A na u ikemiselitse ho phephetsa kelello ka Afrika? Haeba ho joalo, u fihlile sebakeng se nepahetseng! Ea rona Linaha tsa Afrika Lipotso e tla fana ka lipotso tse 60+ ho tloha maemong a bonolo, a mahareng ho isa ho a thata ho leka tsebo ea hau. Itokisetse ho hlahloba linaha tse etsang tapestry ea Afrika.
Ha re qaleng!
Linaha tsa Afrika li kae? | 54 |
Afrika Borwa ke mmala ofe wa letlalo? | Lefifi ho ba Botsho |
Ho na le merabe e mekae Afrika? | 3000 |
Naha e ka Bochabela ka ho fetisisa Afrika? | Somalia |
Naha e ka Bophirimela ho Afrika ke efe? | Senegal |
Tafole ea likateng
- Overview
- Boemo bo Bonolo - Linaha Tsa Afrika Lipotso
- Boemo bo Bohareng - Dipotso tsa Dinaha tsa Afrika
- Boemo bo thata - Linaha Tsa Afrika Lipotso
- Litsela tsa bohlokoa
- Lipotso Asked hangata
Malebela a ho Kopanelana ha Molemo
U Batla Boithabiso bo Eketsehileng Nakong ea Likopano?
Bokella litho tsa sehlopha sa hau ka lipotso tse monate AhaSlides. Ingolise ho nka lipotso mahala AhaSlides laebrari ea template!
🚀 Ipotse Lipotso tsa Mahala☁️
Boemo bo Bonolo - Linaha Tsa Afrika Lipotso
1/ Ke leoatle lefe le arolang lik'honthinente tsa Asia le Afrika?
Karabo: Karabo: Leoatle le Lefubelu
2/ Ke linaha life tsa Afrika tse qalang ka alfabeta? Karabo: Algeria
3/ Ke naha efe ea Afrika e nang le baahi ba fokolang haholo?
Araba: Western Sahara
4/99% ea baahi ba naha ba phela phuleng kapa matsoapong a Noka ea Nile?
Araba: Egepeta
5/ Ke naha efe e leng lehae la Great Sphinx le Pyramids of Giza?
- Morocco
- Egepeta
- Sudan
- Libya
6/ Ke efe ho tse latelang e tsebahalang ka hore ke Horn of Africa?
- Mahoatata a Afrika Leboea
- Libaka tsa khoebo Lebopong la Atlantic
- Khakanyo e ka bochabela ea Afrika
7/ Thaba e telele ka ho fetisisa Afrika ke efe?
- Mitumba
- Atlas
- Virunga
8/ Ke peresente e kae ea Afrika e aparetsoeng ke Lehoatata la Sahara?
Araba: 25%
9/ Ke naha efe ea Afrika e leng sehlekehleke?
Araba: Madagascar
10/ Bamako ke motse-moholo oa naha efe ea Afrika?
Araba: Mali
11/ Ke naha efe Afrika eo e kileng ea e-ba eona feela lehae la dodo e timetseng?
- Tanzania
- Namibia
- Mauritius
12/ Noka e telele ka ho fetisisa ya Afrika e tshelang Lewatleng la India ke_____
Araba: The Zambezi
13/ Ke naha efe e tsebahalang ka Phallo ea selemo le selemo ea Lipulumo, moo liphoofolo tse limilione li tšelang lithota tsa eona?
- botswany
- Tanzania
- Ethiopia
- Madagascar
14/ Ke efe ho linaha tsee tsa Afrika eo e leng setho sa Commonwealth?
Araba: Cameroon
15/ Ke 'K' efe eo e leng tlhoro e phahameng ka ho fetisisa Afrika?
Araba: Kilimanjaro
16/ Ke efe ho linaha tsee tsa Afrika e ka boroa ho Lehoatata la Sahara?
Araba: Zimbabwe
17/ Ke naha efe e 'ngoe ea Afrika eo Mauritius e lutseng haufi le eona?
Araba: Madagascar
18/ Lebitso le tsebahalang haholo la sehlekehleke sa Unguja se lebopong le ka bochabela la Afrika ke lefe?
Araba: Zanzibar
19/ O kae motse-moholo oa naha eo pele e neng e bitsoa Abyssinia?
Araba: Addis Ababa
20/ Ke lihlopha life tsa lihlekehleke tseo tse SA fumanehang Afrika?
