фоновая презентация
обмен презентациями

Словарный блок 6



Кэди Муса

В презентации основное внимание уделяется анализу словарного запаса с помощью определений, иллюстраций, категоризации слов и упражнений на сопоставление для улучшения понимания нюансов английских слов.


Слайды (69)

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What do you think the word '' Accede '' means based on the following picture

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Page 1 - Untitled presentation (2).pdf

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What do you think the word '' Brandish '' means based on the following picture

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Page 2 - Untitled presentation (2).pdf

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what does the word '' comprise '' based on the following sentence

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what is the meaning of the word '' deft '' based on the following picture

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Доска Лидеров

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Page 4 - Untitled presentation (2).pdf

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what is the meaning of the word '' destitute '' based on the following picture 

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what is the meaning of the word '' explicit '' based on the following picture

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categorise the words based on the contation of them

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What is the meaning of the word '' extirpate '' based on the following sentence

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What is the meaning of the word '' Inopportune '' based on the following sentence

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what is the meaning of the word '' Ironic '' based on the following sentence

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What do you think the maning of the word '' musty '' mean based on the following picute

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What do you think the word '' officious '' mean based on the following picture

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What do you think th word '' ominous '' mean based on the following picture

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What do you think the word '' Pinnacle '' means based on the folllowing picture

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Match the words with there meanings

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Which word means '' Skillful ''

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What is the meaning of the word '' premeditated '' base on following picture

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What does the word '' rampant '' mean based on the following picture

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What do you think the word '' solace '' means based on the following picture

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What do you think the word '' stately '' mean based on the following picture

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Categorise the words based on there contation

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What do you think the word '' supple '' means based on the following picture

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What does the word '' suppress '' mean based on the following picture

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What does the word '' venal '' mean based on the folowing picture

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Page 21 - Untitled presentation (2).pdf

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