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Réckbléck, No vir: E Team Reflexiounsguide



Engagement Team

D'Sessioun vun haut konzentréiert sech op Schlëssel Erreechen, handhabbare Feedback, an Erausfuerderungen a Léierméiglechkeeten ëmsetzen, ënnersträicht d'Teamreflektioun a Verantwortung fir d'Verbesserung.

Rutschen (39)

1 -

2 -

What is Team Reflection?

3 -

Why Team Reflection Matters

4 -

When to conduct a Team Reflection

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Stages of a Team Reflection

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Etapp 1: Virbereedung

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What is the ONE goal you want to reflect on in this session?

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On the scale from 1 to 5...

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List one key piece of data or feedback that you think is important to review today.

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Etapp 1: Virbereedung

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Stage 2: Reviewing Successes

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What is the ONE accomplishment that you want to reflect on in this session?

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What is one accomplishment from this period that made you feel proud?

16 -

Match each success to what made it possible.

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Spin the wheel to share a recent success story!

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Etapp 1: Virbereedung

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Stage 3: Identifying Challenges and Areas for Improvement

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Which of these challenges affected our team the most?

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Drag and drop challenges into ‘Controllable’ vs. ‘Uncontrollable.’

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On a scale from 1 to 5

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Etapp 1: Virbereedung

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Stage 4: Learning and Insight Generation

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Describe one key lesson from this period in a single word.

30 -

Arrange the steps in how we can turn challenges into learning opportunities.

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Etapp 1: Virbereedung

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Stage 5: Action Planning and Moving Forward

35 -

Op enger Skala vun 1 bis 5 ...

36 -

What specific actions should we take immediately to improve our work?

37 -

Sort the following into ‘Short-Term’ vs. ‘Long-Term’ Action Items.

38 -

39 -

Etapp 1: Virbereedung

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