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Ciekawostki o filmie „Kevin sam w domu”



Adama Horna

Poznaj kluczowe momenty, postacie i ciekawostki z filmów „Kevin sam w domu” i „Kevin sam w domu 2”, w tym przygody Kevina, kultowe sceny i niezapomniane cytaty, wpisujące się w świąteczny nastrój.

Slajdy (40)

1 -

2 -

How old is Kevin in the first movie?

3 -

HOME ALONE 1 - What did Kevin wish for after being sent to the third floor?

4 -

Match the cities with the appropriate description

5 -

What did Kevin use to defend his house from the burglars?

6 -

HOME ALONE 1 - What is one of the items Kevin famously used to scare off the burglars?

7 -

8 -

HOME ALONE 1 - How much money did Kevin's family spend on pizza?

9 -

HOME ALONE 1 - What holiday movie was Kevin's family watching while in France?

10 -

Who were the two burglars that Kevin had to outsmart?

11 -

Who is Kevin's older brother?

12 -

Match the actor/actress to the appropriate role

13 -

14 -

HOME ALONE 1 - What event led to Kevin being left home alone during Christmas?

15 -

HOME ALONE 1 - What outrageous snack did Kevin whip up for dinner while home alone?

16 -

How many siblings did Kevin have?

17 -

HOME ALONE 1 - Who offered Kevin's mother a ride to Chicago?

18 -

HOME ALONE 1 - Who was Gus Polinski?

19 -

20 -

HOME ALONE 1 - What did Kevin do when he went to church?

21 -

HOME ALONE 1 - What was the business name on the side of the van the burglars used?

22 -

HOME ALONE 1 - Name the song Kevin played when he was making the house look like there was a party?

23 -

What are the names of Kevin's parents?

24 -

What kind of pet did Buzz have?

25 -

26 -

Place the following into the correct movie

27 -

HOME ALONE 1 - What was the name of the kid going through the McCallister's stuff in the airport van?

28 -

TRUE or FALSE: Macaulay Culkin's real brother was in Home Alone

29 -

Who did Kieran Culkin play?

30 -

What would Fuller do when he had too much to drink?

31 -

32 -

Match the soda that Fuller drank to the correct movie

33 -

HOME ALONE 1 - What movie did Kevin play to scare off the burglers?

34 -

TRUE or FALSE: Angels with Filthy Souls was made up just for the Home Alone movies

35 -

Fill in the blank: "I'm gonna give you to the count of ten to get your ugly, yella, no-good ____ off my property before I pump your guts full of lead!"

36 -

What was the name of the shooter in Angels with Filthy Souls?

37 -

HOME ALONE 2 - What did Kevin give the bird lady as a gift?

38 -

What nickname did Marv give themselves in Home Alone 2?

39 -

HOME ALONE 1 - Which 2 names were the old neighbor known by?

40 -


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