Gnothachas – Keynote Presentation

Make every appearance a big win in the audience's hearts.

Don't just present, engage. AhaSlides transforms your speech into a powerful medium for audience interaction and data-driven insights. Experience the difference with live polls, interactive quizzes, and more.

4.8/5⭐ Stèidhichte air 1000 lèirmheas air


suaicheantas samsung
suaicheantas bosch
Microsoft Logo
suaicheantas Ferrero
suaicheantas bùtha

Na dh'fhaodas tu a dhèanamh

Taghaidhean beò

Ask your audience questions in real time and display the results instantly. Tailor your presentation to their interests.

Seiseanan Q&A

Allow attendees to ask questions anonymously or publicly with the moderator's help.

Live feedbacks

Get instant feedback from your audience on specific topics with interactive polls.

Teamplaidean gnàthaichte

Choose from a variety of professionally designed templates or customise your own to match your brand.

Break free from one-sided presentations.

You'll never know what's really going on in the attendee's minds if it's a one-sided speech. Use AhaSlides to:
• Engage everyone with live polls, Seiseanan Q&A, and word clouds.
• Break the ice to warm up your audience and set a positive tone for your presentation.
• Analyse the sentiment and tweak your speech in time.

Make your event inclusive.​

AhaSlides isn't just about creating awesome presentations; it's about making sure everyone feels included. Run AhaSlides in your event to ensure both live and in-person attendees have an uniform experience.

Get the professional help you need.​

With our dedicated support team, you won't ever be left alone figuring things out yourself. We provide a personalised experience and help just one click away to make your conference a massive success— all you need to do is chat with us.

Faic mar a bhios AhaSlides a’ cuideachadh ghnìomhachasan & thrèanaichean a dhol an sàs nas fheàrr

Tha trèanadh gèilleadh mòran barrachd spòrs.

8K sleamhnagan air an cruthachadh le òraidichean air AhaSlides.

9.9/10 B' e an ìre aig seiseanan trèanaidh Ferrero.

Sgiobaidhean air feadh iomadh dùthaich ceangal nas fheàrr.

80% fios air ais adhartach air a thoirt seachad leis na com-pàirtichean.

Tha com-pàirtichean furachail agus an sàs.

Keynote Presentation Templates

A h-uile coinneamh làmhan

Tha AhaSlides na roghainn Mentimeter iomlan

End of year meeting

Let's talk about AI

Ceistean Bitheanta

Will AhaSlides work for large conference audiences?​

Yes, AhaSlides is built to handle audiences of any size. Our platform is scalable and reliable, ensuring smooth performance even with thousands of participants.​

What if I need technical support during my conference?​

Our dedicated support team is available 24/7 to assist you with any technical issues or questions you may have.​

Get all the spotlights.

📅 Taic 24/7

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