The Ultimate 140 Fanontaniana Tsy Tena Vahiny Izahay (+Fisintonana maimaim-poana)

Quizze sy lalao

Astrid Tran Diaben'ny 28, 2025 17 min mamaky

We are Not Really Strangers is a game of reconnection to ring up an emotional game night or play with your loved ones to deepen your relationship, and we've got the full list for you to use for FREE below!

This is a well-crafted three-level game that covers all aspects of dating, couples, self-love, friendship, and family. Enjoy the journey of deepening your connections!

Alefaso miaraka amin'ny namana ny fanontaniana hoe Tsy vahiny izahay
Alefaso miaraka amin'ny namana ny fanontaniana hoe Tsy vahiny izahay


  • The "We're Not Really Strangers" (WNRS) game is not just a deck of questions; it creates meaningful experiences for deeper conversations and strong bonds. 
  • The brainchild of WNRS is Koreen Odiney, a Los Angeles-based model and artist who desires to create authentic and genuine connections. 
  • The game structure with 3-level questions, including Perception, Connection, and Reflection. There are many additional editions or expansion packs to cater to specific relationships, such as couples, family, or friends. 
  • The science behind WNRS questions is related to making the right questions and psychological principles like Emotional Intelligence (EQ), social anxiety, and mental health.  
  • Access the WNRS questions free version or physical deck cards on the brand's official website, other 3rd party sellers or online marketplaces. 

Loha ny Content

What is "We're Not Really Strangers"?

In the world of various light conversations, the We're Not Really Strangers game stands out as a journey into deep connections. It doesn't reshape how we play games, but redefines fine how we connect with others and ourselves. 

So, what is its origin and concept?

The creator of WNRS is Koreen Odiney, a model and artist in Los Angeles. The phrase "We're Not Really Strangers" came from a stranger encountered during her photography sessions. The card game then was born out of her passion for breaking down barriers and sparking meaningful connections. 

The game includes various thought-provoking questions at 3 progressive levels: Perception, Connection, and Reflection. There are some special editions or expansion packs such as couples, family, and friendship for a greater experience of intimacy. 

Why is WNRS more than just a Card Game? 

Instead of focusing on competition, the game creates meaningful space and experience. With various thoughtful we're not really strangers questions, you gradually step into the world of self-discovery and authentic connections. 

The brand also designs the last card for players to write messages to each other, adding a lasting impact. 

How It Became a Global Sensation

Thanks to a unique approach of genuine connection, the game gained viral momentum. It deeply resonates with audiences seeking authenticity in a digital world with less social interaction. 

Moreover, the power of Word-of-Mouth and social media content further makes it viral quickly as a global phenomenon. The brand also offers various editions or theme packs to cater to multiple types of relationships for a satisfying experience. 

How to Play "We're Not Really Strangers"

Ready to break the barriers and immerse in genuine ties? Let's explore simple steps to play "We're Not Really Strangers"!

1. Game Setup and Required Materials

You will need below materials to set up the games: 

  • "We're Not Really Strangers" card decks with all 3-question levels. You might utilize expansion packs to tailor to your suitable target audiences. 
  • Pencil and notepad for the final activity of reflection or writing messages to each other. 
  • A suitable and quiet space for all participants to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts 

After having must-have materials, shuffle each of the card decks and place them down in separate piles. Don't forget to put the final card aside for use at the end of the game. 

Regarding participants, you can easily kick off the game with two players. Who will start first? Decide by staring at each other; the first person to blink starts! You can play with friends, family, or even strangers. Please kindly note that the players are encouraged to share openly and honestly. 

2. Understanding the Levels & Question Types

Now it's time to understand the game levels! There are typically 3 levels of questions to deepen the game progressively: 

  • Level 1: Perception - Focus on breaking the ice, making assumptions, and exploring first impressions 
  • Level 2: Connection -  Encourage personal sharing, life perspectives and emotions 
  • Level 3: Reflection - Promote deep reflection on the player's own experience and others through the game. 

