Qhov kawg Cartoon Quiz: 50 Cov Lus Nug thiab Lus Teb Zoo Tshaj Plaws

Quizzes thiab Games

Jane Ng 08 Lub Ib Hlis, 2025 6 min nyeem

Koj puas yog ib tug neeg nyiam cartoon? Koj yuav tsum muaj lub siab dawb huv thiab tuaj yeem saib lub ntiaj teb nyob ib puag ncig koj nrog kev pom thiab muaj tswv yim. Yog li cia lub siab thiab tus me nyuam nyob rau hauv koj ib zaug ntxiv taug txuj kev nyuaj nyob rau hauv fantasy ntiaj teb no ntawm tas luav masterpieces thiab classic cim nrog peb. Cartoon Quiz!

Yog li, ntawm no yog qhov kwv yees Cartoon cov lus teb thiab cov lus nug! Cia peb pib!

Table of Contents

Lub tswv yim rau kev sib koom tes zoo dua

Muaj ntau cov lus nug lom zem nrog AhaSlides, Xws li:

Lwm Phau Ntawv

Nrhiav kev lom zem ntxiv thaum sib sau ua ke?

Sau koj cov neeg hauv pab pawg los ntawm cov lus nug lom zem AhaSlides. Sau npe mus xeem ntawv xeem dawb los ntawm AhaSlides template qiv!

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Ib qho yooj yim Cartoon Quiz

1/ Leej twg yog tus no?

Cartoon Test - Cartoon Quiz | Koj puas paub tus cwj pwm nto moo no? Duab: DailyJstor
  • Daffy Os
  • Jerry
  • Tom
  • Yoov Lauj

2/ Nyob rau hauv zaj duab xis Ratatouille, Remy tus nas, yog ib qho zoo heev

  • lub taub hau
  • neeg tsav nkoj
  • tsav
  • Ncaws pob

3/ Leej twg yog tus cim hauv qab no tsis yog ib qho ntawm Looney Tunes?

  • Npua npua 
  • Daffy Os
  • Spongebob
  • Sylvester James Pussycat

4/ Winnie the Pooh lub npe yog dab tsi?

  • Edward dais
  • Wendell Xyooj
  • Christopher Xyooj

5/ Tus cwj pwm ntawm daim duab yog dab tsi?

Cartoon quiz | Duab: D23 lub official Disney kiv cua club
  • Scrooge McDuck
  • Fred Flintstone
  • Wile E. Coyote
  • SpongeBob SquarePants

6/ Popeye, tus neeg tsav nkoj, noj dab tsi kom muaj zog mus txog qhov kawg? 

teb: spinach

7/ Cov zaub mov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws rau Winnie The Pooh yog dab tsi? 

teb: Zib ntab

8/ Tus dev lub npe hu ua "Tom thiab Jerry" yog dab tsi?

teb: Ntsia hlau loj

9/ Hauv zaj yeeb yaj kiab "Tsev Neeg Txiv Neej", Dab tsi yog qhov tshwj xeeb tshaj plaws ntawm Brian Griffin?

  • Nws yog ib tug ntses ya
  • Nws yog ib tug dev hais lus
  • Nws yog tus kws tsav tsheb tshaj lij

10/ Koj puas tuaj yeem sau lub npe Blonde Heroes Series?

Duab: justwatch
  • Nyuj & Qaib
  • Los & Stimpy
  • Lub Jetsons
  • Johnny Bravo: XNUMX Lab tus kiv cua tos koj rau Webtalk!

11/ Tus kws tshawb fawb chim hauv Phineas thiab Ferb npe hu li cas?

  • Dr. Candace
  • Dr. Fischer
  • Dr. Doofenshmirtz

12/ Kev sib raug zoo ntawm Rick thiab Morty yog dab tsi?

  • yawg thiab tub xeeb ntxwv
  • Txiv thiab tus tub
  • Cov nus muag

13/ Tintin tus dev lub npe hu li cas?

  • Los nag
  • Los daus
  • Cua hlob

14/ Lo lus 'Hakuna matata', tau nrov los ntawm ib zaj nkauj nyob rau hauv Lion King txhais tau tias 'tsis muaj kev txhawj xeeb' yog hom lus twg?

teb: East African lus ntawm Swahili

15/ Cov duab tas luav twg yog qhov paub txog kev kwv yees cov txiaj ntsig ntawm Asmeskas kev xaiv tsa thawj tswj hwm xyoo 2016?

