We are Not Really Strangers is a game of reconnection to ring up an emotional game night or play with your loved ones to deepen your relationship, and we've got the full list for you to use for FREE below!
This is a well-crafted three-level game that covers all aspects of dating, couples, self-love, friendship, and family. Enjoy the journey of deepening your connections!

- The "We're Not Really Strangers" (WNRS) game is not just a deck of questions; it creates meaningful experiences for deeper conversations and strong bonds.
- The brainchild of WNRS is Koreen Odiney, a Los Angeles-based model and artist who desires to create authentic and genuine connections.
- The game structure with 3-level questions, including Perception, Connection, and Reflection. There are many additional editions or expansion packs to cater to specific relationships, such as couples, family, or friends.
- The science behind WNRS questions is related to making the right questions and psychological principles like Emotional Intelligence (EQ), social anxiety, and mental health.
- Access the WNRS questions free version or physical deck cards on the brand's official website, other 3rd party sellers or online marketplaces.
Táboa de contidos
What is "We're Not Really Strangers"?
In the world of various light conversations, the We're Not Really Strangers game stands out as a journey into deep connections. It doesn't reshape how we play games, but redefines fine how we connect with others and ourselves.
So, what is its origin and concept?
The creator of WNRS is Koreen Odiney, a model and artist in Los Angeles. The phrase "We're Not Really Strangers" came from a stranger encountered during her photography sessions. The card game then was born out of her passion for breaking down barriers and sparking meaningful connections.
The game includes various thought-provoking questions at 3 progressive levels: Perception, Connection, and Reflection. There are some special editions or expansion packs such as couples, family, and friendship for a greater experience of intimacy.
Why is WNRS more than just a Card Game?
Instead of focusing on competition, the game creates meaningful space and experience. With various thoughtful we're not really strangers questions, you gradually step into the world of self-discovery and authentic connections.
The brand also designs the last card for players to write messages to each other, adding a lasting impact.
How It Became a Global Sensation
Thanks to a unique approach of genuine connection, the game gained viral momentum. It deeply resonates with audiences seeking authenticity in a digital world with less social interaction.
Moreover, the power of Word-of-Mouth and social media content further makes it viral quickly as a global phenomenon. The brand also offers various editions or theme packs to cater to multiple types of relationships for a satisfying experience.
How to Play "We're Not Really Strangers"
Ready to break the barriers and immerse in genuine ties? Let's explore simple steps to play "We're Not Really Strangers"!
1. Game Setup and Required Materials
You will need below materials to set up the games:
- "We're Not Really Strangers" card decks with all 3-question levels. You might utilize expansion packs to tailor to your suitable target audiences.
- Pencil and notepad for the final activity of reflection or writing messages to each other.
- A suitable and quiet space for all participants to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts
After having must-have materials, shuffle each of the card decks and place them down in separate piles. Don't forget to put the final card aside for use at the end of the game.
Regarding participants, you can easily kick off the game with two players. Who will start first? Decide by staring at each other; the first person to blink starts! You can play with friends, family, or even strangers. Please kindly note that the players are encouraged to share openly and honestly.
2. Understanding the Levels & Question Types
Now it's time to understand the game levels! There are typically 3 levels of questions to deepen the game progressively:
- Level 1: Perception - Focus on breaking the ice, making assumptions, and exploring first impressions
- Level 2: Connection - Encourage personal sharing, life perspectives and emotions
- Level 3: Reflection - Promote deep reflection on the player's own experience and others through the game.
3. How to Make the Game More Engaging
Move on to exploring useful tips to level up your WNRS experience. Why don't you consider some of the following suggestions?
Be mindful of creating a cozy and safe space. A judgment-free atmosphere with candles, snacks, and music makes players feel comfortable to open up.
Don't rush! Let the conversation flow naturally. Take your time with each question and listen actively with genuine interest.
You might use WildCards with several creative challenges to add a dynamic touch to the game.
4. Playing Virtually vs. In-Person
Wondering how to play the WNRS games in different settings? Don't skip this part! Indeed, you can play in person or virtually without compromise.
- Xogo en persoa: Physical decks are ideal for leveling up the experience. More direct people interaction like body language and eye contact triggers more emotional impact. Gather players around a table and start the game as standard rules!
- Virtual play: Play WNRS online works well via video calls like Zoom or Facetime for long-distance friends or remote members. Each player takes turns to share for each online card.
But what if you need a platform or WNRS apps to make the game enjoyable and engaging? Let's consider AhaSlides - the most effective interactive presentation platform that allows you to create interactive and fun quizzes or other features. Here is a template for AhaSlides for We’re Not Really Strangers Online Questions:

- #1: Fai clic no botón anterior para unirte ao xogo. Podes navegar por cada diapositiva e enviar ideas sobre ela cos amigos.
