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Excusationes Icebreaker Topics ad stimulum calcitrare tuum Training (Exempla)



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Explorarent ineunt fractores, a squamis ad quaestiones personales aestimandas, ut nexus in virtualis conventibus et uncinis iunctis foverentur. Congruit muneribus, bonis, et factis iocis ad vivam initium!

Slides (36).

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Personal Connection Icebreakers

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Quid est vestri ventus via volutpat vestibulum tempus terere?

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What is one fun fact about yourself that most people don’t know?

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In one word, describe how you’re feeling today.

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Spin to share your favorite childhood memory.

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Spin the wheel and answer!

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Fun & Lighthearted Icebreakers

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Spin the wheel and answer a fun question!

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Match the celebrity to their iconic quote!

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Place these items into the category that best fits them!"

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What’s the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?

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Which activity would you rather do for fun?

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Team-Building Icebreakers

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Arrange these team values from most important to least important.

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What makes a great teammate?

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Match the team roles with their responsibilities!

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What’s one thing a great team should always do?

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What’s the best part about working in a team?

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Quick & Virtual-Friendly Icebreakers

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If you could instantly master one skill, what would it be and why?

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What’s the best way to start a virtual meeting?

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What’s your ideal way to start a virtual meeting?

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On a scale from 1 to 5...

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Match these common icebreaker questions with their best responses!

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Tips for Icebreakers

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