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Quiz fitsipika an-trano q1 2025



Jeff Hoose

Nisy vonjy taitra ho an'ny fahasalamam-bahoaka nampiato ny vanim-potoanan'ny baseball aloha. Mipoitra ny fanontaniana momba ny filokana amin'ny lalao najanona, ny isa mifamatotra amin'ny fanatanjahantena, ary ny fomba hamaritana ny vokatra amin'ny hetsika isan-karazany.

Slides (26)

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With the score 56-3, lightning stopped a football game at the conclusion of the 3rd quarter.  It did not resume.  Is my bet action?

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Tsindrio raha hanampy fanontaniana

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I placed a listed pitcher bet.  My pitcher pulled a hamstring after facing 1 batter and was removed from the game.  Is my bet action?

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Tsindrio raha hanampy fanontaniana

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I placed a run line bet.  My team was leading by 2 runs when the game stopped after 7 innings due to rain.  It did not resume.  Do I have a winning ticket?

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Tsindrio raha hanampy fanontaniana

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I placed a money line bet.  My team was leading by 2 runs when the game stopped after 7 innings due to rain.  It did not resume.  Do I have a winning ticket?

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Tsindrio raha hanampy fanontaniana

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My MMA fighter had to retire after being injured?  Will the fight be refunded?

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Tsindrio raha hanampy fanontaniana

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A hockey game, tied 2-2 after 3 periods, just ended via shootout.   4 goals were scored in regulation.  5 goals were scored in the shootout.  Is my over 5.5 goals bet a winner?  

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Tsindrio raha hanampy fanontaniana

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A public health emergency ended the baseball regular season with 2 weeks and 11 games remaining.  Is my season win total refunded?

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Tsindrio raha hanampy fanontaniana

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I bet on the over (52) in a college football game.  At the end of regulation, the score was tied at 20.  During 2 rounds of overtime, 28 points were scored.  Did my bet win?

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Tsindrio raha hanampy fanontaniana

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I bet on a golfer to finish in the top 10.  She finished tied for 9th with 2 others.  Will I be paid at the full +300 odds on my ticket?

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Tsindrio raha hanampy fanontaniana

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I placed a head-to-head matchup prop bet on the Daytona 500.  My driver wrecked on the final lap.  His opponent wrecked during stage 1.  Will my ticket be a winner?

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Tsindrio raha hanampy fanontaniana

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