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Guztia Emakumeen Nazioarteko Egunari buruz



Engaiamendu Taldea

Arakatu Emakumeen Nazioarteko Eguna: bere historia, gaur egungo gaiak MGF eta indarkeria bezalako gaiak, emakumeen aktibismoa eta emakumeak egunero ahalduntzeko moduak. Bat egin genero-berdintasunaren erronkei buruzko eztabaidan!

Diapositibak (41)

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Zenbateraino ados zaude adierazpen hauekin?

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What words or thoughts come to mind when you think about International Women’s Day?

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Joko arauak:

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True or False? The U.S is in the top 50 countries for female representation in public office.

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In what year did the first Native American woman and the first Muslim woman get elected to the U.S. Congress?

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What percentage of women and girls over 15 in Latin America have suffered from sexual violence?

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True or False: Latin American women have the highest likelihood of being killed compared to women in other regions of the world.

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In which year did large-scale protests and strikes take place on International Women’s Day in several European countries?

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Which of the following issues were brought to attention by women protesting on IWD 2019?

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True or False: Female genital mutilation (FGM) is still a human rights issue in many African countries

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What is the most effective way to stop FGM?

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In which country have women been imprisoned for fighting for the right to drive?

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True or False: International attention on imprisoned female activists is only given on International Women’s Day

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What first word/thought come to mind when you think about International Women’s Day now?

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What are some small actions we can take every day to empower the women around us? Let's vote for your favorite!

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How confident are you in your knowledge of International Women's Day?

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