atzeko planoko aurkezpena
aurkezpena partekatzea




Cessa Morales

Presta zaitez zure ezagutza probatzeko adinetan zehar azken galdetegiko erronka honetan! Antzinako historiatik iragarpen futuristetaraino, zailtasun maila gero eta handiagoa izango duzu txanda bakoitzean.


Diapositibak (48)

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Egin klik goiburua gehitzeko

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What year did World War II end, marking the end of the largest conflict in human history?

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What does A.D. stand for in historical timelines?

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What was the former name of Valenzuela City before it was renamed in 1960?

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What computer bug was feared to cause major disruptions worldwide as the year changed from 1999 to 2000?

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What 1990s boy band became a global sensation with hits like "I Want It That Way" and is considered a defining group of the millennial generation?

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What technological milestone, predicted for 2045, is often referred to as the "Singularity"?

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Which image shows the Wall, which fell in 1989?

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Which famous painting by Vincent van Gogh, completed in 1889, is one of the most well-known in art history?

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Which superhero, created by Marvel in 1962, is often depicted hanging through New York City?

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Which of these arches marks the boundary between Valenzuela City and Malabon?

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Which image shows the dinosaur Brachiosaurus, which lived around 150 million years ago during the Late Jurassic period?

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Which video game, first released in 1985, features a plumber who rescues Princess Peach?

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What is the name of the car used as a time machine in the 1985 film "Back to the Future"

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What place in NLEX is historically known for the Cry that marked the start of the Philippine Revolution in 1896?

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What type of interchange uses looped ramps to manage traffic flow between highways?

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What was the name of the supercontinent that existed about 250 million years ago?

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Which 1980s arcade game became one of the most iconic video games of all time, featuring a yellow character who navigates a maze eating pellets?

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Which town in Bulacan is known for its major historical role in the First Philippine Republic and is also accessible via NLEX?

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Match the NLEX exit with the correct city:

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Match the iconic movie with the year it was released:

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Match the historical figure with the place they are associated with:

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Match the Filipino slang term with the decade it became popular:

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Match the former country name with its current name

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Match the 1980s international political icon with their contribution:

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Arrange these future technology predictions in the correct timeline:

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Arrange the following Philippine infrastructure milestones in chronological order:

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Arrange the following events related to the Roman Empire and Christianity in chronological order

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Arrange these famous literary works in the correct order of their publication:

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Arrange these Central Luzon provinces by land area (from largest to smallest):

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Arrange these major sports events by the year they first took place (from oldest to newest):

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