Kev nthuav qhia PowerPoint uas mus rau mais ntxiv nrog cov ntsiab lus sib tham tuaj yeem ua rau mus txog 92% ntawm cov neeg tuaj koom. Vim li cas?
Saib zoo:
yam | Tsoos PowerPoint Slides | Sib tham sib PowerPoint Slides |
Cov neeg tuaj saib ua li cas | Tsuas yog saib | Koom nrog thiab koom nrog |
Nthuav qhia | Tus neeg hais lus, cov neeg mloog | Sawv daws sib koom tswv yim |
kawm | Yuav dhuav | Kev lom zem thiab ua kom txaus siab |
Memory | Nco ntsoov nyuaj dua | Nco ntsoov yooj yim dua |
Leej twg coj | Tus neeg hais lus ua txhua yam lus | Cov neeg tuaj saib pab tsim kev sib tham |
Qhia cov ntaub ntawv | Cov kab kos yooj yim nkaus xwb | Nyob pov npav, ua si, lo lus huab |
Qhov kawg tshwm sim | Tau txais point hla | Ua rau lub cim xeeb ntev |
Lo lus nug tiag tiag yog, Yuav ua li cas koj ua koj qhov kev nthuav qhia PowerPoint sib tham sib?
Tsis txhob nkim sij hawm ntxiv thiab dhia ncaj nraim rau hauv peb phau ntawv qhia qhov kawg ntawm yuav ua li cas sib tham sib PowerPoint kev nthuav qhia nrog cov kauj ruam yooj yim thiab nkag tau yooj yim, ntxiv rau cov qauv pub dawb kom xa cov khoom zoo.
Table of Contents
Txhawb kom cov neeg tuaj koom
Koj xav tau koj cov neeg tuaj koom los ua kom koj qhov kev nthuav qhia muaj kev sib tham sib tham. Thaum cov animations zoo thiab cov teebmeem (uas peb yuav tham txog sai sai no) tuaj yeem ua rau koj cov slides zoo dua, tau txais cov neeg koom nrog hauv koj qhov kev hais lus yog qhov ua rau lawv txaus siab thiab ua rau koj qhov kev nthuav qhia nco.
Txoj hauv kev zoo tshaj plaws kom cov neeg koom nrog yog ntxiv cov haujlwm uas txhua tus tuaj yeem koom nrog, xws li nug cov neeg tuaj saib cov lus nug, muab kev xaiv tsa sai, lossis cia lawv nug cov lus nug thaum koj tham.
Nov yog nws ua haujlwm li cas...
1. Ntxiv Kev Xaiv Tsa thiab Cov Lus Nug
Tsis txhob nkim sijhawm sim tsim cov lus nug nyuaj hauv PowerPoint. Muaj ib txoj kev yooj yim dua - tsuas yog siv cov AhaSlides add-in los ua kom koj qhov kev nthuav qhia sib tham hauv feeb.
Ntawm no, peb yuav siv lub AhaSlides add-in rau PowerPoint, uas yog dawb ibd ua haujlwm ntawm Mac thiab Windows. Nws los nrog ntau hom kev npaj-rau-siv thiab cia koj ntxiv kev lom zem ua si xws li:
- xeem ntawv ua si
- Daim duab kev xaiv tsa
- Lo lus huab
- Nyob Q&A ntu
- Kev ntsuam xyuas yooj yim
Cia kuv qhia koj 3 kauj ruam los teeb tsa AhaSlides hauv PowerPoint:
Yuav Siv Li Cas AhaSlides PowerPoint Ntxiv-hauv hauv 3 kauj ruam

Kauj ruam 1. Tsim ib qho dawb AhaSlides account
Tsim ib qho AhaSlides account, tom qab ntawd ntxiv cov haujlwm sib tham sib xws li kev xaiv tsa lossis cov lus nug ua ntej.

Kauj ruam 2. Ntxiv AhaSlides ntawm PowerPoint Office add-ins
Qhib PowerPoint, nyem 'Insert' -> 'Get Add-ins', tshawb rau AhaSlides Tom qab ntawd ntxiv nws rau koj lub PowerPoint.

