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Growing Together Fund (FL 29.03.2025).pptx



thunga Dang


Slaidi (20)

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Kāds ir tavs vārds?

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Kā tu šodien jūties?

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Vai esat gatavi?

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1. What happens to the value of the shares owned by the fund when Hasfarm grows?

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2. What is the main purpose of the Growing Together Fund?

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3. Which employees are eligible to be members of the Growing Together Fund?

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4. What are the two key factors used to calculate an employee’s share in the Growing Together Fund?

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5. Order the employee categories by the minimum years of service required for Growing Together Fund eligibility

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6. Fill in the Blank According to the Growing Together Fund scale, staffs with 4-10 years of service receive a weighted factor of ____%.

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7. Fill in the Blank According to the Growing Together Fund scale, staffs with > 15 years of service receive a weighted factor of ____%.

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8. Match the correct years of service to the corresponding weighted factor for staff.

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9. A worker with 10 years of seniority receives a $100 bonus, which accounts for 1% of the salary fund, and 4 bonus months when the salary fund is $10,000. If the actual salary fund increases to $20,000, how much bonus will the employee receive, and how many bonus months will they get?

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10. A Staff has a salary of 500$ and 8 years of service. What is the total bonus for this staff?

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11. A Staff has a salary of $500 and 17 years of service. What is the total bonus for this staff?

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Page 9 - Growing Together Fund (FL 29.03.2025).pptx

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