- Society
- Comoros
- Seychelles
Boemo bo Bohareng - Dipotso tsa Dinaha tsa Afrika
21/ Ke liprofinse life tse peli tsa Afrika Boroa tse fumanang mabitso a tsona linokeng? Karabo: Orange Free State le Transvaal
22/ Ke linaha tse kae tse Afrika, le mabitso a tsona?
Ho na le Linaha tse 54 tsa Afrika: Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo DR, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Eswatini (eo pele e neng e le Swaziland) , Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome le Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
23/ Letša la Victoria, letša le leholo ka ho fetisisa Afrika le la bobeli le leholo ka ho fetisisa la metsi a hloekileng lefatšeng le moeling oa linaha life?
- Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
- Congo, Namibia, Zambia
- Ghana, Cameroon, Lesotho
24/ Motse o moholo ka bophirima ho Afrika ke____
Araba: Dakar
25 Sebaka sa naha ea Egepeta se tlase ho bophahamo ba leoatle ke sefe?
Araba: Ho Tepella Maikutlong
26/ Ke naha efe e neng e tsejoa e le Nyasaland?
Araba: Malawi
27/ Nelson Mandela e bile Mopresidente wa Afrika Borwa ka selemo sefe?
Araba: 1994
28/ Nigeria e na le baahi ba bangata ka ho fetisisa Afrika, e leng ea bobeli?
Araba: Ethiopia
29 / Noka ea Nile e phalla linaheng tse kae Afrika?
- 9
- 11
- 13
30/ Motse o moholo ka ho fetisisa Afrika ke ofe?
- Johannesburg, South Africa
- Lagos, Nigeria
- Cairo, Egepeta
31/ Puo e buuoang haholo Afrika ke efe?
- French
- Searabia
- English
32/ Ke motse ofe wa Afrika o tlodisitsweng mahlo ke Table Mountain?
Araba: Cape Town
33/ Sebaka se tlase ka ho fetisisa Afrika ke Asal Lake - e ka fumanoa naheng efe?
Araba: Tunisia
34/ Ke bolumeli bofe bo nkang Afrika e le boemo ba moea ho e-na le sebaka sa naha?
Araba: Rastafarianism
35/ Ke naha efe e ncha ka ho fetisisa Afrika e ileng ea itšetleha ka Sudan ka 2011?
- Sudan Leboea
- Sudan South
- Sudan Bohareng
36/ Sebakeng se tsejoang ka lebitso la 'Mosi-oa-Tunya', tšobotsi ee ea Afrika re e bitsa eng?
Araba: Phororo ea Victoria
37/ Motse-moholo Monrovia oa Liberia ke mang?
- Lifate tsa matsoalloa a Monroe sebakeng seo
- James Monroe, mopresidente oa bohlano oa United States
- Marilyn Monroe, naleli ea lifilimi
38/ Sebaka sohle sa naha efe se ka hare ho Afrika Boroa ka botlalo?
- Mozambique
- Namibia
- Lesotho
39/ Motse-moholo oa Togo ke_____
Araba: Lome
40/ Lebitso la naha efe ya Afrika le bolelang 'mahala'?
Araba: Liberia
Boemo bo thata - Linaha Tsa Afrika Lipotso
41/ Lepetjo la naha efe ya Afrika e leng 'Ha re sebetseng mmoho'?
Araba: Kenya
42/ Nsanje, Ntcheu, le Ntchisi ke libaka tsa naha efe ea Afrika?
Araba: Malawi
43/ Lintoa tsa Maburu li etsahetse karolong efe ea Afrika?
Araba: South
44/ Ke sebaka sefe sa Afrika se tsebahalang haholo e le sebaka sa tlhaho sa batho?
- Afrika Boroa
- Afrika Bochabela
- Afrika Bophirimela
45/ Morena oa Egepeta eo lebitla le matlotlo a hae li ileng tsa sibolloa Phuleng ea Marena ka 1922 e ne e le mang?
Araba: Tutankhamen
46/ Table Mountain in South Africa ke mohlala oa mofuta ofe oa thaba?
Araba: Khoholeho ea mobu
47/ Ke baahi ba fe ba pele ba fihlileng Afrika Borwa?
Araba: Dutch in Cape of Good Hope (1652)
48/ Moetapele wa nako e telele ka ho fetisisa Afrika ke mang?
- Teodoro Obiang, Equatorial Guinea
- Nelson Mandela, Afrika Boroa
- Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe
49/ Ke eng e tsejoang ka hore ke Khauta e Tšoeu ea Egepeta?
Araba: k'hothone
50/ Ke naha efe e akarelletsang batho ba Yoruba, Ibo, le Mahausa-Fulani?
