Teimpléid ón gComhphobal

Déanann ár n-úsáideoirí iontacha teimpléid ardchaighdeáin. Féach ar conas atá daoine eile ag baint úsáide as AhaSlides agus bain úsáid as a gcuid bunú le do lucht féachana!

Tosaigh ón tús
3 sleamhnán

Srian Triarach

A project manager faces a fixed budget but must meet an earlier deadline, risking quality or scope. Shortening deadlines may require increased budget, but it conflicts with constraints.

Antonio Zamora

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5 sleamhnán

How B2B Price Optimization and Management Software Helps Reduce Pr...

Ardaigh do straitéis praghsála le bogearraí cuimsitheach praghsála IMA360. Faigh buntáiste iomaíoch trí ard-halgartaim a ghiaráil.

im 360

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9 sleamhnán

Why Every Business Needs Commercial General and Product Liability ...

A business faces multiple risks during operations that include injuries to clients and defective products along with cyber security threat. https://firstpolicy.com/services/liability-credit-insurance/

an chéad bheartas

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4 sleamhnán



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Hvornår begyndte den franske revolution?
10 sleamhnán

Hvornår begyndte den franske revolution?

The French Revolution began in 1789, driven by social inequality. Key leaders emerged, and the storming of the Bastille marked a pivotal moment in this transformative uprising.

Yosuf Nasser

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3 sleamhnán

Is Russia's aggression against Ukraine a just war?

Exploring the moral dimensions of Ukraine's defense as a just war, the implications of a forced ceasefire for peace, and evaluating Russia's aggression in the same context.

Nazar Dudchak

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QCM - Comprendre le handicap.pdf
3 sleamhnán

QCM - Comprendre le handicap.pdf

This presentation explores the concept of disability, discussing its definitions and implications, along with a quiz to enhance understanding of the topic.

Catherine RIBLET - Espace Sentein

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Public Debt in India: An Overview
33 sleamhnán

Public Debt in India: An Overview

India's public debt, influenced by economic factors and rising post-COVID, poses sustainability risks. Future strategies need enhanced revenue and spending reforms for stabilization.

Bhagyathara Nair

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Samblagem é uma técnica de junção das peças de
6 sleamhnán

Samblagem é uma técnica de junção das peças de

The slide discusses a technique for joining wooden pieces in Japanese woodworking, highlighting the method used and the concept of "samblagem" for connecting components.

Vera Rodrigues

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Arrange the Letters!
7 sleamhnán

Arrange the Letters!

The slide explores permutations: linear and circular arrangements of objects, including unique setups with identical items, emphasizing the action of arranging in various contexts.

Abacano Trisha May Z.

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22 sleamhnán

Kalvi Shakti Webinar .pptx

Join Kalvishakthi! Discover the Shraddha Maanu Foundation's after-school program, next steps for enrollment, and resources for starting your center at home. Confirm by tomorrow!

madhumati narayanan

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Nippon Paint Marine Leadership Workshop
9 sleamhnán

Nippon Paint Marine Leadership Workshop

The workshop focuses on constructive team conversations, feedback challenges, understanding diverse personalities, leadership confidence, and AGILE competencies for effective leadership.


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Grecia Mayté Ramírez Salguero
8 sleamhnán

Grecia Mayté Ramírez Salguero

Metodologías virtuales y herramientas tecnologícas del aprendizaje y del conocimiento.

Grecia Ramírez

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InTASC Standard 1
11 sleamhnán

InTASC Standard 1

The session explores diverse student development patterns, highlights the importance of tailored, age-appropriate experiences, and encourages discussion on TASC Standard 1's impact on teaching.

Mandy Woolfstead

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8 sleamhnán


Arleigh Breedwell

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10 sleamhnán


The summary covers status epilepticus, its treatment (meds and surgery), actions during a seizure, tonic-clonic seizure details, and nursing care, including phenytoin education for patients.

Arleigh Breedwell

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Fundamentos de pruebas 5 Marzo
9 sleamhnán

Fundamentos de pruebas 5 Marzo

Margarita Macias

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Как связаны слова в предложении?
7 sleamhnán

Как связаны слова в предложении?

Елизавета Сушкова

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12 sleamhnán

Социални мрежи

Нина Стоянова

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3 sleamhnán

The Importance of Continuous Learning in Nursing


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15 sleamhnán

Plean lectie Scrierea-silabelor-formate-din-trei-litere-cu-analiza-fonetica

Plean lectie Scrierea-silabelor-formate-din-trei-litere-cu-analiza-

Daniela Voicea

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18 sleamhnán



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Question 1: What do hamsters use to store food?
10 sleamhnán

Question 1: What do hamsters use to store food?

