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kugovera mharidzo

Cheers kuGore Idzva Mafaro



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Ziva tsika dzeNyika Idzva dzepasirese: muchero weEcuador, zvipfeko zvemukati zveItaly zvine rombo, mazambiringa epakati pehusiku eSpain, nezvimwe. Uyezve, zvigadziriso zvinonakidza uye kukanganisa kwechiitiko! Mufaro kuGore Idzva rinonakidza!

Masiraidhi (21)

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Which country was the first to officially celebrate the New Year each year due to its time zone?

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How many seconds does the Times Square New Year’s Eve ball take to descend during the countdown?

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What do people in Spain traditionally eat at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve for good luck?

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What do people in Spain traditionally eat at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve for good luck?

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Which tradition involves smashing plates on New Year’s Eve?

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In which country do people ring bells 108 times to celebrate the New Year?

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What color underwear is traditionally worn in Italy for good luck on New Year’s Eve?

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What is the world’s largest carnival event?

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Which fruit is traditionally rolled down the streets during New Year celebrations in Ecuador?

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What’s the funniest thing that could happen during a big event?

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If you could make one fun resolution right after the New Year countdown, what would it be?

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