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Orain modan dauden gazte taldeen 12 joko erakargarri nagusiak


Astrid Tran 31 Urria, 2023 6 irakurri min

Gazte talde batentzako udaleku edo ekitaldi bat antolatzen ari zara eta gazte taldeen joko dibertigarri baina esanguratsuak aurkitzeko borroka egiten al zaizu? Denok dakigu gaztetasuna energia, sormen eta jakin-min zurrunbilo bati lotuta dagoela askotan, abentura izpirituarekin. Haientzako joko-egun bat antolatzeak goxotasuna, talde lana eta hezkuntza orekatu beharko lituzke. 

So, what are the fun youth group games that are trending now? We've got the inside scoop on some of the most exciting and engaging activities that will leave your young participants begging for more.

Edukien Taula:

Parte-hartze hobea lortzeko aholkuak

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Hasi gazteentzako ekitaldi erakargarriak eta kolaboratiboak. Eman izena AhaSlides txantiloia doan hartzeko

🚀 Hartu doako galdetegia☁️

Snowball Fights

Snowball fights are definitely a fabulous idea for youth group games, especially if you're in an area with a snowy winter. It's an exhilarating game that requires strategy, teamwork, and quick reflexes. Participants form teams, build snow forts, and engage in friendly combat with snowballs. The laughter and joy that come from chasing your friends through the snow and landing that perfect hit are truly priceless. Just remember to bundle up and play safe!

💡Ideia gehiago liluragarriei buruz talde handian jolasakfesta eta ekitaldiak pizten dituztenak.  

Koloreen Gerra/Slime Gudu koloretsua

One of the best outdoor games for large groups of youth, Color Battle takes fun to the next level. Participants are divided into teams, each armed with colourful, non-toxic slime. The goal is to cover your opponents in as much slime as possible while avoiding getting slimed yourself. It's a messy, vibrant, and wildly entertaining game that leaves everyone drenched in laughter and colour.

gazte taldeen jarduerak
Gazteen taldeko jolas eta jarduera onenak | Irudia: Shutterstock

Pazko Arrautza Ehiza

Easter is coming around, and are you ready to be the best Egg Hunter? Easter Egg Hunt is a classic, large-group game that's perfect for youth gatherings. Participants search for hidden eggs filled with surprises, adding an element of excitement and discovery to the occasion. The thrill of finding the most eggs or the one with the golden ticket makes it an event that's eagerly anticipated each year.

💡Egiaztatu 75++ Pazko Galdetegia Galdera eta ErantzunakAste Santuko Trivia Jokoa antolatzeko

Gazteen Ministerioaren Jolasa: Pozoia

Student ministry games for indoor activities like Poison won't disappoint you. How does it work? Participants form a circle and take turns saying a number while trying not to say "poison." Anyone who says "poison" is out. It's a fun and fast-paced game that encourages concentration and quick thinking. The last person remaining wins the round.

Biblia Bingoa

How to get the youth engaged in every Church event? Among many Christian games for youth, Bible Bingo is trending now. It's an engaging way to test knowledge of Bible stories, characters, and verses. Participants can learn and have fun at the same time, making it a spiritual twist to the traditional game and perfect for church youth group activities. 

gazteentzako biblia jolasak
Gazteentzako Biblia jolasak


Ondo pasa nahi baduzu barruko gazte taldeen jolasakfor small groups, try Mafia. This game is also called Werewolf, and the involvement of deception, strategy, and deduction makes the game unique and well-liked. In the game, participants are secretly assigned roles as members of the mafia or innocent townsfolk. The mafia's goal is to eliminate the townspeople without revealing their identity, while the townspeople attempt to uncover the mafia members. It's a game of intrigue that keeps everyone on their toes.

Harrapatu Bandera

This classic game has been one of the most played outdoor youth camp games for many decades. It is simple but brings endless joy and laughter. Participants are divided into two teams, each with their own flag. The objective is to infiltrate the opposing team's territory and capture their flag without being tagged. It's a great game for buildingtalde-lana , estrategia eta lagunarteko lehia.

