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Tick ​​​​Trivia



Patti Hogle

Ticks multiplex tempora vitae suae cycli pascunt, minus communes in locis urbanis et aegritudines transmittere possunt. Regulares cohibetiones et repellentes essentiales sunt ad praecavendam et tutandam contra morsus.


Slides (18).

1 -

What is the most common tickborne illness in St. Lawrence County?

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True or false, you only need to worry about ticks in the summertime?

3 -

Which of the following is NOT a good way to prevent tick bites?

4 -

Which of the following is the correct order of the lifecycle of a tick?

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True or false, tick bites are very painful so you are will know right away when you've been bitten by one?

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What should you do if you find a tick that has bitten you?

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Ticks are considered...

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True or false, the longer a tick is attached after biting, the more likely you are to get a tickborne illness?

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Where are you NOT likely to find ticks?

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How do ticks move?

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True or false, insect repellants only work to prevent mosquito bites, not tick bites?

14 -

When doing your daily tick check, you should make sure to look closely...

15 -

How many times does a tick feed on blood in its lifetime?

16 -

When a tick climbs up a plant or other structure and waves its front legs around looking for a host, it is called...

17 -

True or false, this is a picture of a tick?

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