kev nthuav qhia keeb kwm yav dhau
kev nthuav qhia qhia

10 Txoj Kev Ua Tau Zoo rau Icebreak thiab Jumpstart Koj Lub Rooj Sib Tham (Part 2)



Pab neeg koom tes

Tshawb 10 cov txheej txheem ua dej khov ua kom muaj zog rau cov rooj sib tham, suav nrog emoji check-ins, sib koom ua ke cov lus huab, thiab ua kev zoo siab rau tus kheej yeej. Txhawb kev koom tes thiab kev sib txuas!

Slides (34)

1 -

2 -

Txoj Kev # 1: Ib Lo Lus Kos Npe

3 -

4 -

Vim li cas Icebreakers tseem ceeb?

5 -

6 -

Way #6: Emoji Check-In

7 -

Describe your current mood using ONLY emojis!

8 -

Match these common moods with their emoji!

9 -

10 -

What’s your go-to emoji in a work chat?

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Way #7: Bucket List Challenge

13 -

Share something from your bucket list!

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What is one item on your bucket list and why?

15 -

Travel Bucket List – Where Does It Belong?

16 -

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Way #8: Rapid-Fire Questions

19 -

Tus tsiaj twg yog tus ceev tshaj plaws hauv av?

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Lub ntiaj teb twg nyob ze tshaj rau lub hnub?

21 -

What color do you get when you mix blue and yellow?

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Way #9: Collaborative Word Cloud

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What’s one skill you want to improve this year?

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What’s one word that describes a great team?

27 -

What’s one thing that motivates you most?

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Way #10: Personal Wins & Highlights

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Share a small win you achieved recently.

31 -

How often do you celebrate small wins?

32 -

Put these steps in order to celebrate a personal win effectively!

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34 -

Did you score any small wins recently?

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