Edit page title Nola egin Ted Talks bat? 4an zure aurkezpena hobea egiteko 2024 aholku
Edit meta description Beginning of 2023, We've compiled 4 top tips from the best TED Talks to help you nail your next presentation. Harness the power of original ideas & content with our guide.

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Nola egin Ted Talks bat? 4an zure aurkezpena hobea egiteko 2024 aholku


Lindsie Nguyen 22 apirila, 2024 6 irakurri min

So, how to make a Ted Talk Presentation? When you want to find a talk of a topic you are interested in, TED hitzaldiakizan daiteke buruan agertzen den lehena.

Haien indarra ideia originaletatik, eduki argitsuetatik, baliagarrietatik eta hizlarien aurkezpen gaitasun ikusgarrietatik dator. 90,000 hiztun baino gehiagoren 90,000 aurkezpen-estilo baino gehiago erakutsi dira, eta ziurrenik horietako batekin erlazionatuta aurkitu zara.

Whatever the type is, there are some everyday things among TED Talk presenters which you can keep in mind to improve your own performance!

Edukien aurkibidea

TED Talks – TED hiztuna izatea Interneten lorpen bat da orain, saiatu zure Twitter bioan jartzen saiatu eta jarraitzaileek nola pizten duten ikusi nahi duzu?

Aurkezpen-aholku gehiago AhaSlides-ekin

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Lortu doako txantiloiak zure hurrengo aurkezpen interaktiborako. Eman izena doan eta hartu nahi duzuna txantiloi liburutegitik!

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The fastest way to spur an emotional response from the audience is to tell a story of your own experience. The essence of story is its ability to invoke emotions and interaction from the listeners. Therefore by doing this, they can feel related by nature and immediately find your talk more “authentic”, and therefore are willing to listen to more from you. 

TED hitzaldiak
TED hitzaldiak

Zure istorioak zure hitzaldian ere nahas ditzakezu gaiari buruzko zure iritzia eraikitzeko eta zure argumentua modu limurtzailean aurkezteko. Ikerketan oinarritutako ebidentziaz gain, istorio pertsonalak tresna indartsu gisa erabil ditzakezu aurkezpen fidagarri eta sinesgarri bat sortzeko.

2. Egin zure publikoa funtzionatzen

Zure hitzaldia interesgarria izan arren, baliteke entzuleek arreta zure hitzalditik urruntzen duten une batez. Hori dela eta, haien arreta berreskuratu eta konprometitzen duten jarduera batzuk egin behar dituzu. 

TED Talks – Barkatu, zer?

For example, a simple way to do this is to make good questions relevant to your topic, which gets them to think and find an answer. This is a common way that TED speakers use to engage their audience! The questions can be posed immediately or occasionally during the talk. The idea is to get to know their perspectives by having them submit their answers to an online canvas like AhaSlides, non emaitzak zuzenean eguneratzen diren, eta haietan fida zaitezke sakonago eztabaidatzeko. 

Ekintza txikiak egiteko ere eska diezaiekezu, hala nola, begiak itxi eta hitz egiten ari zaren ideiari dagokion ideia edo adibideren batean pentsatzea, Bruce Aylward-ek “Nola geldituko dugu polioa betirako” hitzaldian egin zuen bezala. ”.

TED Talks – Watch how the master – Bruce Aylward – draws attention from his audience!

3. Diapositibak laguntzeko, ez itotzeko

Slides accompany most TED Talks, and you would rarely see a TED speaker use more-than-colourful slides full of text or numbers. Instead, they are usually simplified in terms of decoration and content and tend to be in the form of graphs, images or videos. This helps draw the audience’s attention to the content that the speaker is referring to and flatter the idea they are trying to convey. You can make use of it too!

TED hitzaldiak

Visualisation is the point here. You can convert text and numbers into charts or graphs and utilise images, videos, and GIFs. Interactive slides can also help you connect with the audience. One reason the audience is distracted is their having no clue about the structure of your talk and feel discouraged to follow until the end. You can solve this with the “Audience Pacing” feature of AhaSlides, eta bertan ikusleek zolatu dezakete Atzera eta aurreradiapositiben eduki guztia ezagutzeko eta beti jarrai eta prest egon datozen ikuspegi guztietarako.

4. Be original; be you

This has to do with your presenting style, HOW you convey your ideas, and WHAT you deliver. You can see this clearly in TED Talks, where one speaker’s ideas could be similar to others, but what matters is how they view it from another perspective and develop it in their own way. The audience will not want to listen to an old topic with an old approach that hundreds of others might have chosen. Think about how you can make a difference and add your individuality to your speech to bring valuable content to the audience.

Gai bat, milaka ideia, milaka estilo
Gai bat, milaka ideia, milaka estilo

It’s not easy to be a master presenter, but practice these 4 tips so often that you can make a big progress in your presentation skills! Let AhaSlides be with you on the way there!

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Lortu doako txantiloiak zure hurrengo aurkezpen interaktiborako. Eman izena doan eta hartu nahi duzuna txantiloi liburutegitik!

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