- #2: To save the slides or play with acquaintances privately, click on 'My Account,' then sign up for a free AhaSlides account. You can customize them further and play them online/offline with people as you want!

Full List of "We're Not Really Strangers" Questions (Updated 2025)
Let's get started with the superficial to deep We're not really strangers questions. You and your acquaintances will experience three distinctive rounds serving different purposes: perception, connection, and reflection.
Nivel 1: Percepción
This level focuses on self-reflection and understanding one's own thoughts and feelings. By sharing perceptions, participants gain insight into how others see them. They are aware of snap judgments and more empathetic via understanding other lenses.
Here are some of the best icebreaker questions for your reference:
1/ Cal cres que é o meu maior?
2/ Cres que estiven namorado algunha vez?
3/ Cres que algunha vez me romperon o corazón?
4/ Cres que me despediron algunha vez?
5/ Cres que era popular no instituto?
6/ Que cres que preferirei? Cheetos quentes ou aros de cebola?
7/ Cres que me gusta ser pataca de sofá?
8/ Cres que son un extrovertido?
9/ Cres que teño un irmán? Maior ou máis novo?
10/ Onde cres que me criei?
11/ Cres que estou principalmente a cociñar ou a levar comida para levar?
12/ Que cres que estou mirando por atracóns ultimamente?
13/ Cres que odio espertar cedo?
14/ Que é o máis bonito que recordas facer por un amigo?
15/ Que tipo de situación social che fai sentir máis incómodo?
16/ Quen cres que é o meu ídolo favorito?
17/ Cando adoito cear?
18/ Cres que me gusta vestir de vermello?
19/ Cal cres que é o meu prato favorito?
20/ Cres que estou na vida grega?
21/ Sabes cal é a miña carreira soñada?
22/ Sabes onde están as miñas vacacións soñadas?
23/ Cres que me acosaban no colexio?
24/ Cres que son unha persoa faladora?
25/ Cres que son un peixe frío?
26/ Cal cres que é a miña bebida favorita de Starbucks?
27/ Cres que me encanta ler libros?
28/ Cando cres que me gusta máis estar só?
29/ Que parte dunha casa cres que é o meu lugar favorito?
30/ Cres que me gusta xogar aos videoxogos?
Nivel 2: Conexión
Neste nivel, os xogadores fanse preguntas interesantes entre eles, fomentando unha conexión e empatía máis profundas.
Vulnerability is key here. A sense of trust and intimacy often comes from open-up and genuine sharing of personal experiences. Vulnerability then breaks surface-level conversation and strengthens relationships. And here are must-ask questions for deeper bonds:
31/ Que probabilidade pensas de que cambie a miña carreira?
32/ Cal foi a túa primeira impresión de min?
33/ Cal é o último que mentiches?
34/ Que levas agochando todos eses anos?
35/ Cal é o teu pensamento máis raro?
36/ Cal é o último que lle mentiches á túa nai?
37/ Cal é o maior erro que cometeches?
38/ Cal é a peor dor que sufriches?
39/ Que estás intentando demostrar a ti mesmo?
40/ Cal é a túa personalidade máis definitoria?
41/ Cal é o máis difícil de saír contigo?
42/ Que é o mellor de teu pai ou nai?
43/ Cal é a letra favorita na que non podes deixar de pensar na túa cabeza?
44/ Estás mintíndote sobre algo?
45/ Que animal queres criar?
46/ Que lle parecería mellor aceptar plenamente neste estado actual?
47/ Cando foi a última vez que te sentiches afortunado de ser ti?
48/ Cal é o adxectivo que mellor te describe no pasado e agora?
49/ Que non crería o teu eu máis novo sobre a túa vida hoxe?
50/ Que parte da túa familia queres manter ou deixar ir?
51/ Cal é o teu recordo favorito da túa infancia?
52/ Canto tempo leva ser amigo de ti?
53/ Que leva a alguén de amigo a mellor amigo para ti?
54/ Que pregunta intentas responder na túa vida agora mesmo?
55/ Que lle dirías ao teu pequeno?
56/ Cal é a túa acción máis lamentable?
57/ Cando foi a última vez que choraches?
58/ En que es mellor que a maioría da xente que coñeces?
59/ Con quen queres falar cando te sintas só?
60/ Que é o máis difícil de estar no estranxeiro?
Nivel 3: Reflexión
The final level encourages players to reflect on the experience and insights gained during the game. It's about understanding yourself and others better, like how they feel or interact with others. In other words, these questions tap into emotional intelligence regarding empathy and self-awareness. Moreover, your reflection process will leave a sense of closure and clarity.
Now, check out some WNRS self-reflection questions following:
61/ Que queres cambiar na túa personalidade agora mesmo?
62/ A quen queres dicir perdón ou agradecer máis?