Kauj ruam 3. Siv AhaSlides ntawm PowerPoint
Tsim ib tus swb tshiab hauv koj lub PowerPoint thiab ntxig AhaSlides los ntawm 'Kuv Ntxiv-ins' seem. Koj cov neeg tuaj koom tuaj yeem koom nrog los ntawm kev caw QR code thaum koj nthuav qhia siv lawv lub xov tooj.
Tseem tsis meej pem? Saib cov lus qhia ntxaws ntxaws hauv peb Paub Base, los yog saib cov yees duab hauv qab no:
Tswv yim # 1 - Siv Ice Breaker
Pib txhua lub rooj sib tham nrog kev lom zem ua si pab txhua tus neeg tawg dej khov thiab xis nyob dua. Ib qho kev ua si nrawm lossis cov lus nug yooj yim ua haujlwm tau zoo ua ntej nkag mus rau hauv cov ntsiab lus tseem ceeb.
Nov yog ib qho piv txwv zoo: Thaum koj tab tom nthuav tawm rau cov neeg hauv online los ntawm ntau qhov chaw, sim siv qhov kev xaiv tsa uas nug "Sawv daws xav li cas?"Koj tuaj yeem saib cov kev xav ntawm koj cov neeg tuaj saib hloov pauv nyob rau thaum lawv pov npav. Qhov no ua rau koj nkag siab zoo ntawm chav tsev, txawm tias nyob hauv qhov chaw online.

💡 Xav tau ntau qhov kev ua si icebreaker? Koj yuav pom ib tag nrho cov dawb dawb nyob ntawm no!
Tswv yim #2 - Xaus nrog Mini-Quiz
Tsis muaj ib yam dab tsi uas ua rau kev koom tes ntau dua li kev xeem. Cov neeg feem coob tsis siv cov lus nug hauv lawv cov lus nthuav tawm, tab sis lawv yuav tsum - nws yog ib txoj hauv kev zoo los hloov cov khoom thiab ua kom txhua tus neeg koom nrog.
Sim ntxiv cov lus nug luv luv nrog 5-10 cov lus nug. Koj tuaj yeem siv nws hauv ob txoj kev:
- Muab tso rau qhov kawg ntawm txhua lub ntsiab lus tseem ceeb los xyuas seb tib neeg nco ntsoov dab tsi
- Siv nws ua txoj kev lom zem los xaus koj qhov kev nthuav qhia tag nrho
Qhov kev hloov pauv yooj yim no tuaj yeem ua rau koj lub PowerPoint muaj txiaj ntsig ntau dua li kev ua yeeb yaj kiab tsis tu ncua.

On AhaSlides, quizzes ua hauj lwm ib yam li lwm yam sib tham sib slides. Nug ib lo lus nug thiab koj cov neeg tuaj saib sib tw rau cov ntsiab lus los ntawm kev ua tus teb ceev tshaj plaws ntawm lawv lub xov tooj.
Tswv yim #3 - Sib xyaw ntawm ntau yam ntawm Slides
Cia peb ua siab ncaj - feem ntau cov kev nthuav qhia zoo ib yam nkaus. Lawv dhuav heev uas neeg hu nws "Tuag by PowerPoint"Peb yuav tsum hloov qhov no!
Qhov no yog qhov twg AhaSlides pab. Nws muab rau koj 19 hom kev sib tham sib swb, xws li:
- Khiav kev xaiv tsa nrog koj cov neeg tuaj saib
- Nug cov lus nug qhib
- Tau txais kev ntsuam xyuas ntawm qhov ntsuas
- Sau cov tswv yim hauv pab pawg brainstorms
- tsim lus huab los qhia seb tib neeg xav li cas
Es tsis txhob muab cov kev nthuav qhia qub qub, koj tuaj yeem sib xyaw cov slides sib txawv kom cov khoom tshiab thiab nthuav.
2. Lub Rooj Sib Tham Lus Nug thiab Lus Teb (Tsis qhia npe)
Tau txais cov lus teb ntsiag to los ntawm koj cov neeg tuaj saib, txawm tias muaj cov ntsiab lus zoo? Nov yog vim li cas: Cov neeg feem coob xav txaj muag txog kev hais lus pem hauv ntej ntawm lwm tus, txawm tias lawv feem ntau ntseeg siab. Tsuas yog tib neeg xwb.
Muaj ib qho kev kho yooj yim: Cia tib neeg teb cov lus nug thiab qhia cov tswv yim yam tsis qhia lawv lub npe. Thaum koj ua cov lus teb xaiv tau - txhais tau tias tib neeg tuaj yeem xaiv seb yuav qhia lawv lub npe lossis nyob tsis qhia npe - koj yuav pom ntau tus neeg tuaj koom. Qhov no ua haujlwm rau txhua tus neeg hauv koj cov neeg tuaj saib, tsis yog cov neeg nyob ntsiag to xwb.
💡 Ntxiv Q&A swb rau koj qhov kev nthuav qhia PPT siv lub AhaSlides ntxiv-hauv.