3. How to Make the Game More Engaging

Move on to exploring useful tips to level up your WNRS experience. Why don't you consider some of the following suggestions? 

Be mindful of creating a cozy and safe space. A judgment-free atmosphere with candles, snacks, and music makes players feel comfortable to open up. 

Don't rush! Let the conversation flow naturally. Take your time with each question and listen actively with genuine interest. 

You might use WildCards with several creative challenges to add a dynamic touch to the game. 

4. Playing Virtually vs. In-Person

Wondering how to play the WNRS games in different settings? Don't skip this part! Indeed, you can play in person or virtually without compromise. 

  • Lalao manokana: Physical decks are ideal for leveling up the experience. More direct people interaction like body language and eye contact triggers more emotional impact. Gather players around a table and start the game as standard rules! 
  • Virtual play: Play WNRS online works well via video calls like Zoom or Facetime for long-distance friends or remote members. Each player takes turns to share for each online card.

But what if you need a platform or WNRS apps to make the game enjoyable and engaging? Let's consider AhaSlides - the most effective interactive presentation platform that allows you to create interactive and fun quizzes or other features. Here is a template for AhaSlides for We’re Not Really Strangers Online Questions:

  • #1: Tsindrio ny bokotra etsy ambony raha te hiditra amin'ny lalao. Azonao atao ny mijery ny slide tsirairay ary manolotra hevitra momba izany miaraka amin'ny namana.
  • #2: To save the slides or play with acquaintances privately, click on 'My Account,' then sign up for a free AhaSlides account. You can customize them further and play them online/offline with people as you want!
Sign up for AhaSlides mba hamonjy ny lalao tsy tena vahiny

Full List of "We're Not Really Strangers" Questions (Updated 2025)

Let's get started with the superficial to deep We're not really strangers questions. You and your acquaintances will experience three distinctive rounds serving different purposes: perception, connection, and reflection.

Ambaratonga 1: Fahatsapana

This level focuses on self-reflection and understanding one's own thoughts and feelings. By sharing perceptions, participants gain insight into how others see them. They are aware of snap judgments and more empathetic via understanding other lenses.

Here are some of the best icebreaker questions for your reference:

1/ Inona no atao hoe major?

2/ Heverinao ve fa efa nifankatia aho?

3/ Heverinao ve fa efa tapaka ny foko?

4/ Heverinao ve fa efa voaroaka aho?

5/ Heverinao ve fa nalaza aho tany amin'ny lisea?

6/ Inona araka ny hevitrao no tiako kokoa? Cheetos mafana sa peratra tongolo?

7/ Heverinao ve fa tiako ny ataoko ovy?

8/ Heverinao ve fa extrovert aho?

9/ Heverinao ve fa manan-drahalahy aho? Zokiny sa zandry?

10/ Taiza no nihalehibe ahy araka ny hevitrao?

11/ Mihevitra ve ianao fa mahandro sakafo sa mihinana sakafo?

12/ Inona araka ny eritreritrao no tena nijery ahy tato ho ato?

13/ Heverinao ve fa halako ny mifoha maraina?

14/ Inona no zavatra tsara indrindra tadidinao ho an'ny namana?

15/ Karazana toe-javatra ara-tsosialy inona no mahatonga anao ho sahiran-tsaina indrindra?

16/ Iza no sampy tiako indrindra?

17/ Rahoviana aho matetika no misakafo?

18/ Heverinao ve fa tiako ny mitafy mena?

19/ Inona no sakafo tiako indrindra araka ny hevitrao?

20/ Heverinao ve fa ao amin'ny fiainana grika aho?

21/ Fantatrao ve ny asa nofinofiko?

22/ Fantatrao ve hoe aiza ny fialan-tsasatra nofinofiko?

23/ Heverinao ve fa nisy nampijaliana ahy taloha?

24/ Heverinao ve fa olona be resaka aho?

