ihe ngosi ndabere
òkè ngosi

Tinye akara Trivia



Patti Hogle

Akọrọ na-eri nri ọtụtụ oge n'usoro ndụ ha, ọ naghị adịkarị n'ime ime obodo ma nwee ike ibunye ọrịa. Nleba anya mgbe niile na ihe mgbagha dị mkpa maka mgbochi na nchekwa megide ata ahụhụ.


Ihe ngosi (18)

1 -

What is the most common tickborne illness in St. Lawrence County?

2 -

True or false, you only need to worry about ticks in the summertime?

3 -

Which of the following is NOT a good way to prevent tick bites?

4 -

Which of the following is the correct order of the lifecycle of a tick?

5 -

True or false, tick bites are very painful so you are will know right away when you've been bitten by one?

6 -

7 -

What should you do if you find a tick that has bitten you?

8 -

Ticks are considered...

9 -

True or false, the longer a tick is attached after biting, the more likely you are to get a tickborne illness?

10 -

Where are you NOT likely to find ticks?

11 -

How do ticks move?

12 -

13 -

True or false, insect repellants only work to prevent mosquito bites, not tick bites?

14 -

When doing your daily tick check, you should make sure to look closely...

15 -

How many times does a tick feed on blood in its lifetime?

16 -

When a tick climbs up a plant or other structure and waves its front legs around looking for a host, it is called...

17 -

True or false, this is a picture of a tick?

18 -

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