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Trivia: The Lunar Zodiac Years



Engagement Team

Entdeckt den 12-Joer Zyklus vum chinesesche Zodiac, Schlësselmerkmale vun Zodiac Déieren, an hir Bedeitung an de Mound-Neijoersfeieren, dorënner d'Joer vun der Schlaang. Trivia waart op!

Rutschen (31)

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What do the Zodiac signs represent in the Lunar New Year?

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Which animal represents the first year in the Chinese zodiac cycle?

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Which of these animals represents the end of the 12-year zodiac cycle?

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Déi zwielef Déieren vum Zodiac

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Arrange the first four Zodiac animals in the correct order.

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Match the Zodiac animal to its personality trait.

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The Personality Traits of Each Zodiac Animal

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The Personality Traits of Each Zodiac Animal (pt.2)

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Which of the following animals is known for being brave and adventurous?

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Which of the following Zodiac signs is known for being loyal and protective of their family?

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Which animal is said to bring harmony to relationships and be an excellent communicator?

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Which Zodiac sign is known for being strategic and cautious, making them excel in leadership roles?

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What animal will the upcoming Lunar New Year be?

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What are some of the characteristics associated with this animal?

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D'Joer vun der Schlaang

19 -

Match the Snake’s traits to their meanings.

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Year of the Snake Key Traits

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Characteristics of people born in the Year of the Snake

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This Year's Outlook

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What do people often do during Lunar New Year to align with the Zodiac sign of the year?

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Zodiac Signs in Lunar New Year Celebrations

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Match the Zodiac year to its focus during Lunar New Year celebrations.

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What is the main focus during the Year of the Rabbit in Lunar New Year celebrations?

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Do you know what the Zodiac Year you were born in?

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How do you feel about the upcoming year - the Year of the Snake?

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Is this session interesting to you?

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