25/ Heverinao fa trondro mangatsiaka ve aho?

26/ Inona no zava-pisotro Starbucks tiako indrindra araka ny hevitrao?

27/ Mihevitra ve ianao fa tia mamaky boky aho?

28/ Rahoviana araka ny hevitrao no tena tiako ny mijanona irery?

29/ Iza amin'ny trano no heverinao fa toerana tiako indrindra?

30/ Mihevitra ve ianao fa tiako ny milalao lalao video?

Level 2: Fifandraisana

Amin'ity ambaratonga ity, ny mpilalao dia mametraka fanontaniana mampieritreritra amin'ny hafa, mamporisika ny fifandraisana lalina sy ny fiaraha-miory.

Vulnerability is key here.  A sense of trust and intimacy often comes from open-up and genuine sharing of personal experiences. Vulnerability then breaks surface-level conversation and strengthens relationships. And here are must-ask questions for deeper bonds: 

31/ Inona no heverinao fa hanova ny asako?

32/ Inona no fahatsapanao voalohany momba ahy?

33/ Inona no zavatra farany nandainganao?

34/ Inona no nafeninao nandritra izay taona maro izay?

35/ Inona ny hevitrao hafahafa indrindra?

36/ Inona no zavatra farany nandainganao tamin’ny reninao?

37/ Inona no fahadisoana lehibe indrindra nataonao?

38/ Inona no fanaintainana mafy indrindra niainanao?

39/ Inona no mbola ezahinao porofoina amin'ny tenanao?

40/ Inona no toetra mampiavaka anao indrindra?

41/ Inona no sarotra indrindra amin'ny fiarahana aminao?

42/ Inona no zavatra tsara indrindra momba ny rainao na ny reninao?

43/ Inona no tononkira tianao indrindra tsy azonao eritreretina ao an-dohanao?

44/ Mandainga amin'ny tenanao ve ianao?

45/ Biby inona no tianao hotehirizina?

46/ Inona no mety ho tsapanao fa ekenao tanteraka amin’izao sata misy izao?

47/ Oviana no fotoana farany nahatsiaro ho tsara vintana ianao?

48/ Inona ny teny enti-milaza aminao taloha sy ankehitriny?

49/ Inona no tsy hinoan'ny zandrinao momba ny fiainanao ankehitriny?

50/ Iza amin'ny fianakavianao no tianao hotehirizina na avelanao?

51/ Inona no fahatsiarovana tianao indrindra tamin’ny fahazazanao?

52/ Mandra-pahoviana no tokony ho mpinamana aminao?

53/ Inona no mitondra olona iray avy amin'ny namana ho namana tsara indrindra ho anao?

54/ Inona no fanontaniana tiana hovaliana eo amin’ny fiainanao amin’izao fotoana izao?

55/ Inona no holazainao amin'ny zandrinao?

56/ Inona no fihetsikao manenina indrindra?

57/ Oviana ianao no nitomany farany?

58/ Inona no tsara kokoa noho ny ankamaroan'ny olona fantatrao?

59/ Iza no tianao hiresahana rehefa mahatsiaro ho manirery ianao?

60/ Inona no sarotra indrindra amin'ny any ivelany?

Level 3: Fandinihana

The final level encourages players to reflect on the experience and insights gained during the game. It's about understanding yourself and others better, like how they feel or interact with others. In other words, these questions tap into emotional intelligence regarding empathy and self-awareness. Moreover, your reflection process will leave a sense of closure and clarity.

Now, check out some WNRS self-reflection questions following:

61/ Inona no tianao ovaina amin’ny toetranao amin’izao fotoana izao?

62/ Iza no tianao hialana na hisaotra indrindra?

63/ Raha nanao playlist ho ahy ianao, inona no hira 5 ao anatiny?

64/ Ahoana ny momba ahy nahagaga anao?

65/ Inona araka ny eritreritrao no tena hery lehibe ananako?

66/ Heverinao ve fa manana fitoviana na fahasamihafana isika?

