ihe ngosi ndabere
òkè ngosi

Ihe niile gbasara ụbọchị ụmụ nwanyị mba ụwa



Otu ntinye aka

Nyochaa Ụbọchị Ụmụ nwanyị Mba Nile: Akụkọ ya, ihe ndị dị ugbu a dị ka FGM na ime ihe ike, ihe omume ụmụ nwanyị, na ụzọ isi mee ka ụmụ nwanyị nwee ike kwa ụbọchị. Soro mkparịta ụka ahụ maka ịma aka ịha nhatanha zuru ụwa ọnụ!

Ihe ngosi (41)

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Ruo kedu ókè ị kwenyere n'okwu ndị a?

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What words or thoughts come to mind when you think about International Women’s Day?

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Iwu egwuregwu:

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True or False? The U.S is in the top 50 countries for female representation in public office.

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In what year did the first Native American woman and the first Muslim woman get elected to the U.S. Congress?

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What percentage of women and girls over 15 in Latin America have suffered from sexual violence?

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True or False: Latin American women have the highest likelihood of being killed compared to women in other regions of the world.

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In which year did large-scale protests and strikes take place on International Women’s Day in several European countries?

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Which of the following issues were brought to attention by women protesting on IWD 2019?

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True or False: Female genital mutilation (FGM) is still a human rights issue in many African countries

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What is the most effective way to stop FGM?

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In which country have women been imprisoned for fighting for the right to drive?

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True or False: International attention on imprisoned female activists is only given on International Women’s Day

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What first word/thought come to mind when you think about International Women’s Day now?

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What are some small actions we can take every day to empower the women around us? Let's vote for your favorite!

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How confident are you in your knowledge of International Women's Day?

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