  • "Lub Flintstones"
  • "Lub Boondocks"
  • "Lub Simpsons"

Muaj Kev Lom Zem Quizze rau Tshawb Nrhiav

Sau npe pub dawb rau AhaSlides rau heaps downloadable quizzes thiab zaj lus qhia!

Khaub Ncaws Khaub Ncaws

16/ Donald Duck tau tshaj tawm txwv tsis pub nyob hauv Finland vim li cas?

  • Vim nws feem ntau swear
  • Vim nws yeej tsis hnav nws lub ris
  • Vim nws npau taws ntau zaus

17/ Dab tsi yog 4 tus neeg tseem ceeb hauv Scooby-Doo? 

teb: Velma, Fred, Daphne, thiab Shaggy

18/ Cov duab tas luav twg nthuav tawm ib tug neeg tua rog uas raug ntes rau yav tom ntej uas yuav tsum kov yeej dab kom rov qab los tsev?

teb: Samurai nkaus

19/ Tus cwj pwm hauv daim duab yog:

  • liab Panther
  • SpongeBob SquarePants
  • Nkauj Zuag Paj
  • Bobby toj

20/ Tus dev twg yog Scooby-Doo?

  • Golden Retriever
  • Yeeb Yaj Yuam
  • German Shepherd
  • Yawm Dane

21/ Cov duab tas luav twg uas muaj tsheb ya hauv txhua ntu?

  • Animaniacs
  • Rick thiab Morty
  • Lub Jetsons

22/ Cov duab tas luav twg nyob rau hauv lub nroog animated ntawm Ocean Shores, Calif? teb: Fais Fab Fais Fab

23/ Nyob rau hauv 1996 zaj duab xis The Hunchback ntawm Notre Dame, lub npe tiag tiag ntawm tus protagonist yog dab tsi?

teb: Victor Hugo

24/ Hauv Doug, Douglas tsis muaj kwv tij. Tseeb los tsis tseeb?

teb: Tsis tseeb, nws muaj ib tug muam hu ua Judy

25/ Raichu yog qhov hloov pauv ntawm Pokemon twg? 

teb: Pikachu

Cwj Pwm Cartoon Quiz

26/ Nyob rau hauv Beauty and the Beast, Belle txiv lub npe hu li cas?

teb: Maurice

27/ Leej twg yog Mickey Mouse tus hluas nkauj?

  • Minnie Nas
  • Pinky nas
  • Jinny Mus

28/ Dab tsi yog qhov tshwj xeeb ntawm Arnold hauv Hav Arnold?

  • Nws muaj lub taub hau zoo li football
  • Nws muaj 12 ntiv tes
  • Nws tsis muaj plaub hau
  • Nws muaj ko taw loj

29/ Tommy lub xeem nyob rau hauv Rugrats yog dab tsi?

  • Txiv kab ntxwv
  • Pickles
  • Khoom qab zib
  • Cwjmem

30/ Dora Tus Explorer lub npe yog dab tsi?

  • Rodriguez
  • Gonzales
  • Mendes
  • Mark

31/ Dab tsi yog tus kheej tiag tiag ntawm Riddler hauv Batman comics?

teb: Edward Enigma E Enigma

32/ Tus cwj pwm no tsis muaj dua lwm tus li

Duab: Matt Groening - Cartoon Character Quiz
  • Tus txiv tsev Simpson
  • Gumby
  • underdog
  • Tweety noog

33/ Leej twg lub neej nrhiav kev mus yos hav zoov khiav txoj kev?

teb: Wily E. Coyote

34/ Lub npe ntawm tus snowman tsim los ntawm Anna thiab Elsa hauv "Frozen" yog dab tsi?

teb: olaf ua

35/ Eliza Thornberry yog ib tug cwj pwm nyob rau hauv dab tsi tas luav? 

teb: Tsw Qab Thornberrys

36/ Dab tsi yog cov duab tas luav classic tau piav qhia los ntawm Robin Williams hauv xyoo 1980 ua yeeb yaj kiab nyob?

teb: Popeye

Disney Cartoon Quiz

Disney cartoon quiz
Disney cartoon quiz | Image: freepik

37/ Wendy tus aub nyob rau hauv "Peter Pan" yog dab tsi?

teb: Nana

38/ Dab tsi Disney Princess hu nkauj "Ib zaug Hauv Npau Suav"?

teb: Aurora (Pleeping Beauty)

38/ Nyob rau hauv tas luav "Tus Me Me Mermaid", Ariel muaj hnub nyoog npaum li cas thaum lub sij hawm sib yuav Eric?