3. Nug cov lus nug qhib
Yog lawm, cov lus nug zoo heev, tab sis qee zaum koj xav tau qee yam tsawg dua txog kev yeej thiab ntau ntxiv txog kev xav. Nov yog lub tswv yim yooj yim rau koj qhov kev nthuav qhia PowerPoint sib tham: Ntxiv cov lus nug qhib thoob plaws hauv koj cov lus thiab cia tib neeg qhia lawv xav li cas.
Thaum koj nug cov lus nug uas tsis muaj lus teb tsuas yog, koj:
- Kom tib neeg xav kom tob tob
- Cia lawv muaj tswv yim
- Tej zaum yuav hnov cov tswv yim zoo uas koj tsis tau xav txog
Tom qab tag nrho, koj cov neeg tuaj saib yuav muaj kev nkag siab zoo uas tuaj yeem ua rau koj qhov kev nthuav qhia zoo dua!
💡 Ntxiv cov lus nug qhib-kawg swb rau koj qhov kev nthuav qhia PPT siv lub AhaSlides add-in kom txhua tus qhia lawv cov kev xav tsis qhia npe.

Ntxiv nrog rau PowerPoint, Google Slides kuj yog ib qho cuab yeej zoo heev, txoj cai? Tshawb xyuas cov kab lus no yog tias koj xav paub yuav ua li cas Google Slides sib tham sib. ✌️ ib
4. Siv cov Animations thiab Triggers
Siv cov animations thiab triggers yog cov txheej txheem muaj zog los hloov koj lub PowerPoint slides los ntawm cov lus qhuab qhia zoo li qub mus rau qhov muaj zog thiab muaj zog. kev nthuav qhia sib tham sib. Nov yog qhov tob tob rau hauv txhua lub ntsiab lus:
1. Animation
Animations ntxiv txav thiab pom kev txaus siab rau koj cov slides. Hloov cov ntawv nyeem thiab cov duab tsuas yog tshwm sim, lawv tuaj yeem "yav hauv", "fade hauv", lossis txawm ua raws li ib txoj hauv kev. Qhov no rub koj cov neeg tuaj saib thiab ua rau lawv koom nrog. Nov yog qee yam animations los tshawb txog:
- Cov animations nkag: Tswj li cas cov ntsiab lus tshwm rau ntawm tus swb. Cov kev xaiv muaj xws li "Fly In" (los ntawm ib qho kev taw qhia), "Fade In", "Grow/Shrink", lossis txawm tias "Bounce".
- Tawm ntawm cov animations: Tswj yuav ua li cas cov ntsiab lus ploj ntawm qhov swb. Xav txog "Fly Out", "Fade Out", lossis playful "Pop".
- Nthuav cov animations: Qhia cov ntsiab lus tshwj xeeb nrog cov animations xws li "Pulse", "Grow/Shrink", lossis "Color Change".
- Motion paths: Animate cov ntsiab lus kom ua raws ib txoj hauv kev hla tus swb. Qhov no tuaj yeem siv rau kev nthuav qhia zaj dab neeg lossis hais txog kev sib txuas ntawm cov ntsiab lus.
2. chiv
Triggers coj koj cov animations ib kauj ruam ntxiv thiab ua rau koj qhov kev nthuav qhia sib tham sib. Lawv tso cai rau koj los tswj thaum muaj cov animation tshwm sim raws li cov neeg siv tshwj xeeb ua. Nov yog qee qhov laj thawj uas koj tuaj yeem siv:
