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Cili është ekuacioni algjebrik që përfaqëson pohimin: 'Unë jam gjashtë vjet më i vjetër se dyfishi i a



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Diapozitivët mbulojnë shprehjet dhe ekuacionet algjebrike, duke përfshirë aplikimet në jetën reale të buxhetimit për PPE dhe marrëdhëniet e moshës, duke theksuar se si të vendosen dhe zgjidhen ekuacionet.


Sllajde (36)

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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What is the algebraic equation that represents the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister, and I am 66 years old'?

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In a store, a shirt costs $25 and a pair of pants costs $40. If Jamie buys 3 shirts and 2 pairs of pants, how much will he spend in total?

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In a store, a shirt costs $25 and a pair of pants costs $40. If Jamie buys 3 shirts and 2 pairs of pants, how much will he spend in total?

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Arvin has a clothing allowance of P15,000. If the PPE he wishes to buy costs P3,000 each, how many PPE can he buy?

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If Arvin has a clothing allowance of P15,000 and each PPE costs P3,000, how many PPE can he buy?

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In the following equation, if x represents the cost of one Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and you have a clothing allowance of P15,000. How many PPE can you buy if each PPE costs P2,500? Write the equation and determine the maximum number of PPE you can purchase.

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What is the algebraic equation representing the statement: 'I am six years older than twice the age of my youngest sister. If I were 66 years old.'?

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What is an algebraic expression?

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What is an algebraic equation?

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