Impressionist painter whose vivid use of colour and emotive brushwork had a huge influence, despite being diagnosed with mental illness. He achieved prominence after his death for classics like Starry Night, during his life struggling with poverty and depression.
  2. F. Scott Fitzgerald - Acclaimed American author best known for his novel The Great Gatsby about disillusionment and the American Dream in the roaring 1920s. Coined phrases that defined an era.
  3. Gabriel García Márquez - Colombian novelist known for magical realism in classics like One Hundred Years of Solitude and Love in the Time of Cholera set in Latin America. Won the Nobel Prize in Literature.
  4. César Chávez - Mexican-American labour leader and civil rights activist who co-founded the United Farm Workers union. Fought for immigrants and better working conditions.
  5. Harvey Milk - The first openly gay elected official in California who worked to advance LGBTQ+ rights through the 1970s.

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Munduko pertsonaia handien zerrenda honek munduan funtsezkoak diren pertsonaia garrantzitsuei buruz gehiago ikasten lagunduko dizula espero dugu.

Nazioak altxatu zituzten liderretatik hasi eta gure arima elikatu zuten artistetaraino, bakoitzak bere abentura kutsua ekarri zuen.

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Nortzuk dira nortasun handiak?

Batez ere aipatu ditugun pertsonek eragin eraldatzaileak izan zituzten eta jendea inspiratzen jarraitzen dute beren lorpen aitzindarien, lidergoaren, balioen eta aurrerapenerako konpromisoaren bidez.

Zein pertsonaia ospetsuk lortu zuen arrakasta bere trebetasunen bidez?

One of the famous personalities who achieved success through his skills could be Michael Jordan - widely considered the greatest basketball player of all time, his unparalleled athleticism and competitive drive led him to remarkable success in the NBA.

Nor izan zen indiar pertsonaia handien bizitzako inspirazio istorioa?

Mahatma Gandhi, merkatari familia batean jaioa, britainiar agintearen aurkako indarkeriarik gabeko mugimendua zuzendu zuen eta independentzia ekarri zuen Indiara. Milioika inspiratu zituen bere egiaren, indarkeriarik gabeko eta erlijio-armoniaren mezuarekin.