67/ Iza no heverinao fa mety ho mpiara-miasa amiko?

68/ Inona no tokony hovakiko raha vantany vao manam-potoana aho?

69/ Aiza no tena mahafeno fepetra hanome torohevitra?

70/ Inona no nianaranao momba ny tenanao nandritra ity lalao ity?

71/ Inona no fanontaniana natahoranao hamaly?

72/ Nahoana no mbola zava-dehibe amin'ny fiainana eny amin'ny oniversite ny "sorority".

73/ Inona no fanomezana tonga lafatra ho ahy?

74/ Inona no ampahany amin'ny tenanao hitanao ato amiko?

75/ Araka ny zavatra nianaranao momba ahy, inona no soso-kevitrao hovakiako?

76/ Inona no ho tadidinao momba ahy rehefa tsy mifandray intsony isika?

77/ Avy amin'ny zavatra henoko momba ahy, sarimihetsika Netflix inona no atoronao ahy hojerena?

78/ Inona no azoko anampiana anao?

79/ Inona no fiantraikan'i Sigma Kappa eo amin'ny fiainanao?

80/ Afaka mandefitra amin'olona izay nandratra anao taloha ve ianao)?

81/ Inona no tokony ho reko izao?

82/ Ho sahy hanao zavatra ivelan’ny faritra mampionona anao ve ianao amin’ny herinandro ambony?

83/ Heverinao ve fa misy antony mahatonga ny olona eo amin'ny fiainanao?

84/ Nahoana araka ny hevitrao no nifankahita?

85/ Inona no atahoranao indrindra?

86/ Inona no lesona horaisinao amin'ny resakao?

87/ Inona no soso-kevitrao tokony havelako?

88/ Manaiky zavatra 

89/ Ahoana ny amiko izay zara raha azonao?

90/ Ahoana no hamaritanao ahy amin'ny olon-tsy fantatra?

Mahafinaritra fanampiny: Wildcards

Ity ampahany ity dia mikendry ny hahatonga ny lalao fanontaniana mampientam-po sy mahasarika kokoa. Raha tokony hametraka fanontaniana, dia karazana toromarika ho an'ny hetsika izay tsy maintsy vitain'ny mpilalao izay manao izany. Ireto misy 10:

91/ Manaova sary miaraka (60 segondra)

92/ Miara-mitantara tantara iray (1 minitra)

93/ Mifanoratra hafatra ary mifampizara izany. Sokafy rehefa lasa ianao.

94/ Miaraha manao selfie

95/ Mamorona fanontanianao manokana momba ny zavatra rehetra. Ataovy isa!

96/ Mifampijery maso mandritra ny 30 segondra. Inona no voamarikao?

97/ Asehoy ny sarinao fony ianao mbola kely (miboridana)

98/ Mihirà hira tena tianao 

99/ Lazao ilay hafa mba hanakimpy ny masony ary hikatona (miandrasa 15 segondra dia manoroka azy)

100/ Manorata taratasy ho an'ny zandrinao. Rehefa afaka 1 minitra, sokafy ary ampitahao.

tsy tena vahiny fanontaniana an-tserasera izahay
Tsy tena vahiny fanontaniana an-tserasera izahay - Mitantara tantara miaraka amin'ny AhaSlides

Special Edition & Expansion Packs

Need more We are not really strangers questions? Here are some extra questions that you can ask in different relationships, from dating, self-love, friendship, and family to the workplace.

10 We're Not Really Strangers Questions - Couples edition

101/ Inona araka ny hevitrao no mety tsara amin'ny fampakaram-bady?

102/ Inona no mety hahatonga anao hahatsiaro ho akaiky ahy kokoa?

103/ Misy fotoana ve ianao te handao ahy?

104/Firy ny ankizy tianao?

105/ Inona no azontsika atao miaraka?

106/ Mbola virjiny ve aho?

107/ Inona no toetra mahasarika ahy indrindra fa tsy ara-batana?