Araba: Nigeria
51/ The Paris-Dakar rally qalong e ile ea fela ka Dakar e leng motse-moholo oa hokae?
Araba: Senegal
52/ Folakha ea Libya ke khutlonnetsepa e hlakileng ea 'mala ofe?
Araba: Green
53/ Ke ralipolotiki ofe oa Afrika Boroa ea hapileng Khau ea Khotso ea Nobel ka 1960?
Araba: Albert Luthuli
54/ Ke naha efe ea Afrika e busoang ke Mokolonele Gadaffi ka lilemo tse ka bang 40?
Araba: Libya
55/ Ke sengoliloeng sefe se neng se nka Afrika e le “k’honthinente e se nang tšepo” ka 2000 le “k’honthinente e nang le tšepo” ka 2011?
- The Guardian
- The Economist
- Letsatsi
56/ Ke toropo efe e kgolo e ileng ya hlahiswa ka lebaka la ho ata ha Witwatersrand?
Araba: Johannesburg
57/ Boemo ba Washington bo boholo bo lekanang le ba naha efe ea Afrika?
Araba: Senegal
58/ Ke naha efe ea Afrika joalo ka Mopresidente oa Joao Bernardo Vieira?
Araba: Guinea-Bissau
59/ Ke molaoli ofe oa Brithani ea ileng a bolaoa Khartoum ka 1885?
Araba: Gordon
60/ Ke motse ofe oa Afrika o fumanang sebaka se hlahelletseng pina ea ntoa ea Masole a Metsing a US?
Araba: Tripoli
61/ Mosadi o ile a ahlolelwa mang dilemo tse tsheletseng teronkong kamora polao ya Stompei Seipi?
Araba: Winnie mashaba
62/ The Zambezi le dinoka tse ding tse hlalosang meedi ya Matabeleland?
Araba: Limpopo
Litsela tsa bohlokoa
Ka tšepo, ka ho leka tsebo ea hau ka lipotso tse 60+ tsa Lipotso tsa linaha tsa Afrika, u ke ke ua atolosa kutloisiso ea hau ea jeokrafi ea Afrika feela empa hape u tla fumana kutloisiso e betere ea nalane, setso le limakatso tsa tlhaho tsa naha ka 'ngoe.
Hape, u seke oa lebala ho phephetsa metsoalle ea hau ka ho tšoara Quiz Night e tletse litšeho le thabo ka tšehetso ea AhaSlides dithempleite 'me lipotso tse phelang tšobotsi!
Lipotso Asked hangata
Na ke 'nete hore Afrika e na le linaha tse 54?
E, ke 'nete. Ho ea ka machaba a kopaneng, Afrika e na le linaha tse 54.
Joang ho tšoara linaha tsa Afrika ka hlooho?
Mona ke mekhoa e meng ea ho u thusa ho tšoara linaha tsa Afrika ka hlooho:
Etsa li-Acronyms kapa Acrostics: Theha acronym kapa acrostic ka ho sebelisa tlhaku ea pele ea lebitso la naha ka 'ngoe. Mohlala, o ka etsa poleloana e kang "Litlou tse Kholo Kamehla li Tlisa Linaoa tse Ntle tsa Kofi" ho emela Botswana, Ethiopia, Algeria, Burkina Faso, le Burundi.
Lihlopha ka Libaka: Arola linaha ka libaka 'me u ithute tsona ka libaka. Mohlala, o ka kopanya linaha tse kang Kenya, Tanzania le Uganda joalo ka linaha tsa Afrika Bochabela.
Gamify Mokhoa oa ho Ithuta: Sebelisa AhaSlides' lipotso tse phelang ho bapatsa boiphihlelo ba ho ithuta. U ka theha phephetso ea nako moo barupeluoa ba tlamehang ho tseba linaha tse ngata tsa Afrika kamoo ho ka khonehang ka nako e behiloeng. Sebelisa AhaSlides' karolo ea liboto tsa baetapele ho bonts'a lintlha le ho khothaletsa tlholisano ea botsoalle.
Ke linaha tse kae tse Afrika le mabitso a tsona?
Ho na le Linaha tse 54 tsa Afrika: Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo DR, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Eswatini (eo pele e neng e le Swaziland) , Ethiopia,
Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome le Principe, Senegal, Seychelles , Sierra Leone, Somalia, Afrika Boroa, Sudan Boroa,
Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Na re na le linaha tse 55 Afrika?
Che, re na le linaha tse 54 feela Afrika.