  • 16 xyoo
  • 18 xyoo
  • 20 xyoo

39/ Dab tsi yog lub npe ntawm xya lub ntsej muag nyob rau hauv Snow White?

teb: Doc, Grumpy, Zoo siab, tsaug zog, Bashful, Sneezy, thiab Dopey

40/ "Lub Plaub Hlis Ntuj Da Dej" yog zaj nkauj uas muaj nyob rau hauv dab tsi ntawm Disney?

  • khov
  • Bambi
  • Coco

41/ Walt Disney thawj lub cim kos npe yog dab tsi?

Teb: Oswald tus Lucky Luav

42/ Leej twg yog lub luag hauj lwm rau thawj version ntawm Mickey Mouse lub suab?

  • Roy Disney
  • Walt Disney
  • Mortimer Anderson

43/ Dab tsi yog thawj daim duab kos duab ntawm Disney uas siv CGI thev naus laus zis?

  • A. Lub Dub Cauldron
  • B. Toy Dab Neeg
  • C. Frozen

44/ Rapunzel tus chameleon hauv "Tangled" hu ua dab tsi?

teb: Pascal

45/ Nyob rau hauv "Bambi", dab tsi yog Bambi tus phooj ywg luav?

  • paj
  • boppy
  • Thumper

46/ Hauv "Alice in Wonderland", Alice thiab poj huab tais ntawm lub siab ua si li cas?

  • Golf
  • ntaus pob tesniv
  • Croquet

47/ Lub khw muag khoom ua si nyob rau hauv "Toy Story 2" yog dab tsi?

teb: Al's Toy Barn

48/ Cinderella cov niam txiv npe hu li cas?

teb: Anastasia thiab Drizella

49/ Mulan xaiv nws lub npe li cas thaum nws ua tus txiv neej?

teb: Ping

50/ Ob tug Cinderella npe hu li cas?

  • Francis thiab Buzz
  • Pierre thiab Dolph
  • Jaq and Gus

51/ Leej twg yog tus thawj Disney Princess?

teb: Cinderella

Ntsiab Cai 

Cov yeeb yaj kiab animated muaj ntau cov lus muaj txiaj ntsig los ntawm cov cim kev taug kev. Lawv yog cov dab neeg ntawm kev phooj ywg, kev hlub tiag, thiab txawm tias zais cov tswv yim zoo nkauj. "Qee tus neeg tsim nyog melting rau" Olaf tus snowman hais.

Vam tias, nrog rau Ahaslides Cartoon Quiz, cov neeg nyiam tas luav yuav muaj sijhawm zoo thiab muaj kev luag nrog phooj ywg thiab tsev neeg. Thiab tsis txhob nco koj lub sijhawm los tshawb nrhiav peb dawb sib tham sib quizzing platform (tsis muaj download tau!) kom pom dab tsi ua tiav hauv koj qhov kev xeem!

Cov Lus Nug

Sab saum toj Ntiaj Teb Cartoon Firms?

Walt Disney Studio Animation, Pixar Animation Studios, DreamWorks Animation.

Cov Cartoon nto moo tshaj plaws hauv ntiaj teb?

Tom thiab Jerry
Qhov no yog ib tug classic cartoon series uas yog nrov tsis yog ntawm cov me nyuam, tab sis txawm nyob rau hauv cov neeg laus. Tom thiab Jerry yog animated TV series thiab cov yeeb yaj kiab luv luv tsim los ntawm William Hanna thiab Joseph Barbera hauv xyoo 1940.

Cov cim tas luav nto moo tshaj plaws?

Mickey Mouse, Doraemon, Mr. Taum.