108/ Inona ny tantara momba anao izay tsy azoko adinoina?

109/ Inona araka ny eritreritrao no mety ho alin'ny fiarahako tonga lafatra?

110/ Heverinao ve fa mbola tsy nanambady aho?

10 We're Not Really Strangers Questions - Friendship edition

111/ Inona no fahalemeko araka ny hevitrao?

112/ Inona no heriko araka ny hevitrao?

113/ Inona araka ny hevitrao no tokony ho fantatro momba ny tenako izay mety ho fantatro?

114/ Ahoana no ifamenon’ny toetrantsika?

115/ Inona no tena itiavanao ahy?

116/ Amin'ny teny iray, lazao izay tsapanao amin'izao fotoana izao!

117/ Inona no valin-teniko nampiharihary anao?

118/ Afaka matoky anao ve aho hilaza zavatra manokana?

119/ Inona no eritreretinao be loatra amin'izao fotoana izao?

120/ Heverinao ve fa mpamono tsara aho?

10 We're Not Really Strangers Questions - Workplace edition

121/ Inona no zava-bita matihanina iray mireharehanao indrindra, ary nahoana?

122/ Mizarà fotoana iray niatrehanao fanamby lehibe teo am-piasana sy ny fomba nandresenao izany.

123/ Inona ny fahaiza-manao na tanjaka anananao izay tsapanao fa tsy ampiasaina amin'ny andraikitrao ankehitriny?

124/ Rehefa mandinika ny asanao, inona no lesona sarobidy indrindra nianaranao hatramin’izay?

125/ Farito ny tanjona na ny fanirianao momba ny asa ho avy.

126/ Mizarà mpanoro hevitra na mpiara-miasa iray izay nisy fiantraikany lehibe teo amin'ny fitomboanao matihanina, ary nahoana.

127/ Ahoana no itondranao ny fifandanjana eo amin'ny asa sy ny fiainana ary ny fitazonana ny fahasalamana ao anatin'ny tontolo iainana sarotra?

128/ Inona no zavatra inoanao fa tsy fantatry ny mpiara-miasa aminao na ny mpiara-miasa aminao momba anao?

129/ Lazalazao ny fotoana iray nahatsapanao fahatsapana mahery vaika ny fiaraha-miasa na fiaraha-miasa teo amin'ny toeram-piasanao.

130/ Rehefa mandinika ny asanao amin'izao fotoana izao, inona no lafiny mahafa-po indrindra amin'ny asanao?

10 We're Not Really Strangers Questions - Family edition

131/ Inona no tena mampientanentana anao androany?

132/ Inona no nahafinaritra anao indrindra?

133/ Inona no tantara mampalahelo indrindra renao?

134/ Inona no tianao holazaina amiko hatry ny ela?

135/ Inona no maharitra ela vao milaza ny marina amiko?

136/ Heverinao ve fa izaho no olona azonao iresahana?

137/ Inona no asa tianao hatao amiko?

138/ Inona no zavatra tsy hay hazavaina indrindra nitranga taminao?

139/ Inona ny andronao?

140/ Rahoviana araka ny hevitrao no fotoana tsara indrindra hiresahana ny zava-nitranga taminao?

Science Behind the Game: Why does WNRS Works

Just a deck of questions, what is the success of We’re Not Really Strangers questions behind? Via intentional design, psychological principles, or others? Let's scroll down for a closer look at the science behind the game!

Ny herin'ny fametrahana fanontaniana marina

Instead of focusing on getting answers only, the WNRS game designed thought-provoking questions for self-discovery, mutual understanding, and life-changing moments. From icebreaker questions to introspective questions, the game delivers a safe feeling for players to gradually open up and engage with others. 

How Emotional Vulnerability Builds Stronger Connections

Vulnerability is the core of emotional intimacy. Joining the WNRS game allows players to share, learn with others, and relearn themselves. In this way, they signal trust, normalize emotion, and nurture empathy for building stronger connections. 