63/ Se me fixeras unha lista de reprodución, que 5 cancións estarían nela?
64/ E que me sorprendeu?
65/ Cal cres que é o meu superpoder?
66/ Cres que temos algunhas semellanzas ou diferenzas?
67/ Quen cres que pode ser o meu compañeiro axeitado?
68/ Que teño que ler en canto teña tempo?
69/ Onde estou máis cualificado para dar consellos?
70/ Que aprendeches de ti mesmo xogando a este xogo?
71/ Que pregunta tiveches máis medo de responder?
72/ Por que a "irmandade" segue a ser importante para a vida universitaria
73/ Cal sería o agasallo perfecto para min?
74/ Que parte de ti ves en min?
75/ En base ao que aprendeches sobre min, que me suxerirías que lía?
76/ Que lembrarías de min cando xa non esteamos en contacto?
77/ Polo que oín de min, que película de Netflix me recomendas ver?
78/ En que che podo axudar?
79/ Como segue influíndo Sigma Kappa na túa vida?
80/ Podes tolerar a alguén que che facía dano)?
81/ Que teño que escoitar agora mesmo?
82/ Atreveríaste a facer algo fóra da túa zona de confort a próxima semana?
83/ Cres que a xente entra na túa vida por algún motivo?
84/ Por que cres que nos coñecemos?
85/ A que cres que máis medo?
86/ Cal é unha lección que sacarás do teu chat?
87/ Que me suxire que me deixe ir?
88/ Admitir algo
89/ E de min que case non entendes?
90/ Como me describirías a un descoñecido?
Diversión extra: comodíns
Esta parte pretende facer o xogo de preguntas máis emocionante e atractivo. En lugar de facer preguntas, é unha especie de instrución de acción que os xogadores que a debuxan teñen que completar. Aquí tes 10:
91/ Debuxa unha imaxe xuntos (60 segundos)
92/ Contar unha historia xuntos (1 minuto)
93/ Escríbense unha mensaxe e entréganse. Ábreo cando saias.
94/ Facer unha selfie xuntos
95/ Crea a túa propia pregunta sobre calquera cousa. Fai que conte!
96/ Mírate aos ollos durante 30 segundos. Que notaches?
97/ Mostra a túa foto cando sexas un neno (desnudo)
98/ Cantar unha canción favorita
99/ Dille á outra persoa que peche os ollos e que a manteña pechada (agarda 15 segundos e bícaa)
100/ Escribe unha nota para os teus máis novos. Despois de 1 minuto, abre e compara.

Special Edition & Expansion Packs
Need more We are not really strangers questions? Here are some extra questions that you can ask in different relationships, from dating, self-love, friendship, and family to the workplace.
10 We're Not Really Strangers Questions - Couples edition
101/ Que cres que será perfecto para a túa voda?
102/ Que che faría sentir máis preto de min?
103/ Hai algún momento que queiras deixarme?
104/Cantos fillos queres?
105/ Que podemos crear xuntos?
106/ Cres que aínda son virxe?
107/ Cal é a cualidade máis atractiva de min que non sexa física?
108/ Cal é a historia de ti que non podo perder?
109/ Cal cres que sería a miña noite de cita perfecta?
110/ Cres que nunca tiven unha relación?
10 We're Not Really Strangers Questions - Friendship edition
111/ Cal cres que é a miña debilidade?
112/ Cal cres que é a miña forza?
113/ Que cres que debo saber de min mesmo que quizais sexa consciente?
114/ Como se complementan as nosas personalidades?
115/ Que é o que máis admiras de min?
116/ Nunha palabra, describe como te sentes agora mesmo!
117/ Que resposta miña fíxoche alumear?
118/ Podo confiar en que digas algo privado?
119/ Que estás a pensar de máis agora mesmo?
120/ Cres que son un bo bico?
10 We're Not Really Strangers Questions - Workplace edition
121/ Cal é un logro profesional do que estás máis orgulloso e por que?
122/ Comparte un momento no que te enfrontastes a un reto importante no traballo e como o superaches.
123/ Cal é unha habilidade ou forza que posúes que consideras infrautilizada no teu rol actual?
124/ Reflexionando sobre a túa carreira, cal foi a lección máis valiosa que aprendiches ata agora?
125/ Describe un obxectivo ou aspiración laboral que tes para o futuro.
126/ Comparte un mentor ou compañeiro que teña un impacto significativo no teu crecemento profesional e por que.
127/ Como xestionas a conciliación da vida laboral e familiar e mantés o benestar nun ambiente de traballo esixente?
128/ Que é algo que cres que non saben de ti os teus compañeiros ou compañeiras?
129/ Describe un momento no que sentiches unha forte sensación de traballo en equipo ou colaboración no teu lugar de traballo.
