condivisione della presentazione

Raymond vuole che il suo negozio venga valutato dai clienti



Richard Esteves


Diapositive (30)

1 -

Jericho wants to import the data from one of his sheets to the newly created sheet. Howwould he do this?

2 -

Justine wants to add a new sheet. Where can she find the option to do this?

3 -

Wendell wants to add a validation to his data. Where can he find the option to do this?

4 -

Kristine wants to add a list of items as her criteria for validating data input. How should she input them in the criteria box?

5 -

Marie doesn’t want Google Spreadsheet to accept the input if the data to be entered is incorrect. What option in data validation should she choose?

6 -

Anica wants to use the keyboard shortcut for changing font style to Bold. What keys should she press?

7 -

Carlo wants to create new sheet and navigate fromone sheet to another. What buttons should he use?

8 -

Verniece wants to automatically input the dates. What function should she use in order to do this?

9 -

How can you add multiple rows or columns in a spreadsheet?

10 -

Hennessy wants to change the color cell B7. She would have to click the drop-down arrow beside what icon?

11 -

What is the size range (in pixels) allowed for rows and columns in a spreadsheet?

12 -

What happens to the mouse pointer when you click and drag rows or columns?

13 -

How can you change the currency format of a number in a spreadsheet?

14 -

Jason wants to enter new data on the right side of his current cell. In order to move to the right, which key should he press?

15 -

Jennifer is done entering her savings for the day. She closed the spreadsheet without saving because she knew that it would automatically save. Is this true for cloud-based spreadsheets like Google Sheets?

16 -

Ravi wants to enter his new data one cell to the right of his current cell. What key should he press?

17 -

Almira wants to enter new data in the cell above her current cell. Which key should she press?

18 -

What is the easiest way to adjust the size of a column?

19 -

Randy auto-fills his work using the fill handle. What does the fill handle do?

20 -

Henry used auto-fill to enter the same data in a single row. What does auto-fill usually do?

21 -

Patricia wants to enter new data in the cell below her current cell. Which key should she press?

22 -

Vance used auto-fill horizontally, vertically, and diagonally in all of his data. Which directions does auto-fill actually work in?

23 -

Auto-fill data while typing is available, so Fionna used it to make entering dates and numbers easier. What feature actually helps with this?

24 -

Kris entered the new name of his spreadsheet using the drop-down menu. How can a spreadsheet name actually be changed?

25 -

Yuri wasn’t able to rename her spreadsheet, and when she saw it in her Google Drive, it was labeled as “Untitled Spreadsheet.” Why did this happen?

26 -

From the choices below, select the correct Column chart.

27 -

From the choices below, select the correct Bar chart.

28 -

From the choices below, select the correct Line chart.

29 -

From the choices below, select the correct Trend chart.

30 -

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