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kugovera mharidzo




Arlee O'Shaughnessy

Iyi pfupiso inovhara maratidziro echiRungu, kukosha kweAdstra, mihoro mitsva, OneAdstra Hubs, Nguva yechando Solstice, tsika dzeGore Idzva, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, mari yezororo, uye trivia.


Masiraidhi (36)

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What US Holidays are celebrated in December?

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What country is credited with starting the tradition of Christmas trees?

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In the movie Home Alone, where is the McCallister family traveling to when they leave Kevin behind?

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What was the first company to use Santa Claus in its advertising?

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What is the best-selling Christmas song of all time?

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How many candles are on a traditional Hanukkah menorah, including the shamash (helper candle)?

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What are the potato pancakes commonly eaten during Hanukkah called?

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Kwanzaa is celebrated over how many days?

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Kwanzaa was first celebrated in which decade?

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In what year did the first New Year's Eve ball drop in Times Square? 

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Which food is traditionally eaten in the Southern United States on New Year's Day for good luck?

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Which country is the first to celebrate the New Year due to its time zone? 

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What is the Winter Solstice known for?

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Which English landmark attracts visitors for its perfect alignment with the sunset on Winter Solstice?

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To date: How many Hubs does OneAdstra have?

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What are Adstra's Ideals? (select all that apply)

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In 2024, how many new hires were brought on to Adstra?

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