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150 History Trivia Questions to Conquer World History | 2025 Edition

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Astrid Tran 27 prosinca, 2024 12 min čitanja

History trivia questions offer more than just a test of knowledge - they're windows into the incredible stories, pivotal moments, and remarkable characters that shaped our world.

Join us as we explore some of the most intriguing quiz questions that will not only test your knowledge but also deepen your appreciation for the rich tapestry of human history.

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25 U.S History Trivia Questions with Answers

  1. Which U.S. president never lived in the White House?
    Odgovoriti: George Washington (The White House was completed in 1800, after his presidency)
  2. What was the first state to ratify the U.S. Constitution?
    Odgovoriti: Delaware (December 7, 1787)
  3. Who was the first woman to serve as a U.S. Supreme Court Justice?
    Odgovoriti: Sandra Day O'Connor (Appointed in 1981)
  4. Which president was never elected as president or vice president?
    Odgovoriti: Gerald Ford
  5. What year did Alaska and Hawaii become U.S. states?
    Odgovoriti: 1959 (Alaska in January, Hawaii in August)
  6. Who was the longest-serving U.S. president?
    Odgovoriti: Franklin D. Roosevelt (Four terms, 1933-1945)
  7. Which state was the last to join the Confederacy during the Civil War?
    Odgovoriti: Tennessee
  8. What was the first capital city of the United States?
    Odgovoriti: New York City
  9. Who was the first U.S. president to appear on television?
    Odgovoriti: Franklin D. Roosevelt (At the 1939 World's Fair)
  10. Which state was purchased from Russia in 1867 for $7.2 million?
  11. Who wrote the words to the "Star-Spangled Banner"?
    Odgovoriti: Francis Scott Key
  12. What was the first American colony to legalize slavery?
    Odgovoriti: Massachusetts (1641)
  13. Which president established the Peace Corps?
    Odgovoriti: John F. Kennedy (1961)
  14. What year did women gain the right to vote nationwide?
    Odgovoriti: 1920 (19th Amendment)
  15. Who was the only U.S. president to resign from office?
    Odgovoriti: Richard Nixon (1974)
  16. Which state was the first to grant women the right to vote?
    Odgovoriti: Wyoming (1869, while still a territory)
  17. What was the first national monument in the United States?
    Odgovoriti: Devils Tower, Wyoming (1906)
  18. Who was the first U.S. president to be born in a hospital?
    Odgovoriti: Jimmy Carter
  19. Which president signed the Emancipation Proclamation?
    Odgovoriti: Abraham Lincoln (1863)
  20. What year was the Declaration of Independence signed?
    Odgovoriti: 1776 (Most signatures were added on August 2)
  21. Who was the first president to be impeached?
    Odgovoriti: Andrew Johnson
  22. Koja se država prva odvojila od Unije?
    Odgovoriti: South Carolina (December 20, 1860)
  23. What was the first U.S. federal holiday?
    Odgovoriti: New Year's Day (1870)
  24. Who was the youngest person to become U.S. president?
    Odgovoriti: Theodore Roosevelt (42 years, 322 days)
  25. What year was the first American newspaper published?
    Odgovoriti: 1690 (Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick)

25 World History Trivia Questions

trivijalna pitanja za odrasle
Pitanja za kviz iz povijesti - Pitanja o povijesnim zanimljivostima - Izvor: Freepik

U današnje vrijeme mnogi mladi ignoriraju učenje povijesti iz mnogo razloga. Iako mrzite učiti o povijesti, postoji važno i opće znanje vezano uz povijest koje svi ljudi moraju znati. Otkrijmo što su oni sa sljedećim povijesnim trivijalnim pitanjima i odgovorima:

  1. Julius Caesar was born in which city? Odgovoriti: Roma
  2. Who painted the Death of Socrates? Odgovoriti: Jacques Louis David
  3. What part of history called a fervent period of European cultural, artistic, political, and economic “rebirth” following the Middle Ages? Odgovoriti: The Renaissance
  4. Who is the founder of the Communist Party? Odgovoriti: Lenin
  5. Which of the cities in the world has the highest historical monuments? Odgovoriti: Delhi
  6. Who is also known as the founder of scientific socialism? Odgovoriti: Karl Marx
  7. Where did the Black Death bring the most severe impact? Odgovoriti: Europa
  8. Who discovered Yersinia pestis? Odgovoriti: Alexandre Emile Jean Yersin 
  9. Where was the last place that Alexandre Yersin stayed before he died? Odgovoriti: Vijetnam
  10. Which country in Asia was a member of the Axis in World War II? Odgovoriti: Japan
  11. Which countries were members of the Allies in World War II? Odgovoriti: Britain, France, Russia, China, and the USA.
  12. When did The Holocaust, one of the most terrible events in history happen? Odgovoriti: During World War II
  13. When did World War II start and end? Odgovoriti: It started in 1939 and ended in 1945
  14. After Lenin, who was officially the leader of the Soviet Union? Odgovoriti: Joseph Stalin.
  15. What was NATO's first name before its current name? Odgovoriti: North Atlantic Treaty.
  16. When did the Cold War happen? Odgovoriti: 1947-1991
  17. Who was named after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated? Odgovoriti: Andrew Johnson
  18. Which country belonged to the Indochina peninsula during French colonization? Odgovoriti: Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia
  19. Who is the famous leader of Cuba who had 49 years in power? Odgovoriti: Fidel Castro
  20. Which dynasty was considered The Golden Age in Chinese history? Odgovoriti: Tang dynasty
  21. Which King of Thailand contributed to making Thailand survive during European colonial? Odgovoriti: King Chulalongkorn
  22. Who was the most powerful woman in Byzantine history? Odgovoriti: Empress Theodora
  23. In which ocean did the Titanic sink? Odgovoriti: Atlantic Ocean
  24. When was the Berlin Wall removed? Odgovoriti: 1989
  25. Who delivered the famous “I Have a Dream” speech? Odgovoriti: Martin Luther King Jr.
  26. Which were China's Four Great Inventions? Odgovoriti:  papermaking, the compass, gunpowder, and printing

30 True/False Fun History Trivia Questions

Do you know that history can be fun and interesting if we know how to dig out knowledge? Let’s learn about history, fun facts, and tricks to enrich your smartness with the below history trivia questions and answers. 

51. Napoleon je poznat kao Čovjek od krvi i željeza. (Netočno, to je Bismarck, Njemačka)

52. Prve novine na svijetu pokrenula je Njemačka. (Pravi)

53. Sofoklo je poznat kao majstor grčkog? (Netočno, to je Aristofan)

54. Egipat se naziva Dar Nila. (Pravi)

55. U starom Rimu, tjedno je bilo 7 dana. (Netočno, 8 dana)

56. Mao Tse-tung je poznat kao Mala crvena knjiga. (Pravi)

57. 1812 je kraj Warta iz 1812? (Netočno, to je 1815.)

58. Prvi Super Bowl odigran je 1967. (Istina)

59. Televizija je izumljena 1972. (Istina)

60. Babilon se smatra najvećim gradom na svijetu svog vremena. (Pravi)

61. Zeus je uzeo oblik labuda kako bi izveo spartansku kraljicu Ledu. (Pravi)

62. Mona Lisa je poznata slika Leonarda Davincija. (Pravi)

63. Herodot je poznat kao “Otac povijesti”. (Pravi)

64. Minotaur je monstruozno stvorenje koje prebiva u središtu Labirinta. (Pravi)

65. Aleksandar Veliki je bio kralj starog Rima. (Lažno, starogrčki)

66. Platon i Aristotel bili su grčki filozofi. (Pravi)

67. Piramide u Gizi najstarije su čuda i jedine od sedam koja danas postoje. (Pravi)

68. Viseći vrtovi jedino su od Sedam čuda za koje lokacija nije definitivno utvrđena. (Pravi)

69. Egipatska riječ "faraon" doslovno znači "velika kuća". (Pravi)

70. Novo kraljevstvo zapamćeno je kao doba renesanse u umjetničkom stvaralaštvu, ali i kao kraj dinastičke vladavine. (Pravi)

71. Mumificiranje je došlo iz Grčke. (Netočno, Egipat)

72. Aleksandar Veliki je postao kralj Makedonije u dobi od 18 godina. (Netočno. 120 godina)

73. Glavni cilj cionizma bio je uspostaviti židovsku domovinu. (Pravi)

74. Thomas Edison bio je njemački investitor i biznismen. (Netočno, on je Amerikanac)

75. Partenon je izgrađen u čast božice Atene, koja je predstavljala ljudsku težnju za znanjem i idealom mudrosti. (Pravi)

