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Collegium Quiz



Janolia Naicker

Multi ingeniosi singulares: eu stella pristina, DJ, tenpin bowler, fuga engineer, app elit, diver scuba, et cursor Commilitonum, cum gratis fortissimus filius et amor Harley invehitur.


Slides (29).

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Can you guess who did ballet?

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I have half a deepracer track in my garage for my deepracer model car

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A Comrades runner

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Qualified Open Water 1 (Scuba diving)

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His first CV as a University drop out was developing an App that got him a job at Microsoft then the App went on to win an MTN app award and he has shared his experience on a TEDx stage and his journey got profiled by Forbes Africa likening him to a Steve Jobs

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Has done the argus a few times. and a bunch of other big bike races like the 94.7

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A flight engineer in the south african airforce

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Has been selected to represent eastern gauteng for tenpin bowling

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Has a son age 14 who is in one of the highest ranked professional Paintballers in South Africa

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We love house music, but  this peson in our team is a house Music DJ

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In his previous life, he was a promising football star at Manning Rangers FC young stars until he turned on a computer then he red carded himself

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This person likes to take out some time on a Harley Davidson

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Someone to this day, still feels bad about spilling a bit of Coke on a colleague's wife's wedding dress

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Who started their career as a Police Officer?

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