- Thaum nias: Ib qho animation pib thaum tus neeg siv nyem rau ntawm qhov tshwj xeeb (xws li, nyem ib qho duab ua rau video ua si).
- On hover: Ib qho animation plays thaum tus neeg siv hovers lawv nas hla ib lub caij. (piv txwv li, hla tus lej kom nthuav tawm cov lus piav qhia zais).
- Tom qab tus swb dhau los: Ib qho animation pib tau txais tom qab cov slides yav dhau los tau ua tiav lawm.
5. Tso nws tawm
Thaum muaj tseeb ntau ntau chav rau kev sib tham hauv kev nthuav qhia, peb txhua tus paub qhov lawv hais txog qhov muaj ntau qhov zoo ...
Tsis txhob overload koj cov neeg tuaj saib los ntawm kev thov kev koom tes ntawm txhua qhov swb. Kev sib tham ntawm cov neeg tuaj saib yuav tsum tsuas yog siv los ua kom muaj kev sib koom siab, pob ntseg pricked, thiab cov ntaub ntawv nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm koj cov neeg tuaj saib lub siab.

Nrog rau qhov ntawd hauv siab, koj yuav pom tias 3 lossis 4 cov ntsiab lus swb rau txhua qhov sib tham sib swb yog qhov zoo meej piv rau siab tshaj plaws.
Nrhiav rau Ntau Cov Tswv Yim Sib Tham PowerPoint?
Nrog lub zog ntawm kev sib cuam tshuam hauv koj txhais tes, paub tias yuav ua li cas nrog nws tsis yog ib qho yooj yim.
Xav tau ntau qhov sib tham sib tham hauv PowerPoint piv txwv? Luckily, sau npe rau AhaSlides los nrog pub dawb rau lub tsev qiv ntawv template, yog li koj tuaj yeem tshawb nrhiav ntau cov qauv kev nthuav qhia digital! Qhov no yog ib lub tsev qiv ntawv ntawm instantly downloadable nthuav qhia chock tag nrho cov tswv yim rau kev koom koj cov neeg tuaj saib nyob rau hauv ib tug sib tham sib PowerPoint.
Cov Lus Nug
Koj yuav ua li cas ua slides nthuav ntau?
Pib los ntawm kev sau koj cov tswv yim, tom qab ntawd tau txais kev muaj tswv yim nrog tus qauv swb, ua kom tus qauv tsim zoo ib yam; ua kom koj qhov kev nthuav qhia sib tham sib, tom qab ntawd ntxiv cov animation thiab hloov pauv, Tom qab ntawd kho txhua yam khoom thiab cov ntawv thoob plaws txhua qhov swb.
Dab tsi yog cov haujlwm sib tham sib sab saum toj ua hauv kev nthuav qhia?
Muaj ntau ntau cov haujlwm sib tham sib tham uas yuav tsum tau siv hauv kev nthuav qhia, suav nrog nyob kev xaiv tsa, lus noog, lus huab, tswv yim boards or kev sib tham Q&A.
Kuv tuaj yeem tswj hwm cov neeg tuaj saib coob npaum li cas thaum lub sijhawm Q&A nyob?
AhaSlides tso cai rau koj ua ntej cov lus nug nruab nrab thiab lim tawm qhov tsis tsim nyog thaum nyob Q&A, ua kom muaj kev sib ntsib zoo thiab ua tau zoo.