Hamsters store food in cheek pouches, need exercise wheels for health, have ever-growing teeth, commonly burrow and explore, and should be handled gently to avoid stress.

Alexey Nebotov

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Kiểm toán căn bản
4 sleamhnán

Kiểm toán căn bản

Tóm tắt: Báo cáo kiểm toán quan trọng cho doanh nghiệp; ý kiến từ chối có thể ảnh hưởng đến vay vốn. Doanh nghiệp cần giảm thiểu rủi ro từ kiểm toán viên và có thể bị từ chối không thông báo.

Lan Lê

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Inducción Brot
16 sleamhnán

Inducción Brot

Welcome to our HR training session! We'll cover your name, vacation days, handling workplace harassment, our founder, HR documents, company milestones, and performance reviews. Excited to have you!

Scala Consultoria

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Marija Grečina
12 sleamhnán

Marija Grečina

A discussion on household vegetable usage, healthiest options, favorite tastes, size rankings, and categorizing vegetables, led by Marija Grečina at the Cēsis branch.

Marija Grecina

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Barış Manco
13 sleamhnán

Barış Manco

Barış Manço, Sarı Çizmeli Mehmet Ağa'nın hikayesinden etkilenip şarkısını yazdı. Mehmet Ağa, yardımseverliğiyle tanınan efsanevi bir figürdü. Şarkıları hâlâ seviliyor.


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3 sleamhnán

tema 2-Untitled-comunicarea-Baicu Ileana.pdf

The document discusses communication strategies, highlighting clarity, spelling, and grammar improvement to enhance writing effectiveness.

Ileana Baicu

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16 sleamhnán

Care sunt beneficiile de a avea animale domestice?

Diana Chirila

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14 sleamhnán

play and go

A comprehensive lesson on fruits and vegetables covering largest fruit, classification, identifying vegetables, color connections, greenhouse growth, and identifying green vegetables.

Marija Grecina

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15 sleamhnán


A workshop by Elīna Sula on 18.02.2025, exploring favorite fruits and vegetables, seasonal availability, sorting by size and color, and identifying fruits and vegetables.

Elīna Sula

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Cuir do cheannteideal ina ionad seo
33 sleamhnán

Cuir do cheannteideal ina ionad seo

Sandra Gorjacko

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4 sleamhnán

ما هي الاداة الاكثر استخداما لديك من أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي؟

Hamid Alkhamiasi

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5 sleamhnán


The code reverses the string "HELLO" and prints it, character by character, resulting in the output "OLLEH".

Lavanya Reddy

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22 sleamhnán

Есе терминін ғылымға енгізген ғалым

Summarizes meanings of "оң" and "өң," vowel alternation's semantic effects, diphthong and monophthong descriptions, and historical linguistics contributions in Turkic languages.

Жайна Қапсихова

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What is your favorite snack?
9 sleamhnán

What is your favorite snack?

The presentation highlights favorite places and snacks, and discusses implementing Project-Based Learning (PBL) to enhance student engagement, collaboration, and instruction differentiation.

Bonnie Grayson

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PPT in QUizizz
12 sleamhnán

PPT in QUizizz

zyld lawas

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14 sleamhnán

Kāda kultūra izpaužās Jūsu skolā?

The presentation discusses the evaluation of power culture in educational institutions, its components, and how it manifests in schools, with a focus on cultural insights and assessments.

Aišata Škaraputa

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Множество значений
7 sleamhnán

Множество значений

Explore the function y = 13 + x within [-3, 3], match functions with their domains, identify exclusions, assess linearly, and choose a graph for a robot's defined movement phases.

платформа Умакласс

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Bernere Linda_Informācijas tehnoloģija izglītībā_Prezentācijas par emocijām
15 sleamhnán

Bernere Linda_Informācijas tehnoloģija izglītībā_Prezentācijas par emocijām

Prezentācija par emocijām - priecīgs, bailīgs, dusmīgs, bēdīgs.