130/ Reflexionando sobre o teu traballo actual, cal é o aspecto máis gratificante do teu traballo?
10 We're Not Really Strangers Questions - Family edition
131/ Que é o que máis che emociona hoxe?
132/ Cal é o máis divertido que te pasaches?
133/ Cal é a historia máis triste que escoitaches?
134/ Que hai tempo que me queres dicir?
135/ Que tardas tanto en dicirme a verdade?
136/ Cres que son a persoa coa que podes falar?
137/ Que actividades queres facer comigo?
138/ Que é o máis inexplicable que che pasou?
139/ Cal é o teu día?
140/ Cando cres que é o mellor momento para falar do que che pasou?
Science Behind the Game: Why does WNRS Works
Just a deck of questions, what is the success of We’re Not Really Strangers questions behind? Via intentional design, psychological principles, or others? Let's scroll down for a closer look at the science behind the game!
O poder de facer as preguntas correctas
Instead of focusing on getting answers only, the WNRS game designed thought-provoking questions for self-discovery, mutual understanding, and life-changing moments. From icebreaker questions to introspective questions, the game delivers a safe feeling for players to gradually open up and engage with others.
How Emotional Vulnerability Builds Stronger Connections
Vulnerability is the core of emotional intimacy. Joining the WNRS game allows players to share, learn with others, and relearn themselves. In this way, they signal trust, normalize emotion, and nurture empathy for building stronger connections.
Psychological Benefits of Playing the Game
Besides fostering strong bonds, WNRS has many mental health and psychological benefits, such as improving Emotional Intelligence (EQ), releasing social barriers, stress relief, and personal growth.
Thanks to reflective questions, you can enhance self-awareness and empathy, which are important elements in EQ. Moreover, authenticity, a safe zone, and good connections play as a psychological anchor to reduce stress and social anxiety.
Besides, introspective prompts might be life-changing moments to explore yourself better for deep self-understanding and personal growth.
Holt-Lunstad J. Social connection as a critical factor for mental and physical health: evidence, trends, challenges, and future implications. World Psychiatry. 2024 Oct;23(3):312-332. doi: 10.1002/wps.21224. PMID: 39279411; PMCID: PMC11403199.
Customizing "We're Not Really Strangers" for Your Needs
Here is how to make a WNRS game truly your own!
Creating Your Own Questions
Before tailoring the questions, ask yourself, "What kind of connections do I want to foster?". Based on specific relationships or events, you will craft suitable questions accordingly.
Moreover, take reference from additional editions and themes for more ideas to make the right questions. Don't forget to utilize Wildcard and prompts or quotes to make the game engaging and meaningful.
Alternative Games with Similar Concepts
Love the We’re Not Really Stranger questions but desire to explore more; below are some great alternatives with similar concepts:
- TableTopics: A game of conversation starters with various questions for icebreakers to deep reflections. Ideas for family dinners or general gatherings.
- Grande conversa: This game skips questions for small talk and drives straight into deep and meaningful conversation.
- Let's Get Deep: Originally for couples to play with 3-level questions: Icebreaker, Deep, and Deeper. However, it can be adaptable for other participants to play.
Mixing It With Other Conversation Starters
For a more dynamic and engaging experience, you can blend We’re Not Really Strangers questions with other conversion starters.
You might combine prompts from other games to diversify a range of questions. Otherwise, pair the WNRS game with activities like drawing, journaling, or movie nights to get everyone on the same theme. Notably, you can integrate the We’re Not Really Stranger app or digital edition with physical cards for more interactive features and new prompts.
Printable & PDF Versions of WNRS Questions (Free Download)
We're Not Really Strangers (WNRS) offers free downloadable PDFs of their digital-only editions on their official website. There are various editions to cater to your unique needs, like Self-Exploration Pack, Back to School Edition, Introspective Journal, and more.
Download the We’re Not Really Stranger free questions in PDF version aquí!
To make your own DIY WNRS cards, you can print these free PDFs and cut them into individual cards. Alternatively, you could create questions inspired by the WNRS format and print them on cardstock.
Preguntas máis frecuentes
Cal é a última tarxeta de Non somos realmente estraños?
A tarxeta final do xogo de cartas We're Not Really Strangers require que escribas unha nota ao teu compañeiro e que a abras só unha vez que te separas.
Cal é a alternativa se non somos realmente descoñecidos?
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- Holt-Lunstad J. Social connection as a critical factor for mental and physical health: evidence, trends, challenges, and future implications. World Psychiatry. 2024 Oct;23(3):312-332. doi: 10.1002/wps.21224. PMID: 39279411; PMCID: PMC11403199. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK64939/
- IU News. Stronger social networks key to addressing mental health in young adults, research finds. https://news.iu.edu/live/news/33803-stronger-social-networks-key-to-addressing-mental.