Psychological Benefits of Playing the Game

Besides fostering strong bonds, WNRS has many mental health and psychological benefits, such as improving Emotional Intelligence (EQ), releasing social barriers, stress relief, and personal growth. 

Thanks to reflective questions, you can enhance self-awareness and empathy, which are important elements in EQ. Moreover, authenticity, a safe zone, and good connections play as a psychological anchor to reduce stress and social anxiety.

Besides, introspective prompts might be life-changing moments to explore yourself better for deep self-understanding and personal growth.

Holt-Lunstad J. Social connection as a critical factor for mental and physical health: evidence, trends, challenges, and future implications. World Psychiatry. 2024 Oct;23(3):312-332. doi: 10.1002/wps.21224. PMID: 39279411; PMCID: PMC11403199.

Customizing "We're Not Really Strangers" for Your Needs

Here is how to make a WNRS game truly your own!

Creating Your Own Questions

Before tailoring the questions, ask yourself, "What kind of connections do I want to foster?". Based on specific relationships or events, you will craft suitable questions accordingly. 

Moreover, take reference from additional editions and themes for more ideas to make the right questions. Don't forget to utilize Wildcard and prompts or quotes to make the game engaging and meaningful. 

Alternative Games with Similar Concepts

Love the We’re Not Really Stranger questions but desire to explore more; below are some great alternatives with similar concepts: 

  • TableTopics: A game of conversation starters with various questions for icebreakers to deep reflections. Ideas for family dinners or general gatherings.
  • Resaka lehibe: This game skips questions for small talk and drives straight into deep and meaningful conversation.
  • Let's Get Deep: Originally for couples to play with 3-level questions: Icebreaker, Deep, and Deeper. However, it can be adaptable for other participants to play. 

Mixing It With Other Conversation Starters

For a more dynamic and engaging experience, you can blend We’re Not Really Strangers questions with other conversion starters. 

You might combine prompts from other games to diversify a range of questions. Otherwise, pair the WNRS game with activities like drawing, journaling, or movie nights to get everyone on the same theme. Notably, you can integrate the We’re Not Really Stranger app or digital edition with physical cards for more interactive features and new prompts. 

Printable & PDF Versions of WNRS Questions (Free Download)

We're Not Really Strangers (WNRS) offers free downloadable PDFs of their digital-only editions on their official website. There are various editions to cater to your unique needs, like Self-Exploration Pack, Back to School Edition, Introspective Journal, and more. 

Download the We’re Not Really Stranger free questions in PDF version eto!

To make your own DIY WNRS cards, you can print these free PDFs and cut them into individual cards. Alternatively, you could create questions inspired by the WNRS format and print them on cardstock.

FAQ - Fanontaniana Fametraky ny Olona Matetika

Inona no karatra farany amin'ny We're not really strangers?

Ny karatra farany amin'ny lalao karatra We're Not Really Strangers dia mitaky anao hanoratra naoty ho an'ny namanao ary sokafy izany raha vao nisaraka ianareo roa.

Inona no azo atao raha tsy tena vahiny isika?

Azonao atao ny milalao lalao fanontaniana toy ny hoe Never I ever have, 2 Trues and 1 Lie, Tianao ve, Ity sa iza, Iza moa aho ...

Ahoana no ahafahako mahazo hafatra avy amin'ny We're Not Really Strangers?

Ny lahatsoratra dia misy amin'ny $1.99 isam-bolana ao amin'ny tranokala ofisialin'ny WNRS. All you need to do is text the first letter of your first love's name to subscribe, and they will send a text after you make your purchase.


  1. Holt-Lunstad J. Social connection as a critical factor for mental and physical health: evidence, trends, challenges, and future implications. World Psychiatry. 2024 Oct;23(3):312-332. doi: 10.1002/wps.21224. PMID: 39279411; PMCID: PMC11403199.
  2. IU News. Stronger social networks key to addressing mental health in young adults, research finds.