Zuzeneko Trivia Quiz

Lehiaketa zentzua duten jolasak ere gustatzen zaizkie gazteei, beraz, zuzenekoa bitxikeria galdetegiaaukera ezin hobea da gazte taldeen barruko jolasetarako, batez ere lineako tailer eta ekitaldietarako. Egin behar duzun guztia eskuratzea da zuzeneko galdetegien sortzailea AhaSlides bezala, deskargatu pertsonalizatutako txantiloiak, editatu pixka bat, gehitu galdera batzuk eta partekatu. Parte hartzaileek parte har dezakete lehiaketa estekaren bidez eta bete haien erantzunak. Diseinatutako sailkapen-taulekin eta tresnaren denbora errealeko eguneratzeekin, gazteentzako joko bat antolatzea erraza da. 

gazte taldeen jokoak ministerio jokoa
Gazte taldeen jolasen ministerioa indoor

Zip Bong

Zip Bong-en joko zirraragarria ospea lortzen ari da azkenaldian eta ideia zoragarria izan daiteke gazte katolikoen taldeen jardueretarako. Zip Bong-ek ondoen funtzionatzen du aire librean, like in a camp or retreat centre. The game is inspired by the idea of trusting in the Lord and stepping out of your comfort zone to face challenges head-on. It's a great way to help young people bond and grow in their faith through exciting experiences.

Turkey Day Scavenger Hunt

Turkiaren eguna Scavenger Huntabentura eta ezagutzaren zentzua duen erronka da Eskerrak Eguneko gazte taldeen jokorik ederrenetakoa oporrak lagun eta familiarekin ospatzeko. Jokoan, jokalariek arrastoak jarraitzen dituzte eta erronkak osatzen dituzte Ezkutuko Esker Eguneko gaiari buruzko elementuak aurkitzeko edo jaietako historia eta tradizioak ezagutzeko.  

Turkia Bowling

There are many people who want something more hilarious and silly when celebrating a big occasion like Thanksgiving. The crazy youth group games like Turkey Bowling, popularly played in recent years, can be a great solution. It involves using frozen turkeys as makeshift bowling balls to knock down a set of pins. It's a crazy and unconventional game that's sure to have everyone laughing and enjoying the absurdity of the moment.

gazte taldeen jolas dibertigarriak
Eskerrak emateko gazte taldeen joko eroak

💡Eskerrak emateko festa birtuala 2021: 8 ideia doan + 3 deskarga!

Blind Retriever

If you are looking for team-building games for youth with no equipment needed, I suggest Blind Retriever. The game is easy and straightforward. Players are blindfolded and must rely on their teammates' guidance to retrieve objects or complete tasks. The unexpected or amusing moves from the blindfolded player lead to laughter and an enjoyable atmosphere.

💡 Inspirazio gehiago nahi duzu? Izena eman AhaSlideseta lortu doako txantiloiak minutu gutxitan joko gau bat prestatzeko!

Galdera arruntak

What games can you play when you're young?

Gazteen taldeen joko batzuk jokatu ohi dira: M&M Roulette, Crab Soccer, Matthew, Mark, Luke eta John, Life-Size Tic Tac Toe eta The Worm Olympics. 

Zer da gazte taldeen jokoa zeruari buruz?

Elizak askotan antolatzen du Guide Me to Heaven jokoa gazteentzat. Joko hau fede espiritualean inspiratuta dago, gazteei argibide argien garrantzia ulertzen laguntzea eta elkarri bide egokian jarraitzea helburu duena.

Nola egin dezaket nire gazte taldea dibertigarria?

Erdi labean gazte taldeen jolasak antolatzearen ideiak jarduerak ez dira hain atseginak izan. Beraz, ezinbestekoa da inklusibitatea, energia erretzea, goxotasuna eta garun-biribiltzea sustatzen dituen joko bat antolatzea. 

Ref: Vanco