AhaSlides' Zoom integration for interactive meetings

Zoom fatigue? Not anymore! Make your online session livelier than ever with AhaSlides' polls, quizzes, and Q&A, guaranteed to have participants on the edge of their seats.

zoom ahaslides integration

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Dispel Zoom gloom with the AhaSlides add-in

Unleash a barrage of urip jajak pendapat that'll have participants fumbling for the 'Raise Hand' button. Spark fierce competition with real-time kuis that'll make your coworkers forget they're wearing pajama bottoms. Create tembung awan that explode with creativity faster than you can say "You're on mute!"

How the Zoom add-on works

1. Nggawe jajak pendapat lan kuis

Bukak presentasi AhaSlides lan tambahake interaktivitas ing kana. Sampeyan bisa nggunakake kabeh jinis pitakonan sing kasedhiya.

2. Get AhaSlides from Zoom app marketplace

Open Zoom and get AhaSlides from its marketplace. Log into your AhaSlides account and launch the app during your meeting. 

3. Ayo peserta melu kegiatan

Your audience will be invited to join AhaSlides activities automatically on the call - no download or registration needed.

What you can do with AhaSlides x Zoom integration

Host a Q&A session​

Gawea pacelathon! Ayo Zoom wong akeh mbatalake pitakonan - incognito utawa banter lan bangga. Ora ana maneh kasepen kikuk!

Tansah kabeh wong ing daur ulang

"You still with us?" will become a thing of the past. Quick polls ensure your Zoom team is all on the same page.

Quiz em' up

Gunakake generator kuis sing didhukung AI kanggo nggawe kuis pinggiran kursi ing 30 detik. Nonton kothak Zoom kasebut dadi padhang nalika wong-wong balapan kanggo saingan!

Gather instant feedbacks

"How'd we do?" is just a click away! Toss out a speedy poll slide and get the real scoop on your Zoom shindig. Easy peasy.

Brainstorm kanthi efektif

Give everyone an inclusive space using AhaSlides' virtual brainstorms that let teams sync up and cultivate great ideas.

Latihan kanthi gampang

From cheking in to testing knowledge with formative assessments, you only need one app - and that's AhaSlides.

Check out AhaSlides guides for Zoom meetings

Pitakonan Paling Sering

Apa sawetara presenter bisa nggunakake AhaSlides ing rapat Zoom sing padha?

Multiple presenters can collaborate, edit and access an AhaSlides presentation, but only one person can share the screen at a time in Zoom meeting.

Ing endi aku bisa ndeleng asil sawise sesi Zoom?

Laporan peserta bakal kasedhiya kanggo ndeleng lan download ing akun AhaSlides sawise sampeyan mungkasi rapat kasebut.

Apa aku butuh akun AhaSlides sing mbayar kanggo nggunakake integrasi Zoom?

Integrasi dhasar AhaSlides Zoom gratis kanggo digunakake.

Don't be the only chatterbox in the Zoom room.