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EDLD 671 - Ryhmä 3 Artikkeli



Sasha Yunginger


Diat (31)

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Page 1 - Group 3_ Barriers to underserved students’ participation in gifted...

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Page 2 - Group 3_ Barriers to underserved students’ participation in gifted...

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Page 3 - Group 3_ Barriers to underserved students’ participation in gifted...

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Page 5 - Group 3_ Barriers to underserved students’ participation in gifted...

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Page 6 - Group 3_ Barriers to underserved students’ participation in gifted...

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Page 7 - Group 3_ Barriers to underserved students’ participation in gifted...

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Page 8 - Group 3_ Barriers to underserved students’ participation in gifted...

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Page 9 - Group 3_ Barriers to underserved students’ participation in gifted...

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Page 10 - Group 3_ Barriers to underserved students’ participation in gifted...

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Page 11 - Group 3_ Barriers to underserved students’ participation in gifted...

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Page 12 - Group 3_ Barriers to underserved students’ participation in gifted...

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Match the vocabulary with the correct definition. 

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Which of the following is identified as a main barrier to underserved students' participation in gifted programs?

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Which of the following is NOT a main barrier to underserved students' participation in gifted programs?

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List the 5 components of the recommened Identification Model in order (by dragging and dropping using the waffle dots).

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What are the main barriers to underserved students partipating in Gifted and Talented programming (select all that apply)?

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Which of the following is a recommendation to address barriers for underserved students in gifted programs?

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What is one thing you learned in today's lesson?

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Page 14 - Group 3_ Barriers to underserved students’ participation in gifted...

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Page 15 - Group 3_ Barriers to underserved students’ participation in gifted...

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Page 16 - Group 3_ Barriers to underserved students’ participation in gifted...

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Page 17 - Group 3_ Barriers to underserved students’ participation in gifted...

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Do you have a clear understanding of this article? 

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Page 18 - Group 3_ Barriers to underserved students’ participation in gifted...

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