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kugovera mharidzo

Mibvunzo Mibvunzo paWeb Technologies



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Iyi mharidzo ine mibvunzo yemibvunzo pawebhu tekinoroji, inofukidza JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL, uye jQuery, kuyedza ruzivo rwako uye kuwedzera kudzidza kwako munzvimbo idzi.


Masiraidhi (39)

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What does HTML stand for?

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Which HTML tag is used to define an internal style sheet?

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Which attribute is used to define inline styles?

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What is the correct HTML element for the largest heading?

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Which is the correct syntax to link an external CSS file?

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JavaScript is ______ language.

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Which method is used to access an HTML element by id?

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Which of the following is a correct way to write a JavaScript array?

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Which HTML attribute is used to define inline CSS?

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What does SQL stand for?

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Ndechipi chirevo cheSQL chinoshandiswa kubvisa data kubva mudhatabhesi?

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Which SQL clause is used to filter results?

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How do you insert a comment in SQL?

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What is a primary key in SQL?

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Which jQuery method is used to hide selected elements?

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Which of the following is used to include jQuery in an HTML page?

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Which jQuery function is used to set the HTML content of an element?

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Which jQuery method is used to change the CSS of an element?

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Which event is triggered when an element is clicked?

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