76. Dinastija Shang prva je zabilježena povijest Kine. (Pravi)

77. 5thstoljeće prije Krista bilo je nevjerojatno vrijeme filozofskog rasta za drevnu Kinu. (Netočno, to je 6 thstoljeća)

78. U carstvu Inka, Coricancha je imala drugo ime koje se zvalo Zlatni hram. (Pravi)

79. Zeus je kralj olimpskih bogova u grčkoj mitologiji. (Pravi)

80. Prve objavljene novine došle su iz Rima, oko 59. pr. (Pravi)

Povijest Trivia Pitanja | povijesne trivijalnosti
History trivia questions. Inspiration: Svjetska povijest

30 Hard History Trivia Questions and Answers

Zaboravite na laka povijesna pitanja na koja svatko može brzo odgovoriti, vrijeme je da svoj izazov kviza iz povijesti podignete s težim povijesnim pitanjima.

81. Which country did Albert Einstein live in before moving to the United States? Odgovoriti: Njemačka

82. Who was the first woman head of government? Odgovoriti: Sirimao Bandaru Nayake.

83. Which country was the first to give women the right to vote, in 1893? Odgovoriti: Novi Zeland

84. Who was the first ruler of the Mongol Empire? Odgovoriti: Genghis Khan

85. In which city was U.S. president John F. Kennedy assassinated? Odgovoriti: Dallas

86. What does the Magna Carta mean? Odgovoriti: The Great Charter

87. When did Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro land in Peru? Odgovoriti: in 1532

88. Who is the first woman to go to space? Odgovoriti: Valentina Tereshkova

89. Who has an affair with Cleopatra and makes her queen of Egypt? Odgovoriti: Julius Caesar.

90. Who is one of the most famous students of Socrates? Odgovoriti: Plato

91. Which of the following tribes does not share its name with a mountain peak? Odgovoriti: Bheel.

92. Who among the following emphasized the 'Five Relationships? Odgovoriti: Confucius

93. Kada je počela „Boksačka pobuna"happen in China?  Odgovoriti: 1900

94. Which city is the historical monument Al Khazneh located in? Odgovoriti: Petra

95. Who was prepared to exchange his English kingdom for a horse? Odgovoriti: Richard III

96. Whose winter residence did Potala Palace serve until 1959? Odgovoriti: Dalai Lama

97. What was the reason for the Black Plague? Odgovoriti: Yersinia pestis

98. Which type of aircraft was used to bomb Hiroshima in Japan during World War II? Odgovoriti: B-29 Superfortress

99. Who is known as the Father of Medicine? Odgovoriti: Hippocrates

100. Cambodia was devastated by which reign between 1975 and 1979? Odgovoriti: Khmer Rouge

101. Which countries weren’t colonized by Europeans in Southeast Asia? Odgovoriti: Tajland

102. Who was the patron God of Troy? Odgovoriti: Apollo

103. Where was Julius Caesar killed? Odgovoriti: In the Theater of Pompey

104. How many Celtic languages are still spoken today? Odgovoriti: 6

105. What did the Romans call Scotland? Odgovoriti: Caledonia

106. What was the Ukrainian nuclear power manufacturer that was the site of a nuclear disaster in April 1986? Odgovoriti: Chernobyl

107. Which Emperor built the Colosseum? Odgovoriti: Vespasian

108. The Opium War was a battle between which two countries? Odgovoriti: England and China

109. What famous military formation was made by Alexander the Great? Odgovoriti: Phalanx

110. Which countries fought in the Hundred Years’ War? Odgovoriti: Britain and France

25 Modern History Trivia Questions

Vrijeme je da testirate svoju pamet pitanjima o modernoj povijesti. Riječ je o nedavnim događajima koji se događaju i bilježe najznačajnije vijesti diljem svijeta. Dakle, pogledajmo dolje

povijesna trivijalna pitanja i odgovori.

