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Sormena desblokeatu behar duzu: Jolas serioa, Berrikuntzarako Jedi bidea bihurtzen da



Rachel Scherer

Arakatu gamifikazioa eta jolas serioa hezkuntzan: parte hartu ikasleak aktiboki, hobetu motibazioa eta orekatu lehia lankidetzarekin ikaskuntza-emaitza eraginkorrak lortzeko.


Diapositibak (33)

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Rank your knowledge about = Gamification (G) and/or Serious Play (SP)

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Let's get started; time to test our luck......

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So how did you feel while it was spinning? Engaged, disconnected, scared, excited.......... there are no wrong asnwers

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When students acquire knowledge by actively engaging with the course content and applying the knowledge to a real world issues, they are practicing _________.

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Match the following G & SP definitions

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What SIMILARITIES do G/SP share?

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Which of the following is the most accurate description of how G/SP impacts the learning process

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Which of the following elements is NOT typically associated with G/SP in educational settings?

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Which of the following strategies are effective ways to gamify your classroom?

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While gamification can be beneficial, it may also present challenges. Teachers need to ensure that gamified learning does not overshadow educational objectives by......

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What are some easy ways you can incorporate G/SP into your classroom?

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Match the picture to the emotion

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Whats wrong in this picture

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Pick all of the repetition tools that you know & used

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Any other ones you'd recommend?

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Name this song

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Name this song

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Name this song

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Now how do you rank your knowledge about = Gamifcation and/or Serious Play

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Q & A - Time

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