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2024 ECAM: Kanpina



Wang Nicky

Kanpinaren inguruko 15 hitz ezinbestekoak

Diapositibak (30)

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People usually stay in a _____ when they go camping, not in a house.

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Many people like to camp in a _____ but you can also camp on a mountain or in a desert.

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(A) What kind of _____ did you bring? (B) I brought food, water and clothes.

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Let's start a _____ and cook some food.

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It's getting dark. Where's our _____?

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You can see lots of _____ at night.

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A _____ is the place where you put your tent.

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When I leave the city, I love to relax and enjoy _____: birds, trees and flowers.

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A _____ can show you the directions of north, south, east and west.

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A compass and a _____ can help you find your way, so you don't get lost.

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There are too many mosquitos and other bugs around here. Do you have the _____?

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A comfortable _____ can help you to sleep well at night.

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Many people like to _____ through the forest when they go camping.

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I'm hungry! Let's have a _____.

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I like camping, but I'm afraid of the dangerous _____ like bears and snakes.

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