Linda Bernere

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6 sleamhnán


Alin Mihai

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Ceisteanna 6-11
11 sleamhnán

Ceisteanna 6-11

Bella V

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4 sleamhnán

make money without investmentLeaderboard

Nils Beer

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21 sleamhnán

شرکت برنامه نویسی

شرکت برنامه نویسی با تیم متخصص و فناوری‌های نوین، در طراحی و توسعه نرم‌افزارهای امن و کارآمد فعالیت می‌کند و منابع و خدمات متنوعی ارائه می‌دهد.

morva cyber

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Chatbots for language learning
15 sleamhnán

Chatbots for language learning

Chatbots in language learning offer 24/7 personalized support, immediate feedback, and interactive practice, enhancing skills while also facing challenges like limited cultural understanding.


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8 sleamhnán


Abdullo Azimov

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4 sleamhnán

tEMA 2.2

Teodora Chinschi

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Ceisteanna 1-5
11 sleamhnán

Ceisteanna 1-5

Bella V

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22 sleamhnán

What is the primary mission of Tsangkha Middle Secondary School?

Sonam Tshering

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4 sleamhnán

How CPQ Software Vendors Support Global Pricing Strategies.pptx

im 360

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AhaSlides Teimpléid Phobail Coitianta

Más mian leat triail a bhaint as teimpléid nuálacha a chuidíonn leis an bpobal agus a bheith mar chuid de na AhaSlides grúpa, teacht go AhaSlides Teimpléad Pobail Coitianta.

Agus teimpléid curtha leis ag an bpobal, feicfidh tú go tapa éagsúlacht na dtéamaí, na gcineálacha agus na críocha a chuirtear i bhfeidhm ar an teimpléad. Tá sraith uirlisí iontach ag gach teimpléad agus bailte fearainn, Lena n-áirítear uirlisí tobsmaointeoireachta, pobalbhreith beo, tráth na gceist beo, roth spinner, agus go leor eile a fhágann go bhfuil sé éasca do theimpléid a chruthú i gceann cúpla nóiméad.

Agus, ós rud é gur féidir iad a shaincheapadh, is féidir leat iad a oiriúnú d'aon nideoige is mian leat, mar fhóram oideachais, club spóirt, ranganna síceolaíochta nó teicneolaíochta, nó tionscal faisin. Téigh go dtí leabharlann na Teimpléad pobail agus tóg do chéad chéim chun ding a dhéanamh sa tsochaí, 100% saor in aisce.

Ceisteanna Coitianta

Conas a úsáid AhaSlides teimpléid?

Tabhair cuairt ar an teimpléad alt ar an AhaSlides láithreán gréasáin, ansin roghnaigh aon teimpléad is mian leat a úsáid. Ansin, cliceáil ar an Faigh Teimpléad cnaipe an teimpléad sin a úsáid láithreach. Is féidir leat eagarthóireacht agus cur i láthair a dhéanamh láithreach gan a bheith ort clárú. Cruthaigh saor in aisce, AhaSlides cuntas más mian leat do chuid oibre a fheiceáil níos déanaí.

An gá dom íoc chun clárú?

Ar ndóigh ní! AhaSlides Tá cuntas 100% saor in aisce le rochtain gan teorainn ar an gcuid is mó de AhaSlides's, le 50 rannpháirtí ar a mhéad sa phlean saor in aisce.

Más gá duit imeachtaí a óstáil le níos mó rannpháirtithe, is féidir leat do chuntas a uasghrádú go dtí plean oiriúnach (féach ar ár bpleananna anseo le do thoil: Praghsáil - AhaSlides) nó déan teagmháil lenár bhfoireann CS le haghaidh tuilleadh tacaíochta.

An gá dom íoc as a úsáid AhaSlides teimpléid?

Níl ar chor ar bith! AhaSlides Tá teimpléid 100% saor in aisce, le líon neamhtheoranta teimpléid ar féidir leat rochtain a fháil orthu. Nuair a bheidh tú san aip láithreora, is féidir leat cuairt a thabhairt ar ár teimpléid rannán chun teacht ar láithreoireachtaí a fhreastalaíonn ar do chuid riachtanas.

Tá AhaSlides Teimpléid comhoiriúnach le Google Slides agus Powerpoint?

I láthair na huaire, is féidir le húsáideoirí a allmhairiú comhaid PowerPoint agus Google Slides chun AhaSlides. Déan tagairt do na hailt seo le haghaidh tuilleadh eolais:

An féidir liom a íoslódáil AhaSlides teimpléid?

Sea, is féidir cinnte! Faoi láthair, is féidir leat a íoslódáil AhaSlides teimpléid trína n-onnmhairiú mar chomhad PDF.