11. Who was awarded the Peace Noble Prize when she was 17 years old? Odgovoriti: Malala Yousafzai

112. Which country did a Brexit plan? Odgovoriti: The United Kingdom

113. When did Brexit happen? Odgovoriti: Siječanj 2020

114. Which country allegedly started with the COVID-19 pandemic? Odgovoriti: Kina

115. How many U.S. presidents are depicted on Mount Rushmore? Odgovoriti: 4

116. Where does the Statue of Liberty come from? Odgovoriti: Francuska

117. Who founded Disney Studios? Odgovoriti: Walt Disney

118. Who founded Universal Studios in 1912? Odgovoriti: Carl Laemmle

119. Who is the author of Harry Potter? Odgovoriti: J. K. Rowling

120. When did the Internet become popular? Odgovoriti: 1993

121. Who is the 46th American president? Odgovoriti: Joseph R. Biden

122. Who leaked classified information from the National Security Agency (NSA) in 2013? Odgovoriti: Edward Snowden

123. What year was Nelson Mandela freed from prison? Odgovoriti: 1990

124. Who was the first woman to be elected Vice President of the United States in 2020? Odgovoriti: Kamala Harris

125. Which fashion brand did Karl Lagerfeld work for as creative director from 1983 until his death? Odgovoriti: Kanal

126. Who is the first British Asian Prime Minister? Odgovoriti: Rishi Sunak

127. Who had the shortest prime minister tenure in UK history, lasting 45 days? Odgovoriti: Liz Truss

128. Who has served as president of the People's Republic of China (PRC) since 2013? Odgovoriti: Xi Jinping.

129. Who is the world’s longest-serving leader so far? Odgovoriti: Paul Piya, Cameroon

130. Who is the first wife of King Charles III? Odgovoriti: Diana, Princes of Wales.

131. Who is the Queen of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms from 6 February 1952 until her death in 2022? Odgovoriti:  Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor, or Elizabeth II

132. When did Singapore become independent? Odgovoriti: Kolovoz 1965

133. Which year did the Soviet Union collapse? Odgovoriti: 1991

134. When was the first electric car introduced? Odgovoriti: 1870s

135. Which year was Facebook founded? Odgovoriti: 2004

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15 Easy True/False History Trivia Questions for Kids

Znate li da svakodnevno rješavanje kviza može poboljšati dječju sposobnost razmišljanja? Postavite svojoj djeci ova pitanja kako biste im dali najbolje ideje o prošloj povijesti i proširili svoje znanje.

136. Petar i Andrija bili su prvi apostoli za koje se zna da su slijedili Isusa. (Pravi)

137. Dinosauri su bića koja su živjela prije milijune godina. (Pravi)

138. Nogomet je najpopularniji gledateljski sport na svijetu. (Netočno, Auto utrke)

139. Prve igre Commonwealtha održane su 1920. (Netočno, 1930.)

140. Prvi turnir u Wimbledonu održan je 1877. (Istina)

141. George Harrison je bio najmlađi Beatle. (Pravi)

142. Steven Spielberg režirao je Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark i ET. (Pravi)

143. Titula faraona davana je vladarima starog Egipta. (Pravi)

144. The Trojan War took place in Troy, a city in Ancient Greece. (True)

145. Kleopatra je bila posljednja vladarica dinastije Ptolomeja u starom Egiptu. (Pravi)

146. Engleska ima najstariji parlament na svijetu. (Netočno. Island)

147. Mačka je postala senator u starom Rimu. (Netočno, konj)

148. Kristofor Kolumbo bio je poznat po svom otkriću Amerike. (Pravi)

149. Galileo Galilei pioneered the use of the telescope to observe the night sky. (True)

150. Napoleon Bonaparte bio je drugi francuski car. (Netočno, prvi car)

Često postavljana pitanja

Why is history important?

Pet ključnih prednosti uključuje: (5) Razumijevanje prošlosti (1) Oblikovanje sadašnjosti (2) Razvijanje vještina kritičkog mišljenja (3) Razumijevanje kulturne raznolikosti (4) Poticanje građanskog angažmana

Koji je bio najtragičniji događaj u povijesti?

Transatlantska trgovina robljem (15. do 19. stoljeće), dok su europska carstva porobljavala zapadnoafričke civile. Stavili su robove na tijesne brodove i prisilili ih da izdrže užasne uvjete na moru, s minimalnim zalihama hrane. Ubijeno je oko 60 milijuna afričkih robova!

Kada je najbolje vrijeme za učenje povijesti?

Važno je početi učiti povijest rano u životu, jer ona pruža temelje za razumijevanje svijeta i njegove složenosti, stoga djeca mogu početi učiti povijest što je prije moguće.