background presentation
kugovera mharidzo

Mafirimu Akatsanangurirwa Zvakaipa - Kisimusi



Sinead Baker

Mwana anotsiva ane urema hwemwoyo, murume anoratidza kuzivikanwa kwake, dzvinyiriro dzezororo, mukomana anonyandurwa, makwikwi echipo, mabiko anouraya ehofisi, uye kukuvadzwa paKrisimisi kunopindirana munyaya dzakashata.


Masiraidhi (17)

1 -

2 -

A man commits manslaughter in front of his child and gets a new job.

3 -

4 -

An inventor buys his son a new pet from a shady business owner. Also, the son's potential girlfriend doesn't like Christmas because...trauma.

5 -

6 -

Office holiday party ends in an explosion and many, many deaths.

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8 -

A man in search for the perfect gift goes to great and questionable lengths to keep another man from getting the gift before him, all while learning the true meaning of Christmas.

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10 -

When a child travels to an unknown location, he is stalked by criminals who want revenge.

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12 -

A couple who wants to take some time for themselves is forced by their friends and family to partake in holiday traditions at their expense.

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14 -

A man has to go to court to prove his identity.

15 -

16 -

An abandoned child with a congenital heart defect takes revenge on the town